Latest story aight, NaruTem fic for 100 percent, though that is in the future, like five chapters maybe. It will practically be an AU story, this is for sure because I have made a lot of changes in past events in the Naruto Universe here. It will all be revealed in due time, but one change is Naruto's treatment. Please review.

Disclaimer: I not own Naruto in any form.

The rumor were fast spreading through Konoha, apparently the latest batch of Gennin from the academy had all been nominated to undergo the Gennin examinations. The three teams had now been dubbed as the rookie 9. This was what the three travelers heard from the owner of the most well known ramen stand in all of Konoha, Ichiraku.

"So, what did I tell you gaki, these guys had the best ramen ever right?" the tallest of the three said as he finished his second bowl of ramen.

"I admit sensei that I was wrong," the shortest said as he finished his twelfth bowl.

"I still prefer barbeque and dimsum over this stuff," said the last one grumpily as he finished his seventh bowl.

"I still don't get it, we're supposed to be related yet you don't love ramen, sensei said that otou-san loved the stuff too." The shortest said.

"Well maybe it is because we're only cousins and out mothers were sisters, I'm not related to your father in any way." The grumpy member said.

"Well let's get to business, we have an exam to nominate you for," the tallest member and also the by far oldest one said as he paid for the meal.

"Hai sensei," the two younger boys responded as they walked off.

The hokage sat at his desk going through the last nominations for the Chūnin exam when the door to his office was opened with a loud bang. "Can't you see I'm busy!" the aging man said without looking up from his pappers.

"Sarutobi-sensei, I didn't think this would be the way you would greet your returning student and the two heirs that left twelve years ago," the intruder said.

The old man look up from his pappers and saw the telltale white hair, green clothes and red west belonging to the one and only Gama-sennin of the sannin. "Jiraiya-kun, you're back. Truthfully I expected you to be back three years ago to let Kai-Wei take the Gennin exam."

"About that, that's completely Tsunade's fault, she took him for four years and trained him, I got him back a year ago and then I had to teach him some Fūin jutsu and increase his jutsu library which was relatively small then," the white haired man defended himself.

"Hai, that's correct, Tsunade-san taught me over a four year period," a dark haired boy said as he walked through the doors. He was garbed in loose black pants, an opened black gi revealing a fishnet shirt underneath and his neck was covered by a black shawl.

Behind the dark haired boy came another person that was much shorter and veiled in mystery due to his brown cloak and hood with only a few blonde bangs sticking out through the hood, however the hokage instantly guessed who it was. "I guess you're Naruto then," the hokage said to the newest arrival and received a nod from the boy.

"Sarutobi-sensei, I'm here to enroll these in the Chūnin exams and for them to receive their hitai-ate," Jiraiya said.

"But they are just two, don't you think it'll be a little too much for them too handle, also this means more paperwork for me," the hokage complained.

"They'll handle it, you don't know half of what these brats can do," Jiraiya said proudly, "They will surpass the Yondaime with most likelihood."

"Yeah, so get ready to give up that chair to me old man," the youngest said confidently as he took of his cloak and hood revealing the same clothes as the other boy but in a navy blue color.

"Che Naruto, I'll be the next hokage, given that the hokage don't nominate a new hokage within the next five years, it's not like one can hope to become hokage before twenty," Kai said.

"So Uzumaki Kai and Uzumaki Naruto will be nominated for the Chūnin exams then," the hokage said.

"Why Uzumaki? That was our mothers family name…" the two boys questioned.

"Simply because no one knows that you two survived, and we certainly don't want your families enemies to know about your survival, only when you reach Jōnin will your real names be revealed," the hokage said as he opened a drawer and took out two Hitai-ate from it.

"Understood hokage-sama," Kai said as he took the Hitai-ate from the hokage that was offered to him.

"I need the two of you to fill in these and take some photos for your Ninja license," the hokage continued. "The Chūnin exams will take place next Wednesday so be there at ten A.M. you can leave now."

"Thank Sarutobi-sensei," Jiraiya said as he led his two students out side.

When they got into the hallway Kai was quick to run up to the two guards stationed outside the doors and stretched out his hands, "Now give them back," he said. Soon he had three weapons in his hands that he was quick to fit into place. He strapped on of the kodachi to his waist with the hilt tilting to the left and the other kodachi was strapped to his back jutting out above his right shoulder and handled in his hand was a long spear with one end covered in a bag.

"Come on, get over with your mushy time with that polearm of yours Kai-niisan," Naruto said before running out as fast as he could when Kai turned to him.

"I'll show you how much Seiryutou can hurt you Naruto!" Kai yelled as he took off after his cousin while Jiraiya was just shaking his head in embarrassment at his students before he left to do some research, after all, they both knew where to find him later.

After two hours of changing Naruto who made a constant use of bunshin only to be replicated by Kai, Kai had finally cornered the original. "Now Naruto, beg for mercy!" he demanded.

"No, not going to happen," Naruto said defiantly.

"Your loss," Kai said before he sent Naruto airborne with a mighty smash that knocked him out in the process, "And it's ten points to Kai!" Kai declared as he saw Naruto go down in the women's onsen, however the expected outcry did not come. 'Kuso, he used "that" jutsu,'

Jiraiya was contently looking through a hole in the fence that surrounded the female's onsen when a large splash obscured his view before it calmed down and a familiar person was seen sitting in the onsen. 'I really have to get the boys to teach me that jutsu, then I could be inside with the women instead of standing here in the cold. My jutsu is good but Tsunade can see through it, this one she can't.'

"So Naruto, I've been wondering something ever since you came out from the onsen, was there any pretty girls in there or what? You had quite the blush," Kai asked his younger cousin. To him the response said it all, or rather the lack of response he received.

"Shut up Kai-niisan!" Naruto said in anger, making his cousin to burst out laughing.

"Well maybe you have the luck to encounter her at the Chūnin exams, the exams are pretty large, you remember them back in Kusa right? There were tons of people there."

"Yeah, I remember. Sensei was off peeping all the time there," Naruto responded, "And it seems it would not be better this time around!" the blond yelled out, startling the white haired sennin in his perch behind some bushes looking through the fence.

"You know sensei, for a shinobi you're very bad at hiding when doing your 'research'." Kai said to their sensei that had come out of his hiding.

"Well I don't have that Oiroke no Jutsu of yours," Jiraiya huffed, "And don't try to deny that you have used it for that, I know you have Kai." Kai was momentarily frozen and a quick flush appeared on his face before disappearing after a second.

"So what, it have many uses," Kai said nonchalantly.

"You used the jutsu for that Kai-niisan!" Naruto said shocked.

"Well how about we find somewhere to stay, I think there will be plenty of full hotels with the upcoming exams afterall, I've seen several shinobi from other village so we better find a room sooner than later," Kai said, switching the subject.

"No worry, I have a house already also we have two clan compounds to our disposal," Jiraiya said as they started to walk, Jiraiya leading the way through the maze that was Konoha.

After half an hour of walking around on the street they stopped by a house at the outskirts of the forest surrounding Konoha nearby one of the training grounds. It was a two story house of large proportions and it even had its own onsen. "Figures he would have a onsen," the two gennin deadpanned in unison at seeing the hotspring.

"Ha, you should see the clan compounds, they have even larger hotsprings than I do," Jiraiya said to his students as he opened up the door with his key. The door opened and revealed a large hallway that was in dire need of cleaning, the whole house was in dire need of cleaning.

"You two, clean up this place. Here you have a key each, I need to talk with the hokage." Jiraiya said before he jumped off leaving the two boys with their keys.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" they both said and ten clones popped into existence and started to clean the house that the two boys left after locking the door.

Pretty soon the two boys were roaming about the streets of Konoha, learning the environment and location of all the places of importance like where the training grounds were, the restaurants and they were still looking for a particular weapons store Jiraiya had told them about, they were apparently the best out of the best according to Jiraiya. And both boys were in dire need of new Kunai and Shuriken, having spent all of theirs last week.

"Where is that damn weapons store," Kai complained as he started to twirl his polearm.

"I don't get how you can do that, that thing weight's a ton," Naruto said as he watched his cousin spin the weapon.

"It's only twenty-five kilograms, for you though it feels something like ten times of that, not a ton, at least according to my fathers notes it should be something like that." Kai said to his cousin as he continued twirling his weapon.

"Still…" Naruto said as they rounded a corner and saw two Suna nin confronting two Konoha nin, the male suna nin holding up a young boy by his shawl.

"You know, I really hate brats," said the suna nin holding the boy. The Suna nin was oddly dressed in what looked like a black baby suit with two cat ears and his face had a lot of paint on it.

Kai stood there watching things as they unfolded uninterested in what the suna nin said, what interested him was what he saw his cousin doing, he was blushing when he saw the ones present at the scene. 'hn, either it's the pink haired or the blonde,'

"You should put him down, we were just fooling around," said the nervous pink haired genin. The suna nin just scoffed, he was obviously not willing to put down the boy as they all saw him reel back his arm to punch the boy when a rock hit him hard on the wrist, making him drop the boy.

"You should know not to make scene when on foreign ground, this can have serious diplomatic consequences," said an arrogant voice from the tree to Naruto's right. Out of the tree jumped a raven haired boy in Naruto's age clad in a blue shirt with the Uchiha clan crest and white pants.

"You know one would almost think that they were here to wage war with how they behave," Kai said to Naruto, just loud enough for everyone to hear, making the suna nin freeze up.

"Kankurō, you're an embarrassment to our village!" said a voice from within the same tree as the Uchiha had come from, sending shivers of dread up Kankurō's spine.

In a swirl of sand a boy with red hair appeared. He was clad in black clothes and over his back was a gourd slung. "You!" the boy said pointing to the Uchiha, "What's your name?"

"Uchiha Sasuke," the raven haired boy responded, "Your name?"

"Sabaku no Gaara," the redhead said before he turned around, "Temari, Kankurō, we're leaving," the two Suna nin followed obediently like dogs, strange in Kai's mind since they looked like the older ones, especially the kunoichi who looked to be around his age.

"You two," the Uchiha said turning around to the Uzumakis, "I haven't seen you before, yet you bear Konoha's Hitai-ate."

"Hai, we just became gennin of Konoha," the blond said while the dark haired just stared straight forward not caring about the Uchiha.

"Hn, you're probably too weak to have passed before now," the Uchiha said arrogantly as he started to walk away.

Naruto was angry; this Uchiha who had an air of self-importance and arrogancy around him had found a way to push his buttons just as good as his cousin who had learned how to do it over eight years. There were two things that Naruto disliked, arrogance and open perverts. He was about to teach the Uchiha a lesson when he felt a firm grip on his right shoulder, looking up he saw the face of his cousin looking dangerously at him with a glint in the eye Naruto hadn't seen in years. This was going to be fun, oh so fun Naruto concluded as he relaxed his stature.

The two Konoha gennin had followed the Uchiha while the kids that had been at the scene had left. "Let's find that weapon store Naruto, and then start planning our plot against this Uchiha kid, we'll show him just what our clans can do."

It wasn't until hours later, ten minutes before the store was closing they found it. It was a fairly large store with a wide array of weapons, though most were of no interest for the two genin as what they were looking for was only kunai and shuriken.

"Hi boys, see anything you like?" said a slightly burly man that came out from the depths of the store greeting them.

"Yeah, we would like to have five hundred kunai and the same amount of shuriken, also twenty fūma shuriken and I would like to inquire if it is possible for you to make kunai such as these," the oldest of the two said as he produced a three pronged kunai from a pocket.

"These are..." The man exclaimed as he was given the kunai seeing a nod from both the boys.

"We are trying to replicate the technique, though we need more than this single kunai to understand it," the blond said.

"Yes I can make these, however it'll cost you and take some time. Especially considering your already large order and all the orders I have for this upcoming exam. I might be able to make some in a months time when the exams should be coming to a closure," the weapon store owner said.

"Ah, it's not a problem, we just wondered if you could make them, we have no real hurry in getting them, however the other supplies would we need now as we have test in a weeks time to attend to," Kai said.

"Do you have a lot of money? Unfortunately for you I only have my high quality weapons left in that quantity and they are more expensive than the usual stuff. The shuriken and kunai will be 50 ryō a piece and the fūma shuriken is 500 ryō," the man questioned.

"Not a problem," Kai said yet again as he snatched something from Naruto's pocket.

"Hey! That's mine!" Naruto complained as his cousin took out a wad of ryō bills from the toad shaped wallet before throwing back the wallet to its owner.

"That should be sixty thousand ryō," Kai said as he gave the store owner the money for their supplies. To say that he had been surprised when this mere genin had been able to produce that amount of money would be and understatement. From what he heard, everyday, the gennin salary was not that good with an average of two thousand ryō per D-rank.

"Tenten-chan!" the store owner called out and the face of a girl appeared in the doorway from the workshop.

"What is it?" the girl asked.

"Five hundred kunai and shuriken and twenty fūma shuriken, the high quality ones," he told the girl who at first had her jaw dropping before she disappeared into the depths of the store getting the large amount of weapons.

The storeowner went inside the small office located behind the counter and put the money in a safe. "You know, usually people just buy maybe twenty kunai and shuriken and a pair of fūma shuriken," the man said to his two customers.

"Well we waste a lot of kunai and shuriken, it's to much work to collect the stuff, though Naruto here might do it sometimes," Kai said.

"Is that a naginata?" the store owner questioned as he pointed to the weapon Kai held in his right hand, the cloth covering what he supposed was the blade.

"No, it's a Guan Dao called Seiryutou,"

"And he loves the damn weapon," said the blond before he was smacked on the head by his older companion.

"Mind if I have a look at it?" the store owner asked.

"Sure go ahead mister…" Kai said as he untied the cloth that covered up the blade part of the polearm.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself before didn't I, I'm Haya Kensuke and I'm the owner of this store," the man said. He stretched out one hand to take the blade but was advised to use both hands when taking the blade. He was confused but complied but as he took the weapon he understood, he was almost sent crashing to the ground by the weapon's weight. It was a good thing that he still was in a rather decent shape considering he had quit the ninja profession twenty years ago.

The girl walked into the store just as Kensuke had gotten up to a standing position letting the polearm stand on the ground as he inspected it. "It's a fine blade, but it's heavy." The man said.

"Yeah, it's a blood seal on it so no one outside of my family is able to wield it without a great effort," Kai said.

"Ah, Tenten-chan, there you are. These two are the ones that will have all those weapons," Kensuke said as he motioned to the two boys. The girl raised and eyebrow, these guys were able to afford that amount of weapons, and they seemed to still be genin just like she was and she wasn't able to afford all this stuff in one fell swoop, and still she was getting a large discount as she worked in this store. She dropped off the box with supplies and went back to the back of the store where she continued with her work of doing an inventory of everything.

"Well thank you very much Kensuke-san, we got to go now and I guess you and your daughter have to close down your store, it's after closing time already," Kai said as Naruto picked up the box of weapons.

"She's not my daughter, she's actually an orphan who works for me in her freetime after her work as a kunoichi is over. It's sad really, the Kyuubi's attack left our village with many orphans in this generation," the store owner said quietly to the two.

The Naruto's head fell a little at hearing this, he knew that he wasn't the Kyuubi, yet he couldn't help but feel guilty over the death caused by the monster fox. The fox had caused so much grief in Konoha and destroyed the lives of many.

The two "Uzumakis" walked out the store and headed towards their house where they stayed with their sensei, but not before stopping and eating something along the road.

"So it's completely sealed then?" the hokage questioned his student as they were finishing their talks, long after what he had expected.

"Hai, it would seem that the seal was weakening, if only slightly but we decided to seal it, overruling the old seal and fully cutting off the fox's chakra," Jiraiya told his old sensei.

"Hm, your other news was disturbing to say the least," Sarutobi said as he puffed on his pipe, "How did you get your hands on that information?"

"Through some contacts," Jiraiya said in a tone that said that had been all he was going to explain about it.

"Luckily you will be here and hopefully Tsunade I understand,"

"Yes, I doubt she would miss the exams, now that she have an apprentice in them and all and a large bet over who goes to the finals. She also see's this as the perfect gambling opportunity with all the bets that usually comes with the exams."

"This is very much appreciated though; I'll have some precautions set up in case this scenario you told me about really does occur."

"Very well Sarutobi-sensei, I believe it's time for me to take my leave or I'll come home to a nasty surprise." Jiraiya said as he walked out of the office leaving his sensei to think about what he had been told.

The week before the exam had been spent around the area of Jiraiya's house, the two genin only leaving to eat lunch and dinner in town which much to Kai's chagrin often consisted of ramen from Ichiraku. Sure he could eat it but he could not take it for seven days in a row.

It was the day of the exam and the two genin met outside the academy one hour earlier than the others; it was always good to scout out the competition and prepare a special welcome for a certain genin. They sat there waiting and they recognized the girl that worked in the weapons shop walking inside with what they supposed was her team.

"Can you really wear that kind of thing and be allowed to live Kai-niisan?" Naruto questioned to his cousin who shaked his head sorrowfully."

"I don't know Naruto, I don't know. Did you see his eyebrows though, it almost looked like they were alive, and his haircut," Kai visibly shuddered at the thought.

As the two cousins conversed they saw the Uchiha and his team walk towards the academy, "Prime target in sight," they both said as they took out a shuriken each poising it for the throw. As the Uchiha was about to walk through the door they both threw their shuriken that graciously flew through the air and cut two wire holding up two bags above the entrance.

There was a loud outcry heard from the outside of the academy making everyone standing in the hallway turn towards the main door from which the yell had come from. When the door was opened it revealed team seven standing there, what one the spectators were shocked about was the Uchiha's hair, it was just the same shade of pink as his teammate's, still dripping with the pink dye, coloring his blue shirt as well.

"Uzumaki, one, Uchiha, zero." The two Uzumakis said from their perch before jumping down on the ground, walking into the academy. They were soon met with the view of an angry Uchiha Sasuke trying to force his way through two Chūnin in henge.

"I'm not in the mood for your stupid genjutsu release it now and let us go to the third floor, this is just the second floor!" the survivor said through gritted teeth as he saw the looks of mirth he was given from the majority of the present gennin.

"You're not in the mood Uchiha? You took the wrong perfume, didn't like the smell of cherries?" Sasuke heard from behind and there stood the two genin he had met a week ago on the streets when the suna nin had threatened the grandson of the hokage.

"You! You two did this!" the Uchiha said as he pointed towards his dyed hair.

"Accusing your own comrades, you know we're supposed to be from the same village you know," the blond boy said waving it off, "Might have been Oto though, heard they are real sissies using underhanded tactics."

The two genin was gone before Sasuke could rebuff having gotten past the two Chūnin that had stood there before they could react. "I didn't know you could hold pre exams for the exams," Kai whispered to the one with bandage's before disappearing.

"It's funnier this way and it weeds out the really weak, even if we were found out by the Uchiha who ruined the point," the Chūnin responded, knowing that the boy most likely still was within earshot, receiving a light laughter that died down in the distance proving just that.

The two Chūnin release the genjutsu they had cast over the whole hallway before walking through the door they had protected that now were revealed to be room 201 and not 301 as was the one the genin wanted to get into.

Kai and Naruto navigated to room 301 where they saw a silver haired man standing reading a orange book that the two of the would recognize from anywhere. "Hey you two, where is your third team mate, you know that you have to have a full team to be allowed into the exam right?" the Jōnin said without looking up from his book. 'One of them have high Chūnin level amounts of chakra and the other have high level genin,' he remarked to himself.

"Just let us through the door," the oldest of the two said, "We're allowed into this exam even without a third teammate."

"I'm afraid I can't do that," the silver haired man said as he turned another page in his book.

"I'll give you this if you let us through the door," Kakashi looked up and saw that the darkhaired boy held something he had been searching high and low for but hadn't been able to find.

"The ultra rare golden edition of Icha Icha Paradise, only thirty copies were made!" the silver haired Jōnin exclaimed as he dropped his own book to the floor, something that hadn't happened ever before.

"Do we have a deal Ero-Jōnin?" the blond asked and received a vigorous nod from the enthusiastic man.

"However still you owe us one for this, it was hard to get my hands on a couple of these and they are hard to come by," Kai said and just received another nod as he handed the book to the man who stepped to the side allowing the two to step inside.

"I only have two copies of them left," Kai complained as he walked inside the doors and patted a pouch that was hidden at his left side.

"I still can't understand how you can read that stuff, and then also make it out alive in the presence of Tsunade having them on your person," Naruto said shaking his head.

"When you're older you'll understand Naruto. With Tsunade it all revolve about being careful and always be on your alert, else you're dead meat, as our sensei so kindly showed us,"

"Hey you guys! You finally…" they heard a loud voice call out and they and saw a boy with a fur lined jacket walk towards the door into the room before he doubled over and started to laugh. Following him was some other genin from Konoha that started to snicker at seeing the new arrivals.

"Shut up Kiba," the pink haired girl said to the boy who laughed loudly.

"What happened to you Sasuke-kun?" a blonde asked as she threw herself at the Uchiha survivor taking a firm grip on the boy. "You smell like cherries, don't tell me…" the blonde looked at the pink haired member of the team, "you got Sasuke-kun forehead!?" the blonde said angrily.

"It isn't like that Ino-buta, there was two genin that dropped pink dye and perfume in Sasuke's hair just outside the academy," the pink haired girl said angrily searching for the culprits.

"They must have been skilled then, they didn't hit his shirt," Kiba said as he managed to hold his laughter for a second before he burst out laughing again.

"It was drenched, fortunately Kakashi-sensei was so kind that he went and got a spare for Sasuke-kun," the pink haired girl said.

Kiba who just had managed to get his laughter under control started to laugh again at hearing this. "Man I wanna meet those guys, they should have a medal," ¨Kiba said and received dark looks from the present females.

Another team arrived at the scene where Kiba was about to be pounced by three females, ending up between the girls and their prey. "Hinata-sama, what is happening here?" a boy with white eyes asked a girl with the same eyes as him.

"It's nothing Neji-oniisan, we were just talking about how Sasuke-kun was attacked outside the academy just now," the girl named Hinata responded.

"There they are!" Sakura exclaimed and pointed an accusing finger towards Kai and Naruto.

"Really Sakura-san, you should be more quiet, don't you feel how tense the atmosphere already is and everyone have directed their attention to us now," Neji said to his cousins friend.

"Your Hyuga friend is right you know, anyone could attack you now since there are no proctors here, you're the rookie nine and a for the Chūnin exams new team correct?" a silver haired genin asked. "Let me give you all a piece of advice little cute gennin, don't draw attention to you."

"And you are?" Sasuke questioned.

"Yakushi Kabuto, a veteran at these test, I've done them seven times already," the silver haired genin responded.

"Really, then you can't be any good, I bet we'll beat your ass in the exams," Kiba said confidently.

"I don't have enough chakra to complete the whole exam," Kabuto said. "Is there any guy that interest you, I have info on every nin present here with the help of my nin cards."

"Yes, I would like to know about Sabaku no Gaara and those two," Sasuke said as he pointed to Kai and Naruto.

"Well you have a name, but the other will take a little while to find." Kabuto said as he started to shuffle through the deck of cards.

"They are blank," Kiba pointed out.

"Yes, they work when I charge my chakra into them and the information will become visible." Kabuto explained as he a card materialized revealing information about Gaara, "Sabaku no Gaara is the same age as you guys and have completed 24 C-rank, 7 B-rank and 1 A-rank, very impressive for his age. His Taijutsu is mediocre at best, genjutsu is the same and ninjutsu is strong. It also says he have returned from the missions without a scratch. His teammates is Sabaku no Temari and Sabaku no Kankurō and sensei is Baki."

The rookie nine and the other Konoha team just stared at their senior Konoha genin in disbelief. "He must be strong to return unharmed from such missions, how troublesome," one of them said.

"Now about your two friends over there… It took a while to find them but I finally did it. Uzumaki Kai, fifteen years old. Teammate Uzumaki Naruto… What?!" Kabuto exclaimed as he stared at the two cards in his hands.

"What is it Kabuto-san?" Sakura asked the silver haired genin.

"I have no more information, and it's the same with Uzumaki Naruto," he said perplexed.

There was a loud explosion and a cloud of smoke covered the front of the classroom, "All right you punks, shut up all of you!" a voice said from within the cloud of smoke that started to dissipate revealing a tall man standing there along with several Chūnin. "I'm Morino Ibiki and will be the examiner in this exam! Now everyone walk up here and get your note and sit by the corresponding seat."

After five minutes everyone sat down at their seats and waited for further instructions from the main proctor.

"Now listen carefully because I will not repeat myself. I will now hand out the exam sheets on which there will be nine questions that you will answer, after 45 minutes I will give you a tenth question. Everyone starts out with ten points and for every wrong answer a point will be deducted from your score, also if you are caught cheating two points will be deducted from your score for every time. In the end you need to have at least five points to pass, if you however get to zero before the exam ends you will fail and then leave the room. When one in your team fails, the whole team fails. You should know this; we will watch your every move," Ibiki said, intimidating the genin with some exceptions.

"A written test!? Why did it have to be a written test?" Kai and Naruto questioned in unison, proving that the two was in the same mindset; both hated written tests.

"Begin!" Ibiki yelled at the genins, further intimidating some.

Forty-five minutes had passed and most had finished writing the exam and it was time for the final question Kai recognized as he stopped his twirling the pen with his hand. He hadn't bothered trying to answer the questions, it was far too cumbersome. That meant most likely Naruto hadn't tried either since he was even more of a slacker when it came to this stuff.

"Alright, now before the tenth question I want to ask you a question, do you want to take the tenth question?"

"What kinda question is that?" the blonde kunoichi from Suna questioned.

"Well it is pretty easy, if you wish to take it and fail you will forever be stuck with the rank of Chūnin, however if you give up you can come back again next time." Ibiki explained, "Now who of you want to take the last question?" the tension was tight, and soon hands were raised saying they gave up, it was a good ten minutes before everyone that wanted to give up had left the room. Still in the room were sixteen teams which had been around the expected number of teams. There was six from Konoha, two from Ame, two from Kusa, three from Suna, one from Oto and two from Taki.

The atmosphere was tense and filled with confusion just as a blur of purple came crashing through the window landing in front of Ibiki and the blur was revealed to be a woman clad in a open trench coat, fishnet shirt hugging her figure and a short skirt.

"I am Mitarashi Anko and I will be the proctor of the second exam, now follow me!" she loudly declared and started to walk towards the door and the genin hesitantly followed her.

After a rather long walk they stopped outside a large fenced area, Naruto estimated it to be at least five kilometers wide from the looks of it. "This is the forest of Death!" Anko said dramatically.

"Looks like another forest to me, easy piece," Naruto mumbled to his cousin and a moment later he felt a kunai graze his cheek.

"You know, it's the boastfull that usually dies first in here," Anko said to him and licked the blood trailing down his cheek from the slight wound, scaring the shit out of the others present.

"Are we going to get on with this thing or are you going to lick my cousin all day?" Kai questioned irately, not fazed by the woman's behavior.

Anko was quick to return in front of the group, "Now I want you all to fill in these consent forms so I or Konoha won't be responsible in case of your death. When everyone in your team have filled in them you can leave them there and get your scroll," she explained and pointed to a hut where two Chūnin sat. "You either receive a heaven or earth scroll and to pass this exam you will need one of each and come to the tower in the middle before the five days you will spend here are up. If you have a gravely injured or dead teammate you automatically fail the exam."

"Begin!" the voice rang through the air and the gate in front of the two was opened by the proctor.

"We do this as quick as possible, we want to break the previous record for this right?" Kai said as he pushed off at his highest possible speed with Naruto tight on his heel.

"Yeah, he won't have the record anymore. We are aiming for less than four hours. We have ten kilometers to pass so that is half an hour meaning we have around three hours to find a team. We need a heaven scroll right?"

"Yeah, I saw that the Oto team got one so lets find them, we will take out any team we encounter." Kai said as he ran through five handseals, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" in front of the two boys was now five wolfs, "I want you too find this guy," Kai said as he pulled out a turf of white pelt looking material.

"You snatched that from the bandaged guy's clothes?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, didn't notice a thing so they will be easy prey," Kai said as the wolves scattered, "We can't be standing here for my wolfs to signal to me so lets go and search for ourselves.

The two boys had been running for half an hour when four of the five returned to them and started to lead them in the direction where the fifth had took of to, now trailing the sound team, carefully avoiding the traps they found. When they found the Oto-nin the wolves disappeared in puffs of smoke, their purpose fulfilled.

"Hn, get ready to go in quick and without mercy, you know their intents." Kai whispered to Naruto who gave him a nod.

The three Oto-nin was standing and talking about what their master just had told them, attack the Uchiha and kill him, trying to find out the best way to approach them. "I say we do it tomorrow, when they are weary from being in the woods, they are after all rookies," said the one with the white pelt on his back.

"It does sound like better than attack them now that they are still fresh," said the girl on the team.

"Yeah I con…" the third member started but was cut off as he fell to the ground with a kunai lodged deeply into his back. The two Oto-nin jumped away just in time as a barrage of kunai landed where they stood moments ago.

"Shit, someone found us already, didn't you set up traps Dosu?" the girl screeched at her team member.

"I did, they must have managed to evade them all," Dosu said in confusion, he had set out a large amount of traps yet their attackers had managed to avoid them all, "We need to figure out where they are and then counter attack." Dosu was about to jump of the branch when he felt the presence of someone between him and his teammate.

"End game," the person said before the world turned black for the two Oto-nin.

Kai and Naruto had stopped by a river where Kai cleaned of the blade of his polearm and the small at the end of it since they were both covered in blood. "Well then towards the tower," Naruto said as Kai finished cleaning the blade.


"Anko-san! Anko-san, come here quick!" one of the proctors said to the Tokubetsu Jōnin in charge of the exam.

"What is it?" came from the irate kunoichi, she was about to put another piece of dango in her mouth when he had yelled at her.

"The first team, they are inside!" the proctor said pointing towards a screen showing two genin walking around inside the building.

"Impossible… It's just two hours since we begun, they can't be ready already…" the woman said, dropping the stick of dango in her hand.

The five days spent in the tower had passed by slowly. Thus far every team from Konoha had come to the tower, however one of them was disqualified since they had two members that were unable to continue and had to be brought to the tower by Jōnin. The sibling team from Suna was the only other team that had managed to get to the tower before the time limit, when the proctors had searched the forest they had found that the remaining teams had either been killed by their fellow genin or by the wildlife.

They were all taken to a room by Anko where the Hokage along with everyone's sensei waited for them. "Ah welcome everyone," the Hokage greeted them, "You have all passed to the final part of these examinations which will be held in a month's time at the stadium in front of daimyos and almost the entire population of Konoha. We will now hold a draw to decide the matches, however if there is anyone who wishes to withdraw, now is the time."

"I, Yakushi Kabuto wish to withdraw from these exams," the silver haired genin said.

"Very well, anyone else?" the friendly Hokage asked, "No one? Good then if you would Jiraiya…"

Jiraiya walked forward and held a bowl with several slips of paper in it. "Draw a note and inside is a number, you will see your opponent on that board as Ibiki fill it in,"

Every genin took a slip of paper and told the proctor of the first exam what number they had.

"So then, the first match will be Sabaku No Gaara against Rock Lee, second match will be Sabaku No Temari against Nara Shikamaru, third match is Uzumaki Naruto against Inuzuka Kiba, fourth match will be Akadō Yoroi against Tsurugi Misumi, fifth match will be Hyuga Hinata against Tenten, sixth match will be Yamanaka Ino against Uzumaki Kai-Wei, seventh match will be Hyuga Neji against Sabaku No Kankurō and eight match will be Akimichi Choji against Aburame Shino. This is a tournament style of matches," Ibiki explained.

"There you have your opponents, now prepare yourselves for the matches and train hard," the hokage said before he left the room, leaving the students there along with their sensei.

"So how did it go?" Jiraiya asked his two students,

"Fine, we reduced the number of sound if only a little," Kai answered back with a casual tone that scared the rookie genin to a small extent since the meaning of those words was well understood. In all truth the rookie teams had yet to make their first direct kill.

"Well your other sensei will be here in a weeks time Kai, she wants to give you some new tricks apparently so until then train this scroll with jutsu while I train Naruto okay," Jiraiya said as he gave his student a scroll.

"Well we're off to training so I guess I'll see you then," Jiraiya said before he along with Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The assembled genin watched as the dark-haired boy disappeared as well as sakura flowers started to whirl around him until he was covered with it and when they fell to the ground he was gone.

"What a troublesome team," one of the rookies said as they had left the building.