AN: This is Pre SOF because my idea doesn't work if Iggy's already met his parents. Just so your not confused, Iggy and Korey are the same person.

Disclaimer: I really don't know the point of this thing, for I don't know of a story on fanfiction that was actually written by the true author of the book. since this is fanfiction, that means that it is: "fanfiction: Fictional stories created by fans, based on books movies games or TV shows" get the point yet? I don't claim max ride, just this idea, jeez.

Chapter 1: Flashback

"Come on you guys, lets land there for the night" announced Tristan, pointing down at the forest they were flying over. He was answered with 4 nods of agreement from his family.

They landed in a small clearing and started to set up camp. "Kim, you and Sam go get some firewood." stated Tristan. "Cain, and I'll get started on a fire."

He turned around and found Korey already asleep on the ground. He couldn't help smiling to himself,they had been flying for a good eight hours that day, and the little guy was exhausted.

After the fire had been lit, Tristan sat down next the sleeping eight year old. Korey was the youngest of his family, the baby of the group. He was their little brother. Even though Sam and Korey were the only blood related ones in the family, thats what the five of them were: a family.

Kim came up behind Tristan and put a hand on his shoulder. "Kor asleep?" she asked quietly. Tristan nodded as she laid herself down beside him. "You got first watch?" she asked sleepily. Again, Tristan nodded, "yeah...go to sleep, I'll wake you up for the second." Kim nodded and was asleep within a minute.

A few hours later, Tristan found himself sitting there, staring into the fire. His peacefulness didn't last for long though when he heard the sound of branches snapping in the trees not too far away from camp.

It was probably nothing...but after thirteen years of a life at the school, or running from erasers, a guy can get pretty paranoid.

He was walking around in the trees not far from the camp, when he heard another snap directly behind him. Tristan spun around quickly, prepared to kick some eraser ass, but stopped when he saw what was behind him. His nemesis before him, was nothing but a helpless fox; staring up at him, wide eyes full of fear.

He let out a sigh of relief, and turned around to head back to camp, when a hairy fist collided with his face. Tristan stumbled, stunned and felt a strong pair of arms wrap around him, one hand covering his mouth.

Tristan struggled against his attacker, but it was no use. He was unnaturally strong, even for an eraser. "stop struggling freak" commanded the eraser in a quiet voice. " we wouldn't want your friends to to wake up, now would we?"

Tristan's eyes went wide with fear, his family! They were still asleep! The erasers could kill them before they even woke up!

His captor must have realized what he was thinking, because he let out a bark like laugh. "don't worry, we ain't gunna kill them yet"

This hardly calmed Tristan down. If they weren't here to kill them, what was their plan? To take them back to the school? After five years of freedom, death would probably be a better option.

He continued his mad struggling until another eraser stepped into his line of vision and punched him straight in the stomach.

Tristan's breath left him, and that, combined with the large harry hand currently clamped over his mouth made breathing a very difficult task.

The two erasers took advantage of this and the one holding his quickly moved one arm around Tristan's neck, the other staying firmly over his mouth. The one who punched him grabbed his arms pulling them painfully behind his back. He then proceeded to bind them tightly behind his back, cutting off most of their circulation in the process. The erasers then started dragging him back, when they heard yells coming from the camp.

Tristan watched helplessly through half closed eyes, as one one them walked along the line of the sleeping bodies of my family. Dammit! Why wouldn't someone wake up? The eraser smirked and Tristan knew in an instant that he had made his choice. Oh god, but what was it? He walked by the line again, stopping at the end. Right in front of the youngest of Tristan's family. Right in front of Korey.

Oh God no! Not Korey! Tristan tried to break free from the eraser holding him, put he only tightened his grip of Tristan's neck painfully. Tristan could feel the sting of tears in his eyes as the eraser leaned down and picked up Korey's small form. Tristan willed him to open his eyes, move, do something, but to no avail. The eraser threw him over his shoulder and ran off into the dark woods, his footsteps slowly fading away.

The eraser holding Tristan moved his hand slightly, so that it covered Tristan's nose, completely cutting off his air supply. "How soon will they wake up?" asked one of the the erasers out of Tristan's sight. "Probably about 6 hours or so" responded another. "we only gave em each a shot of Benzodiazepine."

"They'll wake up in a bit then, don't even think about coming after the boy" growled the eraser holding Tristan. He then let go of Tristan and pushed him to the ground. Tristan landed on his stomach, hands still bound behind his back, black dots swarming in his vision. They one who had punched him earlier kicked Tristan hard in the side and he let out moan of pain, trying desperately to remain conscious. "Later freak" taunted the eraser before him and the remaining wolf hybrids took off into the forest.

Unable to move, Tristan reluctantly surrendered, and was claimed by a world of darkness.

Yes I know, Kinda short, next one will be longer, this is only the first chapter. Please Review.

Oh, if your wondering, Benzodiazepine is basically a drug that, (if treated right) can put the victim unconscious for several hours. It can also sometimes cause high fevers and sometimes death.

Yes, so Please review.