I hope you all have had as much fun reading this, as I have writing it. Broken wrist or not. I want to thank you all for your support and faithful reveiwing as this story comes to a close. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this last chapter of All I ever Wanted.

-Iris Serinium

"The Avatar has been spotted, Princess." A soldier told Azula confidently.

The Fire Princess smirked, her amber eyes sparkling cruelly. "Good. I want him and the rest of his friends captured, immediatly. You can do that, correct? You won't screw up like last time." Azula's voice was peircing and stern, though her expression was smug.

The soldier seemed to be intimidated. "Yes, Princess." He said, exiting out on to the deck.

"Load the catupults!"

"Ready in avaliable weapons!"

"Ready yourselves!"

"All men to deck!"

"Capture the avatar!"

Voices yelled from everywhere, able to be heard even under the deck.

"Aang." Katara spoke in a terrified whisper.

Zuko growled, rattling the bars in front of them once again. "Zuko, please stop." Katara's voice broke.

"Why should I? My uncle is dead. My sister is succeeding at what I could not. I have nothing." His voice was dark and cold as ever.

Katara got up and walked over to him, dropping onto the cold, damp cell floor next to him. She wrapped her arms around him, hot tears stinging her blue eyes. "You have me."

The words seem to wash a certain something over Zuko as he wrapped his arms around her, heat reflecting off his chest. He stroked his hands through Katara's hair gently. His throat tightened. "Katara, do you love me?" He asked, a gloating silence following.

"Yes, Zuko. I love you more than anything. And if I know anything, Aang will help us out of here and we can be together." She replied.

Zuko pulled away for a moment, examining her. Then he kissed her. It was rough, but sweet at the same time. And Katara kissed back.

Aang watched the ship from the air, as he flew above on his glider. He knew that Sokka, Toph, and Suki followed nearby on Appa. Time to go in, He thought to himself. Going lower, Aang zoomed in at such an angle, he landed right on the deck. In one sweeping motion, he knocked half the soldier off the boat with a wave off air and the rest in another. Clapping could be heard from somewhere among the emptyiness of the boat. "Oh, bravo, Avatar. Bravo. But can you handle playing with grown-ups?" Azula's voice came from behind, along with a blaze of fire.

And it began. Aang and Azula both launched into combat.

"Hurry, Zuko!" Katara ushered as Zuko struggled to unlock the cell.

"I'm going as fast as I can." He replied, hearing the door finally give.

He pushed the door open and grabbed her hand. "Let's go. Aang needs us."

Katara's face suddenly lit up as she smiled and nodded, running with him.

"Aang!" Sokka called out, throwing his boomerang at one of the oncoming soldiers.

Suki and Toph jumped down, immediatly locking in combat with the multiplying men. Aang remained headstrong fighting with Azula. Suddenly, a wave of fire and water came at Azula. She turned and sneered as she saw Zuko and Katara. "Looks like you were always weak after all. Even with the help of your littel girlfriend." Azula hissed as she dogded the attack.

Zuko's face became stern and cold as he turned to Aang. "Get Katara and get out of here I'll deal with this." He said.

"What? No! I'm not leaving!" Katara cried.

Zuko looked at the avatar solemnly. "Please." He said.

Aang nodded, slighlty suprised by Zuko's sudden choice. He grabbed Katara and called out to the rest of the group. Sokka called for Appa as the huge bison appeared at the side of the ship. He jumped on and flew Appa towards Aang, who jumped on, pulling Katara alongside.They flew towards Suki and Toph, who were pulled on by both Aang and Sokka.

"Are you okay?" Aang asked Toph.

"Yeah." She replied as he kissed her.

Pulling back and blushing softly, Aang took the reins and began to fly Appa towards land.

"Zuko." Katara whispered, watching as the ship dissappeared behind clouds.

"Time to end this." Zuko turned to Azula.

"I agree, brother." Azula replied.

Several hours later...

"She hasn't left that spot."

"This has hurt her so much.

"She really loved him."

"What do we do?"

Everyone watched as Katara sat at the harbor, her eyes locked on the gleaming horizon. They all knew what had happened after she had told them the long story, and everyone(even the irrational Sokka) had slowly accepted it. It was Suki who stood.

"Maybe I should go talk to her." Suki said.

"I'll go to." Toph began toward Katara with Suki.

"Katara?" Suki spoke the girl's name as she came to her side.

"What?" Katara's voice was empty, cold almost.

"You okay?" Toph asked softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Katara's hallow voice came.

"You really loved him, didn't you?" Suki said sympathetically.

"Yes, yes I did." Katara's voice broke and tears clouded her eyes.

Toph hugged her as Katara began to cry. "Its the same way I feel about Aang."

Katara seemed to cry harded. "Hey, hey Katara. Look!" Suki shook her pointing out to the water.

A small speck could be seen in the distance. Slowly it came into view until it was in the harbor. It was Azula's ship. Katara let out a gasp as the deck board lowered and revealed a smiling and hurt Zuko. She ran to him, tears leaking as she hugged him. "Zuko...Zuko...You're hurt!" She said.

He smiled painfully as he kissed her. "That can be fixed...Aang, I want to thank you and apologize. Would it be okay if I taught you firebending?" Zuko turned to him.

Aang looked shocked. "Yeah..it'd be great!" The boy replied.

Zuko smiled again and looked at Katara. "Look what you have now, besides me." Katara said.

Zuko laughed. "I have all I ever wanted."

The End!!!!

And that's it. Review if you want an sequel! Thanks for reading!

-Iris Serinium