author's note: ok first of all im a boy and i dont know why i love romance maybe because of my girlfriend who i believe write in this website too. second, im not good in english grammar i always fail english tests and yeah just bear with me...but i hope you like this story i wrote...more like typed its sort of based on a true story my dad is in military and my mom always tells me this story(when i was like 5 or was it 6?, anyways it doesnt matter) how she felt the first time my dad was deployed when she got pregnant which was me YAY!! so some things here really took place and i hope you like it!!!

disclaimer: I TECHNICALLY DONT OWN INUYASHA OR OTHER CHARACTERS I USED MAKING THIS STORY!! if i did my girlfriend would be so happy!!

one favor: please review i'm really to read what you think of this shit--my story and yeah just tell me what you think

Every time you go away

Chapter 1: goodbyes and hellos

Kagura flung her arms around her about to be deployed husband, Sesshoumaru and planted a gentle kiss one last time before he followed with his unit.

" I'll miss you and I love you" she whispered.

" I'll miss you too and I love you too!" he said.

" don't worry its only 9 months I'll be back soon" he said.

Kagura's tears escaped from her eyes and flowed down her pale cheeks.

" be careful" she said.

" I write you as soon as i get on the plane and I call you as soon as we reach Iraq" he said.

" I'd be waiting" she said. And with that Sesshoumaru followed with the rest of his unit.

Kagura couldn't help but cry on her way to her house.

When she reached the couch she grabbed the box of Kleenex and tried to wipe her tears smearing the thick make up out of her eyes.

She remembered this morning when Sesshoumaru said not to worry but he cant blame her they've been married for about two years now and this will be Sesshoumaru's first time to be deployed to Iraq as the new sergeant of his unit.

Kagura sneezed and suddenly her lower abdomen cramped up.

The pain sink after a minute or two, "what the hell happened??" she said to no one in particular.

" it's 5:00 p.m. I wonder if Sesshoumaru ate already" she thought.

Then the phone rings. She reached out for the phone.

" hello" kagura answered.

" hello kagura it's me kagome" kagome said.

" hey kags how's Chicago??" kagura asked.

" well I'm not sure this moment" she said while she placed a smile on her unpainted lips.

" why??" kagura asked.

" because me and inuyasha is right outside your house" kagome giggled.

Kagura stood up opened the front door then the gate and kagome and inuyasha is indeed there!!

" oh kagome how come you didn't tell me that you and inuyasha will be visiting us?" kagura asked.

" surprise!!" inuyasha yelled out.

" where's big bro??" he asked.

" oh yeah he never actually tell you about it because he's quiet busy for the past few weeks…he just left this morning" kagura said sadly.

" where'd he go??" inuyasha asked.

" he got deployed…" kagura said.

" he what??…how come he didn't tell us??" inuyasha asked.

" I told you because he's busy…anyways let's talk inside…you guys eat something??" kagura asked.

" no not yet…" inuyasha said.

" uh yeah I haven't cooked yet you wanna go out and eat??" kagura suggested.

" oh sure I'm dying to eat in molly's" inuyasha said.

A few minutes later the three is driving their way to molly's like what inuyasha requested.

" so how are you guys it's been two years the last time I saw you two" kagura said.

" guess what kagura!!" kagome said looking at inuyasha who was smiling.

" what?"

" I'm pregnant!! And we're planning to stay here until our baby is born. is it ok if we stay in your house until our baby is born??" kagome exclaimed.

" sure thing!! aww that's great you guys!! Congratulations!!" kagura cheered.

" thank you…how about you any possibilities??" kagome asked.

" well I don't know I Haven't gotten my period yet I was supposed to get it three weeks ago and my abdomen cramping up too" she said in worried tone of voice.

As this conversation progress, inuyasha who was smiling a minute ago grew pink blush on his cheeks he doesn't really like hearing things like this it was embarrassing.

" how bout I'll come with you to the doctor" kagome suggested.

" boy this is great!!! I'd be a daddy and an uncle at the same time I bet if you are pregnant Sesshoumaru will be itching to come home" inuyasha exclaimed out of excitement.

The girls giggled.

keaneisthabomb: so i hope you like my first chapter...please read and review!!! i'll update 2 days from now...maybe 3 or maybe by tomorow i'll update it depends on how you guys turn in your review!! yeah i am demanding!!!