NOTE: Hey peeps! Ha. I laugh. So im going to have to end this crazy sequel. One shots are more fun, you don't have all the stress of updating (which I haven't been doing lately, sorry guys but my computer was broke down. I almost went loco in cabeza!!!!!!!) , but this little story I wrote was fun too. Just so you all know it was called suprisearama, well because what a surprise there was a lemon! Ha. I love all my fellow loyal reviewers, thank you all. Special Kudos to greaser4life's help on some stuff, and Arabianangel, you have reviewed probably the most so far. So thanks for your inspiration! Ah ha! Um. That's a wrap. Oh and I've been working on some hilarious lemons for alicexjasper and rosaliexemmett. So when I eventually get those up feel free to check them out. Ahhhh I feel like those famous people who get to give some seriously long boring speech after they won some reward. BOY! I'm really babbling. Anyway. Later. Enjoy amigos!


Prologue to "Suprisearama"

Bella. P.O.V.

Everyone was upstairs, except Emmett who was next to me babbling away, and Edward (who was hiding in the kitchen somewhere so I could plan my revenge). Thanks to Edward I not only learned about Emmett's secret fear of watermelons but his ultimate fear….strawberries…..

I grinned then almost lost it again. He was back to the topic of Edward and my precious romantic date I had planned. Hinting towards the sex part…ugh. It's seriously none of his business.

"Rose and I personally like to use some toys, you know….experiment." He grinned at me.

I glared at him and he kept going, "Sometimes we even go by this special book you can get at these local adult stores. The problem is you have to be 21 and well you or Edward isn't that old so looks like I'll have to sneak you in or maybe------"

"Emmett!!!!!" I yelled.

"What?" He had no damn clue how sensitive that was to me.

"Would you fucking drop it?!!!! Get a grip geez, so what I shared a very romantic date with Edward! That doesn't mean you have to keep jabbing away about it and laughing while you try to describe what happened! For Heaven's sake you're already talking about sex toys!"

He just starred at me. I finally got my composure and remembered the strawberries sitting on the kitchen counter…waiting….

I grinned. "Screw you." then I walked up and went in the kitchen. There my baby was waiting for me. He greeted me with a soft kiss and handed me the basket full of the deadly fruits. He gave me a soft slap on my ass and I glared at him. He lifted his hands like he was innocent.

I had the basket behind me now and was behind the couch over Emmett's stupid head.

"Bella?..." He looked at me suspiciously.

I grinned then threw the strawberries on Emmett. His eyes got so big and before I knew it he was out the door. I heard this loud boom somewhere miles away and laughed, rolling on the floor.

"You little dirty, evil, scheming girl. I should have you locked away." It was Edward's musical voice standing over me grinning. Crookedly.

I stopped laughing and grinned, "Honey I'm already your slave." I paused then said seductively, "What's my punishment?"

He got on his hands and starting crawling towards me. He growled and I screamed, running on my hands to the stairs.

He all of a sudden was on me somehow and was tickling me, "Edward!"

He chuckled, "I'm going to have to take you in for questioning first."

And just like that he had me in his arms and we were heading up the stairs, to his room no doubt.