Well, I'm finally here with the last chapter. I really hope you like it. Thanks for the reviews, and I hope you'll leave one to this chapter too, even though it's the last one. Thanks to all the readers.
Disclaimer: I do not own Friends.
Take a Chance on Me – Chapter 10
"Rachel, can I talk to you for a minute?" Monica asked, as she came out of her bedroom.
"Sure." she replied.
"Good morning to you, too." Ross said, annoyed with her. Then Monica and Rachel went out in the hallway to talk.
"So, what's up?" Rachel grinned.
"I slept with Chandler last night!"
"Well, I kind of figured. Richard was here by the way, he asked me to tell you to call him later." Rachel remembered.
"God!" Monica exclaimed. "He was here?"
"Yeah, and I…we covered for you."
"Great. Listen, he called me and he could easily hear Chandler kissing me while I was talking to him. Chandler just couldn't help but do that, and then he had to speak up, too. So now, Richard knows I'm having an affair." Monica explained.
"Oh my God. Chandler must really adore you." Rachel said.
"We have to worry about Richard now."
"Why? You have Chandler for God's sake!"
"Have? We only slept together." Monica said.
"So… Was it good?" Rachel asked.
"Rach! What an inappropriate question to ask someone who just cheated on their boyfriend."
"Nah, I think it's a very interesting question for someone who just slept with her best friend." Rachel said defensively.
"Right…okay…if you must know. It was amazing. I can't believe it was Chandler. He was just so gentle and…"
"Okay, Mon. Enough already. You don't need to get into the juicy details. But seriously Mon, I think he really loves you. What are you afraid of?"
"His commitment fear, I really wanna settle down soon. I'm almost thirty." Monica said.
"Do you love him?"
"Do you love Richard?"
"Well, not really."
"Then end it, if he hasn't already." Rachel suggested.
In the mean time Chandler had come out in the kitchen to talk to Ross.
"So do you think she'll end it with Richard? We had the most incredible night." Chandler said.
"I don't know, Chandler. I really think you two should get together and all, but I would appreciate if you don't expect me to wanna talk about how you just hooked up with my sister."
"I'm sorry, it's fine. But Ross, there's one thing you should know. If I do get her, I'm the luckiest man alive. I think I feel about her like you've felt about Rachel since high school. I would never hurt her, and I really adore her, Ross. I really love you sister." Chandler said.
"Well, then I hope she chooses you over that Richard guy. I never really liked them together anyway." Ross concluded.
"Thanks man." Chandler said, as they pulled into a slightly awkward hug.
"Yes, Richard, I had an affair…with Chandler. It only happened once."
"Chandler?!" Richard asked very surprised.
"Well yeah. I have been really confused about my whole love life lately, and I know it's not an excuse but…" Monica began.
"Does that mean you took advantage of me?" he asked angrily.
"Well, kind of, I guess. To be honest with you."
"God, Monica. I can't believe you!" Richard yelled furiously.
"I know. I'm really sorry. But we gotta end this. I'm doing this for the wrong reasons, besides I'm still looking to settle down and have children. And…I don't think I love you anymore. I don't want to hurt you; I really care about you Richard. But I can't do this." Monica explained.
"Well, okay. I guess I need to accept that, huh?" Richard said, and Monica went over to hug him. Then she left his apartment.
Monica entered the guys' apartment, where Chandler was sitting all alone.
"About last night…it was…" he began.
"…perfect." Monica finished his sentence with exactly the words he would have chosen himself. Perfect. "I broke up with Richard just now." she continued. Chandler couldn't help but smile widely.
"Well, does that mean…?"
"I love you, Chandler. I never got to say that back last night. And to be honest, I wasn't sure."
"What make you sure?" he asked.
"I talked to Rachel and came to some realizations. Then after talking to Richard I was positive. I do love you."
"You really do? I can't believe it. Then will you take a chance on me?" Chandler asked happily, starting the Chandler dance.
"Yeah, I think it's a safe bet after all." she said grinning, and kissed him like she'd never kissed anyone before.