Title: Koumajutsu
Author: Tsubasa Kya
Disclaimer: I do not own "Naruto" or "Inuyasha". This will be Canon Naruto and Alternate Universe Inuyasha. Pairings are undecided at this point.

Blame for this goes to ancient-relic who accidentally got my creative juices flowing again with her Naruto/Inuyasha crossover. (You are a 'she' right? Wow, that'd be embarrassing if you aren't, now that I've publicly called you one!) I had a two-week period of time where all I could think of was Naruto/Inuyasha ideas after your fourth chapter. And the other day, I finally got some of it written down.

Note: This story takes place for Part Two of Naruto mostly because I don't like how Part Two is turning out. It starts the morning after Sakura and Naruto team up to fight Kakashi in the first episodes of Part Two. Their fight does indeed happen, but I am also going to take OUT Gaara's battle with the Akatsuki group that happens right away in Part Two. It's a wicked awesome battle, but simply won't fit with my lovely story.

Note two: This story is AU Inuyasha for those who won't or don't read the obviously useless disclaimer. Kagome has grown up in Naruto's world in this story, and there is no lengthy hunt for a broken jewel. Kagome is NOT a time traveler in this story. Kagome is NOT an OC. The only thing I have removed is the plot and setting from the Inuyasha story. I am trying to keep personalities the same or similar.

Chapter one: Stone Mountain

"Ah, Sango-chan! Look! That's the stone mountain my papa talked of!" Kagome said excitedly, pointing at the five visible faces in the mountain. Her father had once talked of the amazing faces cut in stone and ever since hearing about them, she had wanted to see them. Now that the opportunity had arisen, she was well satisfied.

"Kagome-chan, this place is so big!" Sango breathed in amazement. "I've never seen a place so big that was completely filled with people!" She was also incredibly impressed, though the tales her father had told her had not surrounded the mountain but the people beneath it in the city.

The two girls shifted slightly uneasily on the hilltop, for a few minutes simply watching people come in and out of the village. Behind them they heard the ambling noise of a cart and they turned. "Kagome-sama, Sango-sama," Miroku said in a pleading voice, "Please will you wait for me? I do grow so very lonely walking back with the cart."

Kagome laughed, "But you have Sesshoumaru walking with you." She waved to the tall, stoic looking figure dressed in pristine white standing some distance away on the other side of the cart. Sesshoumaru didn't move at all, but instead his gold eyes fixed on the village below. His long silver hair hung down to the back of his knees, blowing slightly in the small breeze. He made no move to indicate he had he had even heard his name. He looked very imperious with the dark blue crescent moon on his forehead and the double maroon stripes that lined his cheek bones.

Miroku ran a hand over his neck, flicking the black dragon tail he kept his hair in. "No offense, Kagome-sama," Miroku muttered with a sideways glance at the silent figure that did not seem entirely human, "but your Summon is hardly companionable company." His dark brown eyes closed briefly and he sighed. He opened his mouth to complain again, but retreating footsteps alerted him to the others leaving.

Kagome and Sango were ignoring him again. Kagome said, "First off, before we do anything, I need a bath!" She glanced at Sango's boomerang, attached to Sango's back. She wondered momentarily if she ought to mention to Sango that it would probably be prudent to put it in the cart, but decided against it for the cargo in the cart.

"Agreed," Sango nodded. "Kagome-chan, did you remember to bring money? We may need it before the day is over." Sango knew Kagome sometimes forgot important things like that. To Kagome, money was a minor detail.

Kagome pushed her bangs back, smiling as she did so. Her eyes looked over the city and as they drew closer, she tried to take in every detail she could. "Sesshoumaru reminded me before we left. Don't worry, I didn't forget."

The two marveled at the immense gate as they traveled through it and once again, Miroku brought up the rear, guiding the cart mule. "Amazing!" Kagome and Sango grinned at each other. "I bet they've got bathhouses here." Kagome said.

Sango laughed. "I bet so too! It's so big!" They looked around at the people going every which way, and Kagome noticed two guys at a stand by the gate watching them closely.

"Maybe they can give us directions," Kagome said, tugging the sleeve of Sango's pink and black kimono and pointing toward the two men watching the gate. "What do you think, Sango?"

Sango nodded and the two girls hurried over to the two men. "Excuse me," Sango started, and Kagome saw the two of them eying the large boomerang suspiciously. "We're from Yobidasu clan, and we were wondering," Sango stopped at a noisy screeching and both the two men leaned to look out the gate, while Sango and Kagome turned their heads.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!" the noisy creature called, running as fast as his little legs would carry him. The green little creature looked something like a cross between a frog and a toad, and his brown-green robes did him no justice at all. He waved a two-headed staff frantically, tripping often. "Sesshoumaru-sama!" the creature screeched once more.

"Jaken!" Kagome called cheerfully, waving to the little thing, but she received no pleasant greeting. "Jaken, over here!" Kagome called again.

"Maybe he's gone deaf from his own screeching, finally?" Sango suggested.

Kagome tried calling louder. "Jaken, over here!"

She finally received her response, but it was hardly a desired one. "Shut up, you filthy wench!" the creature snapped. He raced over to Sesshoumaru and bent prostrate before him. "My Lord, I am so glad to have finally caught up to you! Sesshoumaru-sama has remarkable speed and grace to move so fast!"

Sango saw Kagome's pout and hurried to cheer the girl up. "Kagome-chan, the baths…"

Kagome smiled at Sango and nodded, turning back to the two men at the front gate. "We're from Yobidasu clan and we've come here to see the stone mountain." Kagome said. Sango elbowed her and Kagome blinked at her friend. "What?"

"Kagome-chan…" Sango tilted her head back toward the cart.

"Well, excuse me if I thought the mountain more important," Kagome muttered, but she recovered quickly. "Also, we would like to speak to your leader."

Sango slapped her hand on her forehead and groaned. She pushed her friend toward the mule and cart. "Go stand over there, and let me handle this, okay?"

Kagome grinned. She'd known it would work, if she just played stupid. She walked over by Miroku. Sango turned back to the two very confused looking men and apologized. "I'm sorry for her. She's waited all her life to see the mountain, and it's gone to her head."

Both men blinked at Sango and one of them ventured to say, "It's a historical landmark, remarkable in its own right."

"What we really need is to speak to your village headman. We've brought a load of medicinal herbs and potions that may be of some interest to you all. We need an inn, preferably with hot bathing, and we were wondering if you could direct us to any of that." Sango sighed, "And we have to request a mission…"


Naruto yawned widely as he woke up, still sore from the fight with Kakashi the night before. Still, any chance he had to interact with Sakura was a welcome one, and last night he had gotten to interact with her quite a bit, fighting with her to overcome their old sensei.

He stretched lazily before climbing out of bed. A shower later and he was awake fully, though his stomach grumbled. His fridge was still empty, and still unplugged. His cupboards were equally bare. He wasn't even really sure why he was looking in them, since he was the one who had to fill them and he hadn't done that yet.

Resolving to do that today, he plugged in the refrigerator so it could be cooled properly by the time he got back with groceries. It wouldn't be until later in the evening, since he had other things to do, but he figured he could get some breakfast on his way to see the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade.

The streets were lit brightly by the sun, and people were out and about doing whatever it was they had to do. A lot of people he saw greeted him, and he said hello back to them. He wasn't in an incredible mood to talk, however, as his mind fell back to a certain someone.

He'd been thinking a lot about that person, worrying and wondering equally. Had he grown stronger? Probably. He was obsessed with becoming stronger and killing his brother so it was no use thinking he sat on his butt for the past three years. Where was he now? Was his body taken over by Orochimaru?

It wasn't very much later that he was sitting down in a small out of the way restaurant—one he had never been to before—and had requested the breakfast special, Egg Omelet.

Shikamaru's voice pierced his thoughts and Naruto turned to look. "Never thought I'd see you here, of all people," Shikamaru said. He was backed by Chouji and Kiba. Akamaru stood at Kiba's side, a massive dog that could double a horse size. Kiba looked quite different in the black leather jacket, and Naruto could remember the gray fur coat Kiba used to wear. He also could remember that Akamaru used to be a tiny puppy. Somehow, it seemed… wrong.

"Why?" Naruto asked, curious. "Is it bad food? I haven't eaten here before, so I thought I'd try it."

Shikamaru grinned, Kiba smirked, Chouji laughed, and Akamaru barked loudly, all of them seeming to be amused. Shikamaru slid into the booth beside Naruto and he moved over to give room for his old friend. Chouji took up the other side of the booth, his large, pink and gray covered girth taking up much of the bench. Kiba pulled a chair up to the end of the booth and Akamaru sat on the floor beside him. The waitress came to take their orders. They got the breakfast special too, with only one variation. Chouji got six breakfast specials.

Kiba said, "It's not Ramen." It was almost as if that summed up everything they were all thinking, and Naruto couldn't help but laugh.

"I guess," Naruto said, "I just wanted to mix things up." He turned his head to look out the window again, not taking notice of the surprised looks on his friends' faces. He could feel a frown tilt his lips.

"You?" Kiba barked out laughter. "Maybe we should call in the medical squad. Naruto's brain's inverted itself."

Shikamaru grinned as well. "Maybe it's a good change," he said lazily. "Two and a half years ago, there never was enough Ramen to go around, but these past couple years, everyone could eat."

Chouji grumbled, "Is that breakfast coming or what?" His stomach growled.


Kagome sighed as she soaked in the enclosed hot spring. Sango wasn't with her. Sango had washed up quickly and gotten out. There were a couple of other women in the spring, but Kagome ignored them to favor small thoughts.

It had been a long journey, and very tiresome. They'd brought as much herbs as they could to sell so they could have enough money to pay for a mission. Kagome really didn't like money. It was so bothersome, and back at her family shrine, she didn't need it. She could grow the food she needed and store it for the winter. She could make the clothes she needed. And she could trade healing herbs in a village only a few hours walk from her family shrine if she needed anything like shoe repair or if she needed any sort of utensil that she couldn't make on her own like carpentry nails or good wood boards for repairs to the shrine itself.

Here, she would need money. For their journey, they had sold some herbs in the village a few days before they began their travels, and Kagome had received well-luck wishes for good weather. The shoemaker also agreed to send his son once every few days to the shrine to make sure everything was in order.

So they were set at least that far. As they had traveled, they slept in tents on the edge of the road and ate food they'd bought for traveling. But the reason why they had come on the journey in the first place, and what brought them to the large city of Konohagakure was the man Kagome had fished out of the river near her shrine.

Currently, Miroku was taking care of him. They didn't know his name for sure, but they hoped to find out, soon. That was why they had come here. He was injured badly, so they had waited a couple days for the poultices to heal him enough that he could be moved, although still he couldn't move.

When Kagome had heard from a traveling Konoha Jounin how good Konohagakure's medical squad was, she thought to see if there was anything they could do to help him, since he hadn't been getting better. After a week, he should have been able to move but he couldn't.

With a sigh, Kagome pulled herself out of the hot spring, dried off, and got dressed in a clean outfit; red hakama and a white haori. Proof of her station as a Summoner. She was supposed to see the Fifth Hokage later on, so wearing her regular clothes—a white blouse with green hems and a green skirt with white knee-high stockings and white shoes—would not really be acceptable, at least according to Sango. Now, instead of the stockings and shoes, she wore stockings and split toe sandals.

So there she was, getting dressed in the formal clothing. She pulled the majority of her hair back and tied it once at the nape of her neck, then pulled the last two clumps back, tying them so they hung loose enough to partially drape her shoulders. The back of her haori started to get wet, but she didn't mind. If she didn't tie it back while it was wet, the tie would simply slip out. The water would soak the dyed white leather thong and it would shrink enough as it dried to adhere tightly to her hair.

She grabbed up her clothes and put them in a knapsack, sliding the strap over her shoulder. Once she had left the hot spring building, she turned down the street, searching for the sign that belonged to the inn the guys at the gate had told them would be the best. She'd just come from there a short while ago, but hadn't given much thought to how many blocks she'd come to the baths.

As she approached the inn, Sango came out. She was dressed in her black skin-tight armor suit, the shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle guards all a bright fluorescent pink. Her hair was held up in a high tie, and the gray bone mask was covering her lower face and nose. On her back was her large bone boomerang and strapped to her left side was her katana. Kagome knew the girl had other weapons secretly hidden in the guards she wore.

Sango liked to be prepared, but not only that, her outfit depicted her station as a Summon Exterminator. Sango said, "The village's Hokage-sama has agreed to see you now. I was just coming to get you."

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