Story: You're outta your freakin' mind!
Author: Lauren AKA the Music Whore
Pairing: HarryxDraco
Disclaimer: J.K Rowling owns it, I just mess with the boys a little.
A/n: Hi again! Umm yea, first Harry Potter fic, so if OOC sorry. I got this idea by listening to Dane Cook for 3 hours straight on my way to Ocean City. Oh yea, just so you know, I hate Avril Lavigne and Madonna, they were the first that came to my head besides Three Days Grace.
It started as a normal day at Hogwarts, or as normal as it gets anyway. There were no flying cats driven by invisible forces, and no silver haired ferrets going down people's pants. Even the Weasley twins managed to behave.
To Harry Potter, this was a little strange.
To someone who was used to the antics going about his school, the quiet disturbed him.
During his classes he found himself wishing for something to go wrong. The more he wished, the more peaceful it became around him.
Harry decided he had to break the monotony, for others and for the sake of himself. Only a little trouble, nothing big.
What he did landed him in detention.
Apparently you can't curse people to sing muggle songs of your choosing. It took hours for the few that were cursed to stop singing Avril Lavigne, Three Days Grace and Madonna.
Hey, at least it kept him entertained.
It wasn't worth having detention with Draco Malfoy with Snape watching you, no matter how much fun it was to get there.
'No way is this worth seeing Ron sing 'Girlfriend' to Hermione.'
"Mr. Potter, would you please refrain from trying to stare a hole into the wall and do something productive?"
"Oh yea, and what do you propose I do Professor?" Harry replied, his voice full of disdain, his eyes never leaving the wall. Snape sent a glare his way, but Harry didn't notice.
His wall was far more fascinating, well, than other people in the room anyway.
Truth be told, Harry was sure that Draco was far more interesting, but no one needed to know that.
"Why don't you help Draco out, he can't organize the potion ingredients by himself, now can he?" Snape replied with a flat tone, waving him to the direction where Draco was working.
Reluctantly, Harry stood and slowly shuffled to the other side of classroom, leaving his wall and clean thoughts behind.
"Hey Malfoy, you back here?"
"What do you want Potter?" An exhausted looking Draco popped his head out of the door looking at Harry with a less than interested face.
"Um…I was told to help you…" Harry managed to stutter out before looking down at the cobblestoned floor.
'Get a hold of yourself, Potter!'
"Well, then get your arse in here and do something!" Draco replied, annoyance laced throughout his voice.
Harry shuffled into the small closet where he and Draco would be working together for the next hour.
This could not end well.
A/n: yea…first chapter…hmmm so...uh read and review…cause that what your supposed to do…oh yea if you flame…I'll prolly flame right back…it depends upon my mood. Oh yea, future chapters should be longer than uhh.. this...