Summary:Perfect, was the only word to describe Robin's life with the titans. When he left to help Batman in a battle that later became important to the whole world, he'd never thought he'd return to find his life completely different. Even Starfire has given up on him.

Disclaimer: I do not own teen titans. They are owned by D.C comics, I do own some of the villains and my OC's.

Robin walked towards the main room, his mind on only one thing, telling his friends what he was going to do.

It had taken him a while, but he had decided that he had no other choice but to leave them, even if had only been there for about two days. Keldar was out to get him, and staying would only put his friends in danger, his daughter too.

It still seemed weird to him. His daughter. But of course, she could never find out about it, and neither could anyone else, the secret had to stay between him and Raven, not even Starfire knew.

He had already packed his stuff together, when he was pretending to call Batman. He was going to talk to his old mentor about the snake, but not until he was in Gotham at Wayne manor.

He finally arrived at the main room and the doors slid open as he approached. He walked in to the room and everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Mark and Ebony even stopped wrestling on the floor.

Keely, who had been trying to separate the two fighting twins, helped them up on their feet without letting her emerald eyes leave Robin.

"So, you're up now?" Kirk was the first to speak and his voice was quite emotionless.

"Are you sure you're alright dude?" Beast boy asked.

"I'm fine" Robin replied and then noticed something on Keely's wrist, five red marks. He'd hurt her!

"What really happened to you?" Mark suddenly asked.

"Mark, we can discuss that later" Raven replied.

"But I want to know!" Mark said. "Now!"

"Me too!" Ebony replied.

"Later" Raven repeated.

"I'm leaving" The word escaped Robin's lips without any warning.

"What?" Starfire asked and everyone turned their attention towards him, even Kirk seemed to be interested in what Robin was going to say.

"You're leaving?" Keely asked, her voice almost just a whisper.

"I have to" Robin answered. "Keldar is after me, he wants me dead, that's why he sent the snake, and staying here will only put all of you in danger"

"Rob, we can handle it" Cyborg said with confidence in his voice. "We've kept his army away from Jump City for years"

"This is different" Robin replied. "Keldar doesn't want to take over the city, he wants to see me dead, he wants me and Batman to be out of the way"

"But if you go" Keely began. "Doesn't that make you an easy target? I mean, you're all alone then"

"I can handle my self" Robin answered "I've been fighting the guy for ten years"

"Then, when are you leaving?" Beast boy asked.

"I'm just going to go and get my stuff from my room" Robin said. "Then I'm off"

"So soon?" Ebony asked.

"The sooner the better, for you guys" Robin replied and then he left the room.


"Robin?" Starfire asked as she knocked on the door to his room. It only took two seconds before it opened and she stared right into Robin's masked eyes.

"Star?" He asked, surprised.

"You can't just leave again" She said, but then wished she hadn't. She had only gone here to talk to him about a few things before he left, but now it sounded like she desperately wanted him to stay. Then again, she did want him to stay, she didn't want him to go, she didn't want him to might get killed!

"I have to" He replied. "Or else you guys will get hurt"

"Robin, why are you doing this to me?" She asked.

"Doing what?" He replied a bit confused.

"This!" She answered. "You left me and then return ten years later, without any warning. Then you go out on a date with Kitten, get me all worried by fighting that snake when you were all ready hurt and now you're just going to leave again, after only a couple of days? And were not even sure if the toxic is out of your system yet, and with your bruises and all, Keldar can easily kill you!"

"Star, I think you're underestimating me" Robin replied. "I feel fine"

"Do you want to know what the worst part is, Robin?" Starfire asked and he just looked at her. "The worst part is that Keely looks up to you! Even after you hurt her, she still thinks of you as the greatest hero of all time!" She felt how the tears started to build up and desperately tried to keep them from flowing.

"Robin, when you returned I didn't know what to think, but after meeting you again, I knew we could at least be as great friends as we wore before we started to date" She continued. "But now…but now I'm not sure anymore"

"Star" Robin began. "I might be hard for you to understand, but I don't care if Keldar kills me, as long as he leaves you guys alone. You have families and people who love you. Me? I'm just Robin, the fighter, not the family guy" ¨

"How can you say that?" Starfire asked. "We all care about you, we don't want you dead, you're our friend!"

"I know that Starfire, but it's much worse to loose a family member then a friend" Robin replied.

"Robin, please" Starfire begged. "For our friendships sake, don't go!"

"I can't" Robin answered. "Just like I've said before, I can't"

"Then this is goodbye" Starfire said, and while fighting away the tears in her eyes, she turned around and started to walk away.

She waited for Robin to call her name, but it never came.

She waited to her his foot steps as he ran after her, they never came.

She waited for the first tear to fall from her eyes, and it didn't take long before it did.


"You wanna know something?" Kirk asked as he, Cyborg and Beast boy were sitting alone in the main room, watching TV.

"What?" Cyborg asked, not really interested.

"I'm kind of glad Bird boy's leaving" Kirk answered. "I mean, he used to date my fiancée, so it's kind of weird to have him here, though it's not like I'm afraid Kori's going to dump me for him, I'm irresistible!"

Cyborg just rolled his eyes. Truth was he had been hoping that Robin's return would help Starfire realize what jerk Kirk really was.

He him self could never tell it to her face, she would hate him for it, but she might listen to Robin, after all they had been like best friends even when they were dating!

"You know what, I think I'm going to the bathroom!" Kirk said and then left the room.

"Thank god he's gone!" Beast boy exclaimed. "I can't stand that guy, I mean, his jokes are so lame!"

"Yeah, they even worse then yours!" Cyborg agreed.

"Hey!" Beast boy yelled. "I'm funny!"

"Let's change the subject?" Cyborg suggested. "We have to keep Robin from leaving"

"Good luck!" Beast boy replied. "There's no way you can convince that guy once his mind is made up about something!"

"Maybe for us, but what about his best friend?" Cyborg answered.

"Batman?" Beast boy asked.

"No, that's his mentor, I'm talking about Star!" Cyborg said. "She could probably convince him" Right then, the doors to the room slid open and Starfire walked in and they could tell she had been crying.

"Star, what's wrong?" Cyborg asked.

"Robin" She answered. "He just won't listen to me, I'm afraid he's not the same Robin he was before" Cyborg looked down. There went that plan! If Starfire couldn't convince him, no one could.

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