Summary:Perfect, was the only word to describe Robin's life with the titans. When he left to help Batman in a battle that later became important to the whole world, he'd never thought he'd return to find his life completely different. Even Starfire has given up on him.

Disclaimer: I do not own teen titans. They are owned by D.C comics, I do own my OC's.

Robin knocked on the door to Starfire's room. He didn't want to be here right now, he just didn't, but he had to tell her he was going to leave, he'd already told everyone else.

Finally, the door opened to reveal Starfire standing there, looking at him curiously with her emerald orbs. "What do you want Robin?" She asked with her sweet voice and Robin felt worse then ever.

"Can I come in?" He asked and Starfire nodded, before moving away so that he could enter. Robin walked in, looking at his feet, and then sat down on her bed.

"Robin, is something wrong?" Starfire asked. "Everyone's been acting weird today" She sat down next to him on the bed and took his hand. "Please, Robin, tell me what's bothering you" Robin looked at her, glad he was wearing a mask, or else she would see the sadness and pain in his eyes.

"I'm… leaving, Starfire" He said and she looked at him, shocked. "I'm leaving for Gotham tomorrow morning"

"What?" Starfire asked. "Why?" Her voice was hurt.

"Because, Batman needs my help" Robin answered. "He took care of me when my parents died, and now he needs my help"

"Oh, Robin" Starfire began. "I'll miss you so much!" She threw her self in his arms and he drew her closer.

"I don't know how long I'll be gone Star" He started. "But I'll promise I'll always think of you" He kissed her softly on the lips, but then the kiss deepened and he laid her down on the bed, him on top of her. He kissed her more and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer.

"I love you, Robin" Starfire mumbled between kisses.

"I love you too Star" Robin replied.

Ten years later:

"Robin, look out behind you!" Batman yelled and Robin quickly spun around and held up his Bo staff to block the blow from the robot. The Bo staff cut in half and Robin quickly jumped away so he wouldn't get hit by another robot.

"Thanks bats!" He called and spun around the, now two, bo staffs he carried. A robot was coming up towards him, the weapon it had for an arm loading up. Robin quickly jumped up in the air, spun around and hit the robot with his Bo staffs from above. The robot split perfectly down the middle and then fell apart in a cloud of smoke and sparks.

Robin backed away from it and looked around. It was a battle field, an army of robots against him and Batman. The whole world's faith depending on this battle ended with him and Batman dead, or not. Robin really didn't care if it was a hard fight, as long as it was just the two of them fighting, he didn't want anyone else to get hurt, especially not one of his friends, who he hadn't seen in ten long years. No one had thought that the villain that Batman had asked Robin to help him, who went by the name Keldar, with would have grown strong enough to take over the entire world. Of course, he could only do it if his army didn't get defeated now, when he was about to leave for another nation.

Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him and quickly spun around just as one of the very few human soldiers Keldar had fired his gun. The bullet went through the air and Robin hadn't enough time to get away. The bullet hit him in the left shoulder, and the pain was unexplainable! He quickly threw the Bo staff he held in his right hand at the man and it hit him in the face, knocking him down.

Robin moved a hand to the wound; he had to get the bullet out! "Robin, are you alright!" He heard Batman call. "Activating plan B!" Robin's eyes narrowed. Plan B was a bomb! He had to take cover. With a hurting and bleeding shoulder he made his way pass the robots by using some acrobatics.

Finally, a loud beep went through the air and Robin quickly dodged, pulling his cape around him for protection. He heard a few screams and lot's of loud noises before the heat came with great power and he was slung backwards by an even greater force.

I know it was short, but it was only the beginning. Tell me what you think by reviewing!