Caught by a Butterfly
Summary: Endymion is the a Prince of the great country of Spain. Only he has to get married within the month to keep his title! But when a group of girls are sold to him as servants his life changes drastically. But are the girls actually servants? And what happens when a certain blonde starts to spend more time with the prince?
Oh and there may be a few random Spanish words added in.
( Principe means prince, Signore means Mr. /Sir, Mariposa means Butterfly)
-Sailor Josseme
Endymion paced the hallways of his beautiful castle. He looked out the window and saw the rolling hills of Seville, Spain, where he lives. Sighing, he continued to pace the halls. He thought back to the conversation he had earlier with his council members.
"Endymion," said a short balding man, "we are completely prepared to take away your kingship if you do not marry before your 23rd birthday as it is stated in your father's will."
"But my birthday is in a month!" Endymion shot back, amazed.
"Well then Principe, you better choose one of your adoring fans quickly."
Endymion sighed again. 'This is father's last way of torturing me.' he thought bitterly. Endymion's problem wasn't that women didn't like him. On the contrary, he had most of the unmarried women in the court after him. Most of the married ones too, for that matter. He had developed a reputation of being a playboy, which was what worried his council. They wanted him to settle down and produce off-springs before he was the laughing-stock of the entire kingdom. But Endymion didn't take any of the silly court-women seriously. They were so easily amused. He slept with some of them, but never more than once. 'Once you've 'known' a woman once, you've known her forever' was his famous motto.
"Signore," a young male servant said in a shaking voice behind him, "uhmm, Principe Endymion please… there's a, well… delivery waiting for you."
"Very well," the duke said, barely looking up. He followed the young servant, Pé-pé, to the front gate where a man with a cart full of people was standing. The vendor was a tall, lanky, balding man in his early 50's. Many of his teeth were missing as Endymion could see as he smiled at the young prince.
"Signore Adolfo, what have you for me today?" The duke asked the repulsive vendor.
"Oh Príncipe, I have such a surprise for you! Since you go through servants so quickly I really brought you the best of the best! If all my customers went through servants like you did, especially the female ones, I would be a rich man!" Adolfo winked at Endymion as though they shared some sort of private joke.
"Yes, yes Adolfo, now please bring me the 5 new servants I requested." Without saying a word the vendor opened the cart and ushered 5 women down. They weren't really women at all; the girls looked to be no more than 16 years old. Endymion didn't really care at all about welcoming new servants. He really just did it to check out what beautiful women he would persuade into his bed over the next couple of months. That was about how long his female servants lasted: a couple months.
This time Adolfo really outdid himself. Each of the four girls before him was beautiful. 'Wait, four?' Endymion thought to himself, 'where's the fifth one?' Then he realized that Adolfo was struggling with a blond woman in the cart. She seemed to not want Adolfo to touch her. She kicked him hard in between his legs and he fell to the ground. Then, as gracefully as a butterfly, she lowered herself from the cart and stood with the other girls.
Now Endymion really evaluated the girls. The first one had short blue-black hair. She was very short and seemed shy. She was staring at the ground and clutched her hands in front of her. Her dress was tattered and ripped and looked as though it had once been a light blue. 'I'll look forward to breaking her innocence…' thought the prince with a smirk.
The next girl Endymion examined looked straight into his eyes. She had long straight black hair that she was twirling absentmindedly. She seemed to be inspecting him at the same time as he was inspecting her. He was surprised that she could be so bold, but boldness was always something he welcomed in a woman. He liked to break women of that and make them his slaves.
Next was a tall brunette. She was by far the tallest of all the girls and had bright green eyes. She had her arms crossed and had a peeved expression on her face. But she was looking at the ground as though she were deep in thought. She wore a tattered dress like all the girls but on top was a pale green apron.
The next girl had striking blond hair; uncommon in these parts. She was looking around, soaking up everything she saw. Her hair was straight and came all the way down her back. She looked a little dim but being stupid was never a reason why Endymion would refuse a girl form his bed. She had a wonderful body beneath her frayed gown and Endymion looked forward to exploring it.
The last girl, the one Endymion labeled 'the feisty butterfly' stood proudly at the end of the line. She had long blond hair in two long pigtails that came to her knees. She was the shortest girl, but you wouldn't notice from just talking to her. She oozed confidence and assuredness. She stood straight and had a wicked little smile on her face as she looked to the ground.
"Now little Mariposa (A/N see note above)," Endymion said to the girl, "Would you kindly tell me why you beat on Signore Adolfo so wickedly? I could hang you for that." Darien had to hide his smile of amusement.
"Your highness, please forgive my rude behavior. I wish your royal self had not needed to see such a display; however that man attempted, on multiple occasions, to touch me in ways that my mother would not have deemed appropriate. I simply decided to 'touch' him a way he would enjoy as much as I enjoyed him." The cute blond tried to hide a smile while the other servants suppressed giggles. Then Endymion did something that surprised everyone, including himself. He laughed. A full-bellied, good-hearted laugh. The five girls looked at each other surprised. They'd heard that the prince was a cold-hearted man who looked down on everyone. But now he was laughing at a joke a servant had made. Maybe he wasn't so bad…
Endymion's laughter stopped as quickly as it had started. "Well I'm quite sure Adolfo deserved that treatment, but he is your better. You will not have dinner tonight. Your five may find your rooms, this boy here," Endymion pulled the small boy, Pé-Pé, forward, "will show you around. Since you have arrived in the afternoon you may have tonight off, but be prepared to work hard tomorrow." With that the prince walked off briskly.
"Uhhm… I'll show you to your room." The small boy said shyly.
"Hi! What's your name?" The energetic brunette said.
"I'm um, José, but everyone calls me Pé-Pé."
"Awesome!" the brunette replied. "I'm Makoto, the shy one is Ami, the one with black hair is Rei, the blonde is Minako and the one the Prince just called Mariposa is Serenity."
"Oh okay…" The nervous little boy replied. 'There's something a little… off about these girls. They aren't like the other ones. I wonder what's really going on here…' Pé-Pé thought as he led the five girls up to their room. "Uh, here you are. I'll come and get you at 6:00 for dinner. Uh, bye." With that the little boy left the 5 girls on their own.
"Oh Serenity, you really have to watch your tongue!" Rei snapped at the little blonde, "No servant talks like that! If we want to keep this up you have to be careful!"
"Oh come on Rei!" Serenity replied, "He'd never suspect that royalty would disguise themselves as servants. We're fine. And we have plenty of time for our plan to work! Everything's going perfectly!"
Ha ha, first chapter and I'm leaving you on a cliff-hanger! Please review and tell me what you think!