He certainly didn't think his invention was as barbaric as they said. It wasn't conventional, but what right had they to call him twisted and demented? He didn't think he was mad. Surely a mad scientist would know he was a mad scientist. No, he wasn't mad, he was just efficient.

But what did it matter anymore? They were going to take away his license. And then what?

Sebastian shoved his hands in his pockets and pressed foreward. As if there wasn't enough on his mind to make the walk home miserable, the snow was starting to come down pretty hard. He felt something brush against his right hand, and remembered exactly what was written on that little slip of paper...a telephone number.

"They're holding you back, you know. When you realize that, why don't you give me a call? I've got a good thing going here..."

With Giovanni's words ringing in his head, Sebastian packed his bags that night, determined to head for Viridian City first thing in the morning. His old acquaintance wouldn't say exactly what kind of a 'good thing' he had, but whatever it was, hell, it was the only option he had left.

Disclaimer: Professor Sebastian, Giovanni, and Team Rocket are all © Nintendo and the people who created pokemon.