"Oh, Elphaba I want you" said Glinda, her voice low and her eyes filled with desire.

"No you don't. Trust me" said Elphaba, closing her eyes again, "Why would anyone, especially someone as beautiful as you are, want an ugly green freak like me?" she asked, her voice hostile.

Glinda was slightly taken aback by the hostility, but she didn't back down or cower away, "Elphaba, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met, inside and outside"

"Then you must be blind" said the emerald woman, avoiding Glinda's blue eyes.

"Or maybe you're the one who's blind. Elphaba when I look at you I see heaven, my heaven" she placed a soft kiss on Elphaba's lips.

"Why me? I said I hated you, so why me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Glinda ran her fingers through Elphaba's soft raven hair, "You hate the Uplands, there's a difference" she smiled softly at Elphaba.

"Why did you come?" asked Elphaba, the question had been bugging her ever since she awoken.

"I couldn't sit back and watch the Gale Force harm all those innocent people and Animals…and…and I wanted to see you again" she said, her voice turning into a whisper towards the end.

Finally, Elphaba looked into Glinda's eyes, "How did you know I would be there?" she asked.

Now it was Glinda's turn to avoid eye contact, "I had a feeling you would be there, protecting others, something I was always too afraid to do" she whimpered. "Hold me, Elphie. Please, just hold me"

Elphaba held her, stroking Glinda's back and neck with one hand and cupping her cheek with another. She gently pressed her soft green lips against Glinda's equally soft pink lips.

"What did you just call me?" she asked, just now realizing Glinda had called her something besides Elphaba.

"I'm sorry, I won't call you that again" said Glinda.

"No, it's alright. I like it" said the green woman.

"Elphie…I'm scared" Glinda was now shivering slightly.

"It's okay, Glinda. I'm here, I'm here Glinda" she gave Glinda another soft kiss.

Suddenly, a streak of lightening flashed across the sky, and Glinda tensed and whimpered. A loud crash of thunder shook the house, and Glinda clung to Elphaba for dear life, tears rolling down her cheeks and burning Elphaba's neck.

Elphaba registered the pain, but she didn't move Glinda away, she simply held her, still trying to figure out how in the world anybody could possibly want her. She didn't care that the blonde's tears were burning into the sensitive flesh of her neck; she just wanted to comfort her.

Glinda suddenly reared back, and when she saw the burn marks on the originally flawless green skin, she started to climb off the bed, but Elphaba pulled her back.

"Elphie, I'm so sorry. I've hurt you…this is my fault" she whimpered, not allowing herself to be held.

"No, Glinda, this isn't your fault. I'm…I'm allergic to water. You have nothing to do with this. Please, let me hold you" said Elphaba soothingly.

This time Glinda surrendered to Elphaba's strong, yet gentle arms and Elphaba succumbed to the sensation of holding the blonde. Elphaba, having never comforted anyone besides her sister, wasn't entirely sure what to do, but she trusted her instincts. And Glinda, who had never been held in a loving way in her entire life, had to adjust to the protecting and gentle green arms.

Only three days ago, Elphaba had sworn she hated Glinda with her very soul, but now, holding the trembling girl, she felt something she couldn't truly define. Whatever it was made her stomach knot up whenever she looked into Glinda's eyes, and it made her heart beat faster every time Glinda kissed her. It frightened her a bit, the intensity of her feelings towards Glinda, physically and emotionally.

Glinda kissed Elphaba once again. The kiss started out soft and gentle, and ended with passionate and intense and including everything in between. They could sense each other's arousal and while they didn't actually say it aloud, they both wanted the same thing. Glinda gently broke the kiss, and looked into Elphaba's intense and beautiful dark brown eyes, asking for permission to move on with her own blue ones, and receiving it with a passionate kiss.

She deftly started to unbutton Elphaba's frock, kissing the newly exposed flesh each time she undid a button. She moved down Elphaba's lean body and she couldn't take her eyes off her. She undid the last button, and the frock fell to the floor, leaving Elphaba in nothing but her underwear. Glinda placed a kiss on the soft green chest before, once again, moving down Elphaba's beautiful emerald body, removing her bra and tossing it into some unknown corner of the room. She kissed Elphaba's small breast and ran her tongue across the hardened nipple, she loved the way Elphaba's body responded to her touch, and it aroused her intensely. She took a dark green nipple into her mouth and sucked gently, reveling in the sound of Elphaba's low, quiet moans.

Elphaba's eyes fluttered shut as she felt Glinda tongue and mouth on her breast, she shuddered in pleasure and ran her fingers through Glinda's hair. Never in her life had anyone ever wanted her, and the fact that this beautiful creature did, scared her a bit. She allowed herself to feel every pleasurable sensation and her moans increased when Glinda bit down on her nipple. She sighed in pleasure and gently pushed on Glinda's head, wanting her to move to another place.

Glinda took the hint, and removed her mouth from Elphaba's breast and started to kiss her way down the smooth verdant stomach, she took her time, but when she heard Elphaba sigh in anticipation, she couldn't wait any longer and she pulled Elphaba's underwear off her, and tossed them behind her. She leaned back, and she found it impossible to take her eyes of the green woman's beautiful body.

Elphaba suddenly became very self-conscience and folded her arms across her chest and crossed her legs, she turned her face away from Glinda. Glinda placed a hand on Elphaba's cheek.

"Elphie, look at me" she said, and didn't continue until dark eyes were looking into hers. "Please, I want you. Elphie, you're beautiful. You look just like heaven" she placed a gentle kiss on Elphaba's stomach.

"Glinda…something's wrong" she said.

Glinda looked up at Elphaba, with worry and fear in her eyes, "What is it?" she asked the worry showing in her voice.

A smile crept on Elphaba's face, "Well, my beautiful angel, you're still dressed. And we can't have that now, can we?" she said.

Glinda sighed, in both pleasure and relief. "No, we can't" she helped Elphaba sit up, in order to make the task of removing her dress easier.

Elphaba slid the dress's straps down Glinda's shoulder, and pulled the material down a bit further, revealing Glinda's full breasts. Glinda gasped and moan as the material raked across her already hard nipples, and her heart rate soared. Elphaba kissed each of Glinda's breasts, before continuing to remove her dress, slowly taking her time and gently kiss the newly exposed flesh, causing Glinda to softly cry out with pleasure. Finally though, Elphaba gave into her own desire and completely removed the dress.

She inhaled sharply as she took in the sight of the beautiful blonde sitting there beside her. Glinda blushed as she felt Elphaba's eyes on her; she knew she was beautiful, but nobody had ever treated her like she was. Elphaba repositioned them so she was back on top of Glinda, both of them reveling in the sensation of feeling the other's bare flesh against their own.

Once again, Elphaba put her mouth to Glinda's breast and sucked gently on her nipple, occasionally she softly bit down on the hard bud. Glinda exhaled sharply and moaned whenever Elphaba did this, and the volume of her moans increased when Elphaba's fingers moved to her other breast and she pinched her nipple.

Elphaba ended her treatment of Glinda's breasts and the blonde grunted in displeasure, but forgot all about that when she realized Elphaba was moving to another place. She sighed in pleasure at the sensation of Elphaba's soft lips on her stomach, and the rate of her heartbeat increased as Elphaba neared the place Glinda wanted her to be the most.

Elphaba placed a soft kiss on Glinda's glistening mound, and Glinda gasped, sighed and moaned at the same time, spreading her legs further apart. Very gently, Elphaba's caressed Glinda's most delicate area, the sound of her breathy moans arousing her. She found Glinda's small clit and lightly massaged it, and Glinda cried out slightly louder. Without Glinda coming out and saying it, Elphaba knew this was her first time and she wanted to make sure it was special, so she didn't just throw herself (or her fingers) into it.

She met Glinda's gaze and asked permission with her eyes and received it by way of a slow, passionate kiss. She massaged a bit harder and slipped two long green fingers just slightly inside Glinda, her stomach in knots, but seeing those sparkling blue eyes filled with trust and desire gave her encouragement, and she thrust her fingers into Glinda, as hard and as fast as she dared to. Glinda whimpered and tensed slightly.

Elphaba massaged inside Glinda lightly, trying to soothe any discomfort the blonde woman might be experiencing, and soon Glinda was matching her movements and crying out as waves of pure pleasure gripped her.

This is what Glinda had wished her first time would be like and so much more. It was gentle and soft, but still the most amazingly pleasurable thing she had ever experienced. Sure, there was pain, but it was slight, and the feel of Elphaba's long, soft fingers took away the moderate pain and the only thing Glinda felt now was pleasure. Elphaba moved inside Glinda, while massaging her clit with her thumb at the same time.

"Oh, sweet Oz Elphie!" Glinda cried out, a little too loud for Elphaba's comfort.

Glinda's pleasure increased and increased until she hit her peak. She gasped and shuddered as her climax overtook her, with Elphaba still moving inside her. Elphaba slid her fingers out of Glinda, and wrapped her arms around the still trembling girl.

"I…Elphaba that…that was incredible, you were incredible" she said after she regained her ability to speak. "Let me show you how incredible it is, please?"

Elphaba knew Glinda was asking for permission, and while she wouldn't have been bothered if Glinda hadn't, she loved the blonde girl for asking. And she gave her permission with a loving gaze and an intense kiss.

Glinda kissed Elphaba's breast again, and ran her tongue across the dark emerald nipple and then she took the hardened bud into her mouth and sucked, while her fingers tended to the other green breast.

Although Elphaba loved the feeling of Glinda's mouth and fingers tending to her breasts, she desired Glinda to be in a different place.

"Glinda" she sighed.

Glinda didn't need to hear her say it to know what Elphaba wanted, so she kissed her way down Elphaba's lovely verdant body. She kissed Elphaba's shimmering emerald mound, really kissed it and Elphaba moaned at the sensation. Glinda returned Elphaba's actions and gently caressed Elphaba's most fragile of areas. She located Elphaba's clit and massaged the small pleasure node gently, and the emerald woman cried out in sheer pleasure.

Glinda wanted Elphaba's first time to be just like hers had been, perfect. She slid two pale fingers just inside Elphaba and asked for permission with her eyes and received it with a loving gaze and a long kiss. Glinda thrust her fingers into Elphaba, feeling the blockage give away and Elphaba inhaled slightly.

Glinda did just as Elphaba had done with her and massaged inside her gently and soon Elphaba was matching her movements. She thrust and rubbed her clit in tandem and she sighed in pleasure as she felt wet, warm walls pulsate around her fingers.

"Glinda! Oh Oz, Glinda!" Elphaba cried out.

Elphaba moaned, gasped and shuddered as her orgasm gripped her. Glinda thrust more gently and removed her fingers only when the emerald woman's climax had finished.

She wrapped her arms around Elphaba's lean and shivering body, she kissed Elphaba's neck and ran stroked her legs.

"How do you feel?" asked Glinda.

It took Elphaba a second to regain her bearings, "Glinda, that was amazing. I always thought that nobody would ever-"but she was silenced by Glinda's lips.

"Elphie, I loved making love to you. It was the most magical experience of my life; both making love to you and you making love to me" she looked into Elphaba's amazingly beautiful and intense brown eyes. "I love you, Elphie"

"I love you too Glinda" said Elphaba.

By now, Glinda had fallen asleep next to Elphaba and nothing, not even the thunder awoke her. For the first time in her life, with her Elphaba holding her, Glinda wasn't afraid.