Last Christmas

By: Aminatsu032

CHAPTER 1 "The Shadow Of A Black Cat"


"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, You gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special"


'It's that time of year again...Christmas' a certain brunette as she felt the cold winter breeze brushing through her smooth face.

'Why? Why did you leave me all of a sudden?'

"Mikan," said one of Mikan's friends, Nonoko, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Nonoko," she answered with a fake smile in her face.

"It's almost a year...since Natsume left," said the blue-haired girl as she stared at the sky that was crying snow.

Mikan looked at her feet, 'How? How could you leave me?'


It was also Christmas season back then...Mikan and Natsume were both in the dorm's balcony, staring at the stars like they had always did every night---whether what season it was.

'I have to say it now! I have been hiding my feelings from him for a long time...' Mikan thought.

Both suddenly said the other's name at the same time.

"Yes, Natsume?"

"Uh...noting important. You first..."

"No, it's okay."

"Mikan..." the raven-haired boy said as he stared at the brunette's chocolate eyes, "I...I'm sorry..."

"Wh-why, Natsume? You didn't do anything wrong..." said the confused Mikan.

Natsume looked away and continued talking, "I...I know that I've told you that I love you...but, I can't hide the truth anymore. I...I lied. I did it because the academy wants me to spy on you...besides that, nothing else. I don't have feelings for you."

"Y-you're lying, right?" Mikan said in disbelief.

"No," he said.

"Then, if you really hate me, then look into my eyes and tell me that you do!"

"I don't hate you! It's just that..." Natsume looked at Mikan's eyes, "I don't love you."

Mikan runs away in shock and pain.

'I hate you Natsume! I hate you! Most of all, I hate myself...for ever loving you...'

After that day, Natsume disappeared. And since then, he was never seen again. The teachers and the students didn't know where he went---especially the heart of a certain brunette who still loved him until now...


There were no classes for it was a holiday season and today, Mikan and her friends were off to Central Town to buy gifts.

"Well, see you later, guys!" Mikan said as she waved goodbye to her friends for she was buying her gifts somewhere else in Central Town.

'Let's see, one for Hotaru, for Ruka, Yuu, Anna, and for Nonoko!' she thought as the picked a gift for every one of her friends.

She felt a chill down to her spine.

"It's getting cold in here!" said Mikan. She looked at the sky and saw snowflakes. It was snowing again.

Mikan smiled.

'If were here.'


Night fell. Everyone was in his or her respective dorm rooms except for Mikan who was standing in the dorm balcony.

"Wh-why, Natsume? You didn't do anything wrong..." said the confused Mikan.

Natsume looked away and continued talking, "I...I know that I've told you that I love you...but, I can't hide the truth anymore. I...I lied. I did it because the academy wants me to spy on you...besides that, nothing else. I don't have feelings for you."

"Y-you're lying, right?" Mikan said in disbelief.

"No," he said.

"Then, if you really hate me, then look into my eyes and tell me that you do!"

"I don't hate you! It's just that..." Natsume looked at Mikan's eyes, "I don't love you."

Mikan sighed.

'I don't know...why I still love you, even though you broke my heart,' Mikan thought, 'My mind tells me to stop thinking about you and move on...but my heart says to continue loving you, and always wait for your return.'

Mikan headed to her room and as she opened the door, she saw a shadow.


She flapped the door open and saw that nobody was there. Maybe it was just her imagination running wild. She entered the room and turned the light on as she closed the door. She noticed something on her desk.

A note...saying, 'I'm sorry'




-End of Chapter-




Mikan: It's been a while since you've written any chapter extras...

Faye: Natsume...

Mikan: (Sweat Drops) Uh...Faye?


Mikan: Faye...?


Mikan: (Vein Pops) FAYE!

Faye: Uh...what is it, Mikan? (Gives Mikan A Creepy Smile)

Mikan: Are you feeling all right?

Faye: Hmm...I guess so...why do you ask?

Mikan: You've been mentioning Natsume's name over and over.

Faye: OH! That? Hehe! I'm thinking of the way you'll say Natsume's name when you see him again...'Natsume...', 'NNAATTSSUUMMEE...' or 'NNNAAATTTSSSUUUMMMEEE!!!' So, what do you think?

Mikan: How about I come up with a way, instead?

Faye: Hmm...I thought the third one was a great idea.

Mikan: (Sweat Drops Again)

Youichi: (Pops Out From Nowhere Holding A Board Saying: Read And Review People!!!)

Faye: (Stands In Front Of Youichi Blocking Youichi's View) Did you know how I came up with this story? Well, I was listening to BoA's songs and then heard—

Nonoko: (Covers Faye's Mouth) Stop it! Youichi is getting mad!

Faye: MMMM!

Nonoko: What was that? (Let's Go Of Faye)

Faye: Oh, nothing! (She Said "Let Go Of Me")



