Title: Not Enough Time

Author: SasuNaru1025 (me!)

Rating: Tperhaps M

Dedication: To my loving Twin, Marlene. This goes out to her just like all my stories.

I'd also like to thank, StarsofYaoi, The Writer you fools, and Fastforward for writing amazing stories that I enjoy to read. I know this will not be as good as they write; but they inspire me and I thank them dearly.

Author Note: Enjoy! and Review are appreciated!

Disclaimer: I don't Naruto. I wish I did though!

'Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Time Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Sasuke groaned and rolled over on the bed, arm stretching out for the blonde boy normally on his right side, only to find the spot distantly cold. That slightly surprised him as he opened his eyes to confirm he was gone.


'Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance'

"What the hell is that?" He questioned himself, before realizing that it was the songNaruto set as his ring tone andglanced beside the bedwhere, indeed, his Verizon LG phone was flashing. He reached over for it with no doubt in his mind that it was his boyfriend, and flipped it open without looking to place at his ear. "Naruto, Why haven't you came home?"

There was silence and a few distant sobs heard in the background on the other end.


The Uchiha was confused, and he pulled the phone away to check the number which appeared to be restricted. So, Who the hell could have his number?

"Sasuke? Hello?"

Placing the phone back against his ear he spoke into the other end. "Yeah, who is this? How did you get this number?"

"Dude, it's me. Kiba. I'm calling from the Hospital." There was a long pause as he took a breath. "Sasuke, it's Naruto. You better get down here." His voice was low, depressed like.

Suddenly something hit Sasuke. Hospital and Naruto in the same sentence was not a good thing to here. Not a good thing at all. "What do you mean? What happened?" He was slightly panicking now. Why was Naruto in the hospital?

"Just... Hurry, Sasuke. Konoha Medical Center, room 316." There was a click as the phone went dead, but Sasuke felt like he couldn't move. Like someone was sitting on him and holding him down. His breath left him and for once in his life he didn't know what to do. He was in shock with only one thing on his mind.


"313. 314. 315... 316!" Sasuke pushed past a nurse in a short white skirt trying to flirt with him and threw open the door. First thing he noticed was all the people crowded into the small space, clearly not following hospital rules; but like he cared as he tried to catch his breath from running all the way from his car.

"Naruto...What happened?" A few friends looked at him, tear streaks clearly seen below their puffy, red eyes. They were stressed and tense, so very upset.

Sasuke was afraid to know why they were like this, but nevertheless a few moved to reveal Naruto laying on the bed. His skin seemed so pale, so different from the tanned flesh he was known for. Marks, bruises, and gashes littered his prefect body. His eyes were closed and the machines that normally would be keeping his heart rate on the monitor were blank.

Sasuke wanted to run, he wanted to get away and pretend this was all a dream; but his body moved him forward to the side of the bed where a crying Tsunade was pulled back by an equal upset Jiraiya to give him room.

"Is he..." The Uchiha's voice was so low that only Kiba, who was on the other side of the bed caught it.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke. They did everything they could to save him." He whispered back, trying to hide his pain in order to comfort the others. The way Naruto would have wanted it.

"How...?" Tears were clearly building in his eyes at the sight of his lover, laying so cold on the bed before him. So close, but to far away from reaching him anymore.

"Accident. He was hit by a drunken drive outside my house, both were going pretty fast. I don't know, it's not like Naruto to come around to my parties without you."

Sasuke nodded, dropping his head so that his hair fell in front of his eyes to hide the tears slipping. It was all his fault. He let Naruto leave the house while they were fighting. He should have stopped him, yelled at him to stay, even went after him would have been better then nothing. It was all his fault Naruto was dead.

His boyfriend, his fiancé, His Naruto. Gone, and never coming back.

Kiba motioned for the others to leave the room so that Sasuke could have some alone time, to make amends or say anything he had to get out. They had no problem with this either, slowly moving from the area, some holding one another as they cried. Once the room was empty, Kiba started to leave as well.

"I'm so sorry, Sasuke. Treasure the time you had with him at least." He murmured softly, placing a hand gently on the ravens shoulder in condolence.

"Yeah." He choked through a sob, "But it wasn't enough time."

Thee End

Thanks for reading. Hopefully your not to sad to leave a review?

Special thanks to the people this story is for. You guys are awesome!