"OH MY GOD!!" Darcy screamed for joy.
After Darcy finished screaming she so shock that she nearly fainted at the scene, the screaming alarmed everyone down stairs to the point were they all ran to the stairs and yelled out to Darcy.
"Darcy, are you alright?" Gabi asked frantically.
"Yea, I m fine, there's nothing to worry about, I promise I'll be down soon, okay."
"Okay." Gabi said.
So then everyone returned to the kitchen and struck up a conversation about who should be the next president of the United States.
With Darcy and Miranda
"Miranda, please tell me your not a ghost!" Darcy said
"Darcy, I m real but I thought that you didn't believe in the supernatural." Miranda said smirking.
"Not funny, so not funny, but how did you escape that son-of- mofo?" Darcy said as she took a seat on Miranda's bed and prepared for telling of Miranda's in Hell.
"Well, you remember the plan that Billy told yall about five months ago." Miranda asked.
"Yea, what about it?" Darcy asked
"Well it went into affect about 6:00 this afternoon and he got me out alive."
"Miranda, I cannot even being to tell you how much you were missed around here, I mean Jake has cried himself to sleep every night and his game has gotten so bad that Coach Tyler benched him for the rest of the season, and your sister have been a mess, Gabi she had to take over all your activates at school. And Teagen, Keagen, and Erica have all been bottling up their emotions on this issue, and rest I don't know about."
"Darcy, what about you. How have you been about this" Miranda asks
Darcy did not even answer Miranda question she just started to cry, so Miranda walked over to her best friend and cradled her in her arms as she cried, and then when she stopped she asked Miranda why she was not crying as well.
"Darcy, I have done my all the crying that my tear ducts can handle, heck I think that my tear ducts are just about broken from all the crying that I did while I was with chase." Miranda said sarcastically.
This lead to both of the girls into a giggle fit and caused all those down stairs to start worrying because Darcy had not returned.
"I wonder what is taken Darcy so long to get down here." Ryan asked everyone that was in the kitchen at the time.
"I go look for her." Jake volunteered
So then Jake ran up the stairs as fast as he could and stopped when he reached the top of the stairs and yelled.
"Darcy, your Boy-toy wants you."
With Darcy and Miranda
When Miranda heard Jake's voice it made her heart beat quicken and she started to cry and Darcy noticed this and comforted her as best she could.
"hey Jake, could you um...come here for a minute or four." Darcy asked from behind Miranda's bedroom door.
and so Jake started his way down the hallway toward the room that he had dared not enter for the past five months, and then when he reach the door, he
proceeded to open it and entered the room.
"Darcy, come on i don't want to be in here it brings back to many memories." Jake said kinda of upset at the fact that his girlfriend and love of his life still had not
been returned to him.(AN: Darcy just slide out of Miranda's bedroom at this point)
"Jake, I'm not Darcy." Miranda said in a sobbing manner.
"Miranda, is that you." Jake said as he pulled her into his arms and started to cry himself.
"of course its me, who were you expecting the Easter bunny or Santa clause" Miranda said sarcastically as she moved her head for his shoulder.
"I thought that i would never see you again, baby-girl." Jake said still crying onto her shoulder.
and this caused Miranda to move them toward her bed so that they could sit down.
"Oh Jake it feels so good to here you say that."Miranda said as Jake lifted his head off her shoulder and looked her in her beautiful brown eyes that he had missed
all these months.
"Miranda, i have did that scumbag ever touch you in any way." Jake asked.
"yes Jake, he touched me the way i wanted you to, Jake i wanted to wanted to wait till our wedding night to give you my innocence but now i can't do that because i am damaged goods, so I'll understand if you don't love me any more." Miranda said as broke the stare between the two of the them.
"Miranda, i don't ever want to hear those words come out of you mouth again do you understand me, Miranda I love you with all of my body, my mind and my soul, i love you just as much a Troy loves Gabriella, no I love you so much more than that so please don't ever say that again, baby please." Jake said as he moved Miranda from her position on the bed to now have her sitting on his lap.
"Jake, i want go and see everyone." Miranda said quietly.
"okay, but before we go i want to give you some somethings, somethings that i did not get to give you because you were gone during our anniversary."
Jake then pulls out four Tiffany jewelry boxes and hands one of them to Miranda and waits patiently to give her the other boxes, and Miranda proceeds to open box number 1. which is the Heart locket bracelet with a picture of both of them sitting together and watching the sunrise and the other is of him kissing her cheek and on the locket it says happy anniversary, then Jake hands over box number 2. which has Tiffany Hearts earrings in it, and next he hands her box number 3 and inside it is XOXO heart lock charm. but then Jake got down one knee and opened the fourth box.
"Miranda i have loved you sence the first time i saw you on the playgrounds monkeybars back in elementary school, i loved you scene i saw you stand up to Frank McGreehe in fourth grade for making fun of your sister Gabi, and hope that you will do me the honor of becoming my wife so will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife."
All Miranda could for not making her self cry was nodded her head in the form of her yes. So then Jake got up and kissed her with all the passion in the world .
alright this is the end for now. Please Review i need 4 reviews to updated so that you can get the last chappie