Parent's Day: Unexpected Chapter Number Two!

Note: I re-read the second chapter I wrote for this and found myself oddly depressed by it. So I decided to do an uplifting chappy, just to see how it works. Please, if it doesn't work out tell me so I can take this extra chapter down. Thanks!


Dean sat silently in the living room/kitchen of their current home, staring mindlessly at the book in his lap. His eyes had been stuck on the words 'contrary to popular belief…' for a good twenty minutes. He'd been trying to read up on tulpas, seeing as he didn't have anything else to do…well, besides homework, but when did he every actually do that?

Though he was trying to expand his knowledge of the Supernatural his mind just kept wandering to everything that had happened that day. After he'd managed to convince Sammy what happened that day was a secret ("You don't want dad to be sad that he had to miss out, do you?") he'd had the rest of the night to just let his mind roam.

I'm sure you're parent's are very proud.

Why did she have to say that? Seriously, how hard is it for people to butt out, even if they were just being extraordinarily nice. If she hadn't said that Dean would never have thought up all this crap that's running through his mind. He never would have thought how he used to always feel such pride when his father trusted him. How his father used to look at him with faith, instead of uncertainty. How Sammy still had no idea what had happened, but still somehow managed to know something was up.

Freaking woman shoulda just kept her mouth shut.

"Hey, bud." Came a voice from the doorway that made Dean's head shoot up.


"What'r you still doin' up?"

"I was reading."

"Oh yea, about what?" He watched as his father walked from the doorway and sat on the couch's arm.


"Oh, nasty bastards." John said with a nod. Dean looked back down at his book, missing the amused look in his father's eye. "So, got Sammy to sleep all right?"

"Yea. He was exhausted."

"Oh, big day?" Dean merely shrugged in response. "I mean, he did walk home after all. What was the reason for that, again?"

"Class got out early for me, so I decided to see if he wanted to walk with me."

"Walk home with you, even though you pass our house on the way to his school?"

Dean shrugged, "It was a nice day out."

"Uh-huh." John nodded, but Dean still didn't look at his father. Knowing if he did then he would never be able to lie like this. "So, what did you do today? Why'd you get out early?"

Again, he shrugged. "Nothing special. There was a basket ball game that we got to skip that last few classes for. I didn't wanna go, so I snuck out."

"Are you gonna get in trouble for that?"

"I doubt they even noticed I was gone."

"Huh. Sounds like you had a different day as well." Dean nodded and shrugged in the same moment, it felt kinda odd. John glanced at the fridge, "Sammy did some drawing today, huh?"

"Don't they do that a lot in kindergarten?"

"Mmm." John stared off into space for a moment, before jerking back into reality. "Well, I have to get some sleep if I'm gonna be ready for a day of research tomorrow. G'night, Dean." John stood, and ruffled his son's hair as he went, getting an astonished look from Dean. Despite the third-degree about his day, John hadn't been this…this fatherly to Dean in months. What had changed?

"Oh, and Dean?" Dean looked up at his father, who was grinning at him. Grinning. "The next time you bake something you might wanna put the pans away when you're done." Dean's eyes widened. "Oh, and your impression of me isn't as good as you think it is." Dean stared at his father like a gaping fish, He knew?? And he wasn't mad?? John smiled warmly at his son. "G'night, dude." And with that John disappeared into his bedroom.

After shaking off the shock Dean couldn't help the small smile that was creeping across his lips. Maybe there was hope for them yet…


Note: Well that's it, did it work out? I was trying to make John nice because I heart nice!John, but for some reason rarely write him. Please tell me how it worked out, if ya'll don't like it please tell me and I'll take it down. Thanks!
