Disclaimer: I don't own Ben 10, just my random idea for this story.

Note: This has to be on my top list of Random Ideas ever. In fact, that is going to be a series I think.


Gwendolyn Tennyson sighed and shook her head. Her cousin Benjamin Tennyson looked up from his desk. The twenty-five year-olds had changed a lot from the selves they were at eleven. Gwen was a powerful mage, always able to handle things competently. Ben was no more a braggart, he was quiet and self-controlled. Both were serious, a result of losing their parents and of Max's accident with Vilgax that last time.

The redhead snuck a glance at her brunette cousin and friend, "Come on," she urged, "We can go to lunch early for once!"

Ben groaned, "Why must you always torture me?" he complained.

Gwen laughed, "Come on or they won't have any normal food left."

He needed no further urging. The two stood and ran to the 'Café Omes' named in honor of the Latin word for all. As they pounded in the five aliens who sat there looked up, than down, prepared for the usual jokes the cousins had. There were none that day. The two ate in silence at a separate table. They finished quickly and left. Outside, Ben changed to a bat like creature and Gwen held on as he took off.

They landed in a field, one of those rare places untouched by civilization. Four graves stood in a cluster in its middle. The two cousins knelt at them. Ben, in human form once more, Gwen with her eyes closed.

A man on the edge of the city who was doing his dishes heard a clear, sweet soprano and a deep bass rising above the noise of the city. He looked at the calendar and grinned. It was that time again, the time he always heard those two voices sing 'Sweet Chariot'. It never failed to amaze him, though he had no idea who sang. He finished the dishes and sat, listening, until the voices were finished. Than he went to his study to type an article for his newspaper.

In the field, Gwen rose silently and climbed back onto Ben's bat form. They left as swiftly as they had come and were soon back to the hustle of work.

That night she sat in her nightgown in her room. She and Ben shared a large house because of the ability to keep their shared caches there and the availability for Max. Now though, she wished they didn't. She thought he would most likely be at work still.

Gwen ran a hand through her short hair and began to sing to the lyrics written on the page. It was something she had composed for her parents, uncle and aunt's memorial services later that week.

Inside his room Ben relaxed as he heard the music. Usually so tense and worn out this was the only week he ever came home on time. He felt like he dishonored his parents when he worked late. Singing, which fired so many people up never failed to relax him. Indeed, he fell asleep to the sound of his cousin's voice.

In her room, Gwen smiled and set the music down. Though there were tears on her face, she had never felt better. She fell asleep with her sadness mixed in with so many emotions from over the years.

Two cousins, one so full of fire and spirit undiminished by years of fighting and harrowing sorrow. The other clinging desperately to his few shreds of humanity. Though the two would always have struggles, they were always stronger than they seemed. They were always to be that way.

(So, what do you think? This just popped into my head a week ago and wouldn't get out till I wrote it.)