Kyoto Doll

Kagome obtains a strange doll during her stay in Kyoto…

Parings include: Sessh/kag

This entire story takes place in kagome's future. It's rather gloomy at first but I promise it'll get better…sorry if Sesshomaru is a tad OOC.

Chapter 1 encounter

'Kagome you need to take a break.'

'I know mom, sometimes I whish I could get away…'

Kagome sighed looking out her hotel window, she and her mom came to Kyoto to relieve stress but her mind was restless. Things at school were going down the drain; dealing with two guys that want her at the same time, in the same class wasn't her idea of fun. She sighed again.

'What a waste.'

"Kagome, dear you should go out." kagome turned to her mother. She only smiled, she nodded and her mother gave her an umbrella.

"it might rain." Kagome nodded and closed the door behind her. Everything seemed so quiet compared to downtown Tokyo. She passed a few shops and brought some ice cream on the way. She sat on a bench and watched as couples passed her by. She zoned out wondering what it would be like to have the man of her dreams beside her. The presence of another drew her attention. Her eyes widened, a man was sitting there beside her a gorgeous man just about her age starring at her. He had a muscled frame, long beautiful silver hair and black orbs, but what caught her attention was the crescent moon upon his forehead and the paleness of his skin. His eyes were piercing into her soul, his mouth moved and her ears registered the deep silky voice.

"So…you can see me." Her eyes widened as the boy smiled and vanished in front of her. Then pouring rain and cracks of thunder was all that was left. She jerked her form from the bench and took a few steps back.

"n-nani?" fear consumed her, had she seen a ghost? A ghost of a very handsome person? She shook her head.

"No…" a tapping on her shoulder made her yelp and jump.

"My apologies miss, demo don't you need an umbrella." Kagome looked at her dumbfounded.

"Iie, I have one." she pulled it out and flipped it open.

"Arigato." The woman smiled and walked off. Kagome still shaken by her encounter walked a bit slower than usual back towards the hotel.

'Did I really see a ghost? People just don't disappear like that, who was he?' she glanced into a store window and stopped dead in her tracks, there in the window was a beautifully crafted porcelain doll. She walked closer and gasped.

'It's the guy from the park.' She examined it more. The long silver hair appeared real his eyes were chilling, cold and gold. She looked to his forehead and found the crescent moon. There were also deep maroon stripes across his cheeks. The doll itself was in attire fit for a lord in the Feudal era. His haori was white with splashes of red on the shoulder and bottom of the sleeve. His Hakamas were white as well; joining the two items was a silken blue and yellow sash. What caught her attention was the fur draped across the right shoulder and his elfin ears. She reached her hand out as if to grasp it but was cut short by the glass in front of her. With her eyes still widened she continued to examine it, taking in every feature. The porcelain that made his face and hands were flawless, no air bubbles were visible or faulty brush strokes. She saw the two swords at his sides and even the wrinkles and folds of his clothing and the shine of his porcelain shoes. Her eyes were drawn back to the golden ones of the doll.

"You're the first one who stood there that long." She slowly returned from her gaze.

"Huh?" the red head smiled.

"Of all the gazers, you stood there for the longest time." She analyzed him as well, long red hair that stopped just below his chest and he had lovely green eyes.

"How long?" the question caught him off guard but he smiled and answered politely.

"Two hours." Her eyes widened. She stepped back away from the glass.

"This doll…"

"Have you seen him?" she jerked her head and turned to him fully.

"How…do you know?" his emerald eyes shimmered.

"I don't, there's a story behind this doll." She looked back to the doll.

"I'll tell you if you want, please come inside." She hesitated a moment then entered the shop, Once inside the sent of peaches rose to her nose. The red head disappeared behind a door and returned with a book and switched the stores 'open' sign to 'closed' and stood on the other side of the bar like counter. He looked to kagome who was sitting opposite of him looking intently at the doll. When she faced him he gasped. Her eyes were pools of chocolate with hints of hazel and they seemed to pass every barrier around him. He smiled she was the one. The one who could break the spell. He held out his hand.

"I'm Dai Suguro freshman in Okari University." She smiled and shook his hand.

"I'm kagome Higurashi senior at Okari high, please to meet you Suguro-san, ano Okari is in Tokyo why are you here?" he blushed a bit.

"Well I'm here with my father on some business trip for the week so I decided to watch his bar until during the day." She nodded.

"Me and my mom are here on vacation away from the city for the week." His emerald eyes shimmered a bit.

"That's nice; oh please just call me Dai." She nodded.

"So your eager to learn more about him huh?" when she was suddenly quiet he looked up from the book. Her eyes seemed dulled.

"Higurashi?" her gaze met emerald.

"Gomen lost my train of thought, it's ok if you call me kagome I don't do formalities." He nodded and flipped the book open to a tagged section in the middle.
"There's not much on him but the cover up but I have some book in the back that gives you the real story." She nodded.

"Matte, before you start what is his name?" he smiled.

"Sesshomaru." Her eyes widened.
'Destruction of the circle of life.'

"Well it says here that he was the great dog general's son, and ruled over western Japan during the Sengoku Jidai, he was known as Inugami Daiyokai." Kagome was listening intently.

"It was said he continued to rule over the west until the twentieth century where he supposedly disappeared. Rumors said that a powerful kami locked his soul into that doll and his body elsewhere for reasons unknown. Demons as we know are still in existence today but keep them under wraps so the humans won't bother with them."

"I see, she glanced at her watch." She sighed.

"It's gotten so late my mother would start to worry and I don't want to be a bother Dai." She stood and walked to the door and saw that it was dark and still pouring rain. Dai placed the book under the counter and walked over to her. She was staring at the doll again.

"You are welcome to come by tomorrow." She smiled.
"I think I will thank you." She opened her umbrella and walked out. Dai watched her retreating form and turned to the doll.

"Looks like you'll be free before you know it milord." He then removed the doll from the front and placed him in the back room and locked the door. Then closed up the shop.

Kagome walked down the street twirling her umbrella in her hands.

'Sesshomaru… what did you do to get locked up like that?' she continued walking.

'Who are you exactly? Was I the first one who saw you? I need a sign damn it!' she bumped into somebody. He had his back to her but her eyes instantly saw the long silver hair.

"S-S-Sesshomaru!" he turned his head so that the only thing kagome could see was the black orbs of his eyes.

"Free me…" he faded into the rain. Her startled gasp scared herself. She was trembling.

'I'm scared…'

Kagome walked into the hotel room and was greeted by her mother.

"Kagome! It's late and it's pouring rain outside." She smiled.
"Sorry mama, I got a little side tracked." Her mother's small smirk grew.
"By what dear?"

"A doll." She closed her door silently and changed into warmer clothing. She peered out the window.

'I want to help but I'm scared. I need to know more, I want to find out more about you.' She pulled a piece of paper and jotted down his name.

"Kuso!" she slammed her fist down on the window sill.

'Why? I have never thought so hard on anything in my life! What if all of this is a bluff and that doll is just cheap plastic and the ghost I saw…'

"Ghost…" she stood and placed the paper beside her bed on the small table side dresser.

'If the doll is plastic and there really isn't a soul trapped in there why did I see the same person…he was too pale to be alive, his eyes were void holes not the golden ones, and he was semi transparent. Was I really the only one who saw him? Why did he single me out? I want to know more but I'm scared. Scared of the fact that for the first time in my life I'm lost.' She closed her eyes.

'Kami give me a sign.'

Dai sat in his room flipping through pages of books. His eyes widened at the few lines he read.

"The god then sealed away the demon using a powerful spell. The only known thing that could break this everlasting curse was a miko with the fate to love such a beast." There was a picture on the right said but it was badly torn as was the other pages in the book. His eyes widened. The picture was the exact replica of the doll and beside him a girl, looking exactly like kagome. He dropped the book.


Kagome groaned and rolled over. It was nearing the closing of spring break. In all she didn't really want to leave. Knowing that the doll would probably stay in Kyoto disturbed her even more. She sat up and scratched the back of her head. She removed herself from the bed and looked down on the paper she had scribbled his name on. She gasped; her hands started trembling as they picked up the small paper. She was cold; there was a distinct chill in the air that hung low. Just below the line where she wrote his name was a response.

"N-N-Nani…?" she read it over and over then decided on the fact that she was not the only one in the room. As if on que her mother walked in.

"Good morning kagome."

"Mama, did you write this?" her mother chuckled.

"Of course not dear, you know I can't write in that cursive style." Kagome paled.

'Then if mama didn't write it, and I didn't write it then…' she peered down on the paper. Its contents read:



It was a simple word. How could she get worked up over a word? Easy, she nor her mother wrote it and with the events that took place yesterday she was certain it wasn't a joke either. She had to get back to the shop.

"Kagome? No breakfast?" she shook her head.

"Not today mama, I'll be back!" she shut the door and raced back to the shop. She rushed in causing the chime to clash against each other making more of a clank.

"Dai?" she looked around. There was no one there. Someone came from the back and greeted her it was a man in his late forties.

"Ohayo, are you one of Dai's friends?" she nodded.

"Dai isn't here today, but you can leave a quick note and I'll make sure he gets it." she nodded. She scribbled down some sentences and left her name.

"My number is there to and the hotel please tell him to stop by or call this is urgent." He nodded at her voice and his eyes widened at her next comment.

"Ano, where is the doll?" there was silence. The man didn't know whether or not he wanted to tell her.

"Well Dai took it with him; he said it was for safe keeping. When he's working the doll is in that window." She nodded.

"Arigato." She left the store slightly mad.

'He did say stop by.' She sighed and returned to the hotel.

"Dai, wake up it's nearly three." Dai opened his emerald eyes and glanced at the maid.

"Rika-San." She smiled

"That doll has kept you up all night huh? Must be special." His eyes snapped open

"THE DOLL!" he raced to get dressed and ran to the shop.

"Otou-san! Did a girl come in here?" the man turned and smiled.

"There was this one girl who asked about the doll." He paled.

"Did she leave a message of some sort?" he nodded.

"Over on the counter." Dai read it and grabbed the phone.

Dai, I got some really interesting news to tell you –kagome

It rang only three times.

"Ohayo! Thank you for calling Kyoto resort how may I help you?"

"Yes, do you have Higurashi?" there was silence

"Yes we do, please hold while we redirect you." It rang again and a female voice picked up.

"Moshi, moshi Higurashi speaking."
"ano, is kagome there?" there was a rustling then another feminine voice answered.



"Dai?" he sighed over the phone.

"I found something out last night; can we meet at the park?"

"Sure give me ten and I'll be there." She grabbed the paper and raced out the house. She met him at the entrance. He was holding a book and looked rather jittered.

"Dai?" he looked at her.

"Kagome! I found this in an old book, it's rather interesting." He flipped through the pages and handed the book to her as she sat down on the bench. Her eyes widened.

"Is that why I can see him?" he frowned.
"I'm not sure, but that book is old, so it might not be accurate." She closed the book and sighed.

"Well my family is from a long line of priests and Miko's so there might be a slight chance…" she trailed off. Dai sat beside her and kagome looked at him.

"Dai, last night I wrote his name on this piece of paper, and in the morning there was a response." He looked at the parchment and his voice sounded a little apprehensive.

"Kagome, are you sure?" she nodded.

"Yes it read Hai, on the bottom of…" kagome turned to look at Dai and found him squinting. Her eyes widened when realization hit her

"Dai, you can't see it can you?" her voice shaky.

'Then what if he doesn't believe me and thinks I'm crazy?'

"Gomen kagome I can't…" she stood.

"Well, I'll be leaving tomorrow is it ok for me to come by the store before I leave?" he nodded. Kagome took in his features. His appearance rang a bell in her head.

'Oh…my…god…he can't be can he?' she focused on his eyes. Inside the emerald swirls of his eyes were sparkles and swipes of red. She decided to test out her miko abilities. She focused on his forehead intent on finding it. Her eyes widened.

"Kagome?" it was there, what she was looking for was there. A black upside down crescent moon was slightly concealed under his spiked bangs. Dai stood startling her.

"Kagome Daijoubu?" her eyes met his

"Daisuke…" it was a whisper but his eyes widened. She held her head low. The clouds began to cover the sky and soft rumbles of thunder in the distance.

"You are the Northern lord aren't you?" he held onto her shoulders.

"How do you know?" she smiled then

"I have history and my teacher just told us about all the youkai lords that ruled." He nodded. Then something dawned on her.

"You can't read it because you can't see the dead." He nodded.

"Sesshomaru isn't technically dead." She was pondering.

"But if his soul is separated from his body then doesn't that qualify?" he remained silent.

"Then he is among the toho nai." She nodded.
"How long before they take him away?" he was confused.

"Nani?" she tilted her head a bit

"If I remember correctly, toho nai only have a limited amount of time to walk the earth before the lord of souls take them away to either heaven or hell." He nodded.

"I see, then we haven't got time." The rain started.

"I better get back." just as he was about to walk away she turned around.

"Matte was everything you told me before…"

"Were lies because I wasn't sure if telling a stranger would be the best idea. Even though I can't see him I can surely feel his aura." She nodded and pulled out a handkerchief (I like that word…O.o) and handed it to him.

"It has my sent on it, when you return to Tokyo find me." He smiled and nodded.

"ok." She raced off back to her hotel before the rain could get any worse.

Two days later Tokyo Okari High

Kagome was staring out the window wondering when this boring class would end. Even though class just started she whished she was back in Kyoto. The teacher stopped talking and kagome looked up to see the teacher writing on the board. Then there was a knock at the door. Kagome returned to cloud gazing when she heard all the female voices gasp. She looked to see what was going on when she saw Dai. The teacher looked to her.

"Higurashi you have a visitor." She stood immediately and walked to him.

"Ohayo Dai." She smiled. She heard the growls from the boys in the class and the hisses from the girls.

"Ohayo Kagome, do you have a minute?" she nodded and walked out the class.

"I never knew you were so popular." He smiled.

"Have you seen Sesshomaru?" she shook her head.

"I'm afraid not, the last time I saw him was when it was raining back in Kyoto. I can't get in contact with him either, you did bring the doll with you right?" he nodded.

"I wouldn't leave him so bluntly." She was silent.

"Dai may I borrow the doll?" his eyes widened.

"Demo…" she gave him the saddest puppy dog face she could muster and smiled when he blushed. He sighed.

"Fine…I'll be waiting for you after school at the front entrance." She nodded and walked back in class.
"Kagome!" she sighed at the boy's tone. His black hair trailed down his back in a braid and loose ends hung over his shoulders and covered his forehead slightly covering his deep lavender eyes.
"Inuyasha not today."

"Like hell I'm backing down." A growl was heard from behind him. Another boy with brown hair tied in a high ponytail and ice blue eyes approached.

"Who said you could be so close to my woman dog face." Kagome sighed as the two started bickering. The bell rang ending the class and the day and she couldn't be happier.
"Kagome! Matte!" both came up from behind her on either side walking with her in silence. Kouga looked at Inuyasha and Inuyasha did the same. Swarms of anger were radiating off them both. Since she found out she could use her miko powers she put them to use. She sighed.

'They will never learn.' Dai was waiting at the front gate from kagome shooing away the girls that wanted to spark conversation. As he was about to leave he felt her aura. She rounded the corner and he held a hand out to wave when he saw the other two boys that accompanied her.

'Wow, she has nice taste.' He smiled and walked towards her.

"Kagome! Kotchi!" she turned her head and so did the others but they didn't move away when she began walking towards him instead they went with her. He smiled when she walked up to him. He wasn't looking at her though he was concentrating on the males slightly behind her.

'They are both possessive of her and they clearly are capable of protecting her.' He nodded to them both and all three came to a silent agreement.

"Oh! Gomen I forgot to introduce you. Dai this is Inuyasha and kouga." She pointed to them both and smiled. Kouga spoke first.

"Nice to meet ya." His eyes held something else. Kagome turned to them both.

"Well I'm going now, I'll see you tomorrow!" she turned to Dai and nodded. Both walked off leaving Inuyasha and Kouga at the school entrance.

"What the hell was that!" kouga sighed.

"You wouldn't even understand." Kouga walked off with his hands in his pockets.

'He was able to read me like a book.' He smirked.

Kagome was lead to a huge house that branched out to a dojo and a small shop.

"Wow so that's why you're popular, you're rich." He chuckled.
"On the contrary kagome, these people took me in a long time ago." She nodded.

"So what do they do?"

"They own all the small businesses on the downtown strip."

"Wow lucky." He smiled and opened the front door.
"Chichi, tadaima!" there was a rustling and a maid came from the kitchen.
"Dai-sama, Suguro-san has gone out for the evening." He nodded.

"Have some tea brung to my room." She nodded and disappeared. Dai lead kagome up the winding stairs to the first room on the left.

"This is my room." He opened the door and she gasped. It was huge. There was a window that stretched across the entire back wall and to the left of the window was a huge king sized bed, there was an entertainment system opposite of the bed and two huge dressers. There was also a door that leads to the bathroom which was hidden and made to look like the wall. The entire room was themed in smoke grey and silver.

"This is beautiful." She walked to the huge window that was framed with sheer grey curtains. Dai went to retrieve the doll.

'Wow i bet he can read people like books.'

"Kagome?" she turned to him and was met by gold eyes. She gasped. She held her hand to her heart.

"Are you ok?" concern lacing his voice.

"I'm fine it's just that I haven't seen those eyes in a while." She took the doll from his hands and held it.
"Arigatou Dai, I will take good care of him." He smiled.

Kagome sat the doll on her dresser closest to her bed and took out a journal and wrote down his name and placed it at the foot of the doll.

'Please write me Sesshomaru.' She closed the door behind her and walked back downstairs for dinner.

"Kagome dear where were you?" her mother's usually calm voice was now concerned and slightly angered.

"I was at a friends house." Her mother put down her fork.

"Who?" kagome wasn't catching this new attitude her mother seemed to adopt since Kyoto.
"Dai Suguro." Kagome stood.

"I want to meet this Dai." She nodded and went back to her room. When she opened the door a chill swept through her to the bone and she shivered. She entered her room and the door closed behind her. She looked to the doll and then to the journal. Her eyes widened. There was a response.



She sighed. It's the same as before. She turned to put on the light when she stopped dead in her tracks. He was standing ten feet away from her. She began to shiver. Her room was pitch black but somehow she could see him clear as day. The black orbs that sucked her in. the long sway of silver hair glistened. He was semi transparent kagome only being able to see his top half.

"Sesshomaru…" he nodded and walked closer. She made an attempt to step back but was frozen to the spot when his hand rested on her shoulder. She looked at him then.

"Onamae wa nan desu ka?" her eyes widened.

"kagome." he held a stern face. Then he placed his second hand on her cheek. She was amazed at the warmth that radiated from his hand.

"ka-go-me, it's tolerable." Then he smiled. (Sesshomaru fans beware!) She felt the blush rise to her cheeks.

"My body is close to you." She nodded. His hands never left their spots. He inhaled.

"Nani…" her blush grew when she felt the warm air from his nose.

'Is he really a ghost? I can feel everything even his body heat.'

"Rainfall and vanilla." She looked up.

"I am not such a giving or caring person do not fret when I do not respond to your writings, to me they are nearly words with no meaning…" his hand occupying her shoulder dropped to his side slowly. She frowned.

"But that does not mean I will ignore them." He leaned down to that his nose was nearly touching hers; he stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"I will await your response, I will not appear to you for a while it takes energy to conjure this form." She nodded. His hand left her.

"Matte…" it was only a whisper but he heard none the less.

"Your eyes…" he made a move to get closer but kagome's door opened slowly.

"Kagome?" kagome gasped and looked to where he had been standing before and sighed.

'Just my luck.'
"Hai mama." Her mother put the lights on causing her to blink a few times.

"Kagome why are you standing in the dark?" she shrugged.

"I was practicing with my miko powers." Her mother nodded and closed her door. She walked over to the journal and saw he wrote something.

The reason for my eyes kagome is because I am not in my body…Oyasumi

She smiled, then looked to the doll.

"Oyasumi Sesshomaru." She climbed into her bed and flipped the lights.


-nani: what

-Iie: No

-Arigato (u): Thank you

-Oyasumi (nasai): goodnight

-Ohayo: hello

-Hai: yes

-Kuso: damn, shit,

-Kami: God

-Ano: um; er

-Demo: but

-Gomen (nasai): sorry

-Matte: wait

-chichi: father

-tadaima: I'm home

-Moshi moshi: hello (on the phone)

-Daijoobu (desu ka): are you ok?

-Toho nai: walking dead

-Kotchi: over here

-Onamae wa nan desu ka: What is your name?

Inuyasha is full demon in this fic his appearance is his human form. Kouga I added just because. No there will not be any romantic feelings between kagome and Dai. Dai is the northern lord as ya'll already know but he has the ability to read peoples aura's and peer into their mind to a certain extent (but that's in the next chap) Sesshomaru is slightly OOC but that is needed for this fic. His soul is trapped in the doll and his body is else where. Dai was the one who found the doll and has had it ever since, though Dai is unable to see or view any dead or paranormal activity from the lord so he is just about clueless but he is able to sense his aura. Well as you read Sesshomaru doesn't know kagome but part of Dai's research and lies were true. Kagome is the miko fated to be with Sesshomaru though neither one knows. Sango and miroku will come in the later chapters. For the most part Sesshomaru's soul will stay in the doll. What kagome doesn't know is that his body is below her shrine. Well I think that covers it and if you have any confusion, questions, or feedback please send me a PM with what you need to know!