Mr. Hangman

Lily, I'm bored.

Me too.

Want to play tic-tac-toe?


Why not?


Come on, Lily. You have to give me a better reason than that.

No, I don't, James. That's a perfectly good reason.

No, it isn't.

Yes, it is.

Why don't you want to play?


Because, why?

Because I said so, and I'm Head Girl.

And I'm Head Boy. And I say that it's not a good enough answer.

Fine. Because I don't want to.

Why couldn't you say that in the first place?



Urg. Fine. Want to chuck paper balls at Sirius' head?

James, you can't do that! You're Head Boy!

And you're Head Girl! I thought we already determined that! So let's do it!

Don't roll your eyes at me; you know you want to.

No, I don't. Pay attention to Binns.

No, YOU pay attention to Binns. And I told you I was bored so I don't want to pay attention to Binns.


Now, what?

What do you mean?

Well, we're both bored, so what do we do now?

Who said I was bored?

YOU DID! Don't you remember?

Not really…

Dear Merlin. Do all girls have bad memory?

No. And I do NOT have bad memory.

Yes, you really do.


That's right. I'm right. I am the best.

So, are you paying attention to Binns, then?

No, it's boring.

See, YOU SAID IT! You said you were bored!

Yeah, so?

You really do have memory problems.



Can we throw paper balls at Sirius' head?

No, James.

You're no fun.

OW! What was that for, woman!

For saying that I wasn't fun.

Well, you aren't!

OW! What has my arm ever done to you?!

Okay, I'm sorry, Lily. I take it back. You ARE fun. You are even MORE fun than I am! I'm sooorrryyyy.

Lily? I said I was sorry! Forgive ME!

If you don't forgive me, I'm going to stand on the desk right now and sing at the top of my lungs about how sorry I am.

Aww, come on, Lily. You're actually going to make me sing?

Fine. Here it goes. Excuse my singing voice.


"Excuse me! What is the meaning of this, Mr. Porter?"

"NOTHING, Professor! He just…er…he's sorry for interrupting your class! Carry on!"

What was that for, YOU TWAT?!

Well, I said that I would sing if you didn't forgive me.

UGHH! Fine, I forgive you, okay?

Finally. I thought that I would have to sing the whole song, and it doesn't get much better than that.

Lily, are you sure there is nothing in your eyes? You seem to be rolling them a lot.

See, there you go again. Are you sure you're okay?

I'm fine, James.

Okay. Want to throw paper balls at REMUS' head?

No, James! How many times do I have to tell you!

Peter's head, then?


Okay, okay. Dear Merlin.

Liiilllyyyy. I'm bored.

Must you add all those letters to my name?

Yes. It's like I'm singing it. LIIIILLLYYY!

Oh, Merlin. Take me now.

Want to play hangman?

Will it shut you up?



YES! Okay, me first.


Okay, guess.


HEY! You're supposed to guess LETTERS! Not WORDS!

Sorry, James. You make them too obvious.

Fine, Mistress of Hanging Men, you're turn.

Hey, what's taking so long?

I'm thinking! Geez…

Well, hurry! I'm bored.

Okay, I'm done.

Why is it so long? It's four words!

James, the words are short anyways. Trust me, it's worth it.

Fine. But, it's a question!

Yes, but it's easy! I'm sure you'll figure it out.


Okay, guess!


Nope, no A. Mr. Hangman gets a head.

Damn it. E?

Yes! One E.

What? Just one?

Just guess, James.

Okay. O?

Two Os. Next.


No S. That's a body.

What?! How is that possible! Almost everything has an S!

Quidditch doesn't. Next letter.

True say. Okay, fine. T?

Well done! Two Ts.

Finally! Okay, B?

Nope. Right arm.

Damn. R?

Haha. Left arm.

Don't worry Mr. Hangman. I will not let thy evil mistress hang thy neck. I will save you!

Just guess, James. Or Mr. Hangman gets it.

Okay, okay. G?

Oooo. Nice one.

Yes! I got one word! GO!

Congratulations. Now guess the next letter! Merlin, you're bad at this.

Hey, watch it. N?

No N. Right leg!

DAMN! Umm, okay. Wait, are we playing with hair and fingers as well?

James, just guess.

Fine! Calm down, why are you so jittery! Stop twitching! I'll get it, don't worry.

I know. Just guess.



TWO WORDS! YESS! Go and me!

Good job. Now TRY and get the other ones.

Quiet, you…H?

OH! James is on a roll!

Damn straight! All hope is not yet lost, Mr. Hangman! …I?

Wow, James! You're getting better:)

You know it. Two more letters to go.

You seriously don't know it yet?

Not sure if I'm right. W?

Mhm. One more letter.


Lily. I know what it is.


The answer is yes.

G O O U T W I T H M E ?

A/N: Hey, so what d'you think? I was going to put it in my original Fanfic, but I don't think it fit, so I made it into a one-shot.


XD xox