I'm sad to say, but this is the final chapter of Vampire Redux Season Two. But fear not! A new season shall be here soon! Now that the Black Water Mist has vanished from Domino, what will the Protectors do? Read on, and find out!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story, my OCs, and the saga. Thank you.

The Pharaoh sat on the edge of the Domino Stadium stage, gripping the fret board of an acoustic guitar. He looked up at the navy sky, stars twinkling in and out. A half moon hung near those little balls of gas, brightening the night. He looked over on the stage, noticing Kairi tuning her violin and Joey holding another acoustic guitar. The bright lights seemed to nearly blind Atem, but he was used to it. He stood up, slinging the guitar over his back. Yugi looked up at him, smiling.

-A bit later-

Soon, the stadium was packed with thousands of people from the city, the other Protectors among them. Chihiro held onto Haku's arm, smiling. Haku looked down at her, grinning softly. As the audience cheered, Atem sat on a stool, the guitar in his trembling hands. A lump formed in his throat, his mouth dry. Kairi and Joey smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"This song, called 'I'll Stand by You' is in dedication to my friend and aibou, Yugi," he whispered, motioning to Kairi to begin the song. When they did, it was almost calming.


Oh, why you look so sad?

Tears are in your eyes.

Come on and come to me, now.

Don't be ashamed to cry.

Let me see you through.

'Cause I've seen a dark side, too.

When the night falls on you,

You don't know what to do.

Nothing you confess.

Can make me love you less.

I'll stand by you.

I'll stand by you.

Won't let nobody hurt you.

I'll stand by you.

He looked over at Yugi, who had tears in his eyes. A few of them were streaming down his face.


So, if you're mad, get mad.

Don't hold it all inside.

Come on and talk to me, now.

Hey, what you got to hide?

I get angry too.

But I'm a lot like you.

When you're standing at the crossroads

And don't know which path to take,

Let me come along,

'Cause even if you're wrong

I'll stand by you.

I'll stand by you.

Won't let nobody hurt you.

I'll stand by you.

Take me into your darkest hour.

And I'll never desert you.

I'll stand by you.

As Kairi began her solo, Atem felt tears in his own eyes, and quickly wiped them away, but more of the salty droplets continued to come.


And when, when the night falls on you, baby,

You're feeling all alone,

You won't be on your own.

I'll stand by you.

I'll stand by you.

Won't let nobody hurt you.

I'll stand by you.

Take me into your darkest hour

And I'll never desert you.

I'll stand by you.

As the song came to a close, Yugi raced up onto the stage, embracing the Pharaoh, sobbing. Atem placed a hand on his shoulder, tears streaming down his face.

"I'll stand by you, Yugi," he whispered. "No matter what."

Well, that's the end of this season.

Review please!