Author's note: I do not own these characters or the show. This is my first try at fan fiction and while this somewhat follows the show, it branches off more into the realm of hoping. Seeing as how the writers of General Hospital love to torture us Liason fans, when they don't give us what we really want. All feedback is welcome, for it does feed my muse, and helps me to write faster. Hope you enjoy. While the characters are not mine, the idea behind the story is. Please do not take without permission.
Summery: Jason feels torn about giving up his rights to his child. Liz is in agony about asking Jason to do so. Things begin to seem like there is a possible future, until a malevolent man tries to tear it all down. Can this couple face what is to come? Will someone move heaven and earth to see their happiness destroyed?
Right Kind of Wrong!
Chapter One
Jason sat contemplating everything that had transpired over the last 8 months. The way life kept tossing him and Elizabeth together, the proverbial gravitational pull that they had or if he would be completely honest, the pull that they have. For it was not past tense; it was like a living thing that invaded his mind, something that would not or perhaps could not let go, if only he knew how Elizabeth truly felt, perhaps then all this thinking would be moot.
Nevertheless, Sam was a part of his life, they had been together for quite sometime now, but the lies and the infidelity takes its toll on any relationship, he just could not look at her the same way, she had sullied his love by having sex with Ric. He loved her, but he was no longer in love with her. He had no desire to hurt her anymore than she had already been hurt. but when the truth about his being the father of Liz's baby finally came out and he knew it would, she would be hurt even more so, and her finding out about his feelings for Liz, could possibly send her over a precipice she was unaware of. Nevertheless, his heart no longer beat in time with hers; Liz was what his mind, heart, body and soul cried out for with a longing that could rival the loves of old.
Lucky caught me feeling the baby kick today, Lulu covered quickly, but the promise I made is becoming harder and harder to bear. The amazing life growing within Liz takes my breath away and the look in her eyes when we share those amazing moments, it breaks my heart, I can see the pain she is in, but the smile she covers with has everyone believing it, everyone but me, but really what can I do, I made a promise. Besides she loves Lucky, she has said it repeatedly lately, so it must be true.
The feel of Jason's hand upon my stomach today puts so many things into perspective, but how do I ruin so many lives with the simple desire to be with him. "Can my happiness really be more important than those of the people I love?" She asked herself. An inner turmoil rages within, and me like a prisoner in my own mind, for no one hears my desperate cries, into an abyss of pain my cry is lost, while all the time a smile stays glued to my lips.
Liz lay back upon the couch, taking the few moments of peace that Lucky's absence gave her. Her eyes drifted slowly closed and before she even realized it, she was fast asleep.
"Jason, you know what it is I want, you've always known, won't you finally tell me what it is you want?"
"Liz, life is not always what we want it to be, but when I am near you, a peace I have never known except when I am in your presence steals over me, and for a time I know what life with you could be, I know there is truth in love and I know that my happiness lies within…"
"Jason, Jason…"
Lucky came home to Liz fast asleep on the couch, trying to rouse her, his heart took pains at the name slipping breathlessly off her lips. More and more lately, things have changed. When she slept, it used to be my name on her lips, but now Jason's allure had captured her again, and this time, I may not be the better man.
Liz's dream evaporated just before dream Jason declared whom his heart truly belonged. Upon waking her eyes took in those of her husbands, the wrong shade of blue though, Lucky's eyes seemed to fill with discord and a seeming indifference. While Jason's blue eyes, held passion, fire, strength. His was an encompassing allure that shook the very fiber of her soul.
"Lucky, I must have fallen asleep, I'm sorry." Liz said breathless, trying to cover the fact that her heart was pounding.
"Nothing to be sorry about, it is only natural that you are tired, you are after all carrying my child." Lucky exclaimed with a hint of bitterness that was lost to Elizabeth. Once you would have heard or seen even the slightest change in my voice or mood, now it is as if you see me from a great distance and through a great fog, for every nuance and wall I have built, you used to know, now everything slides by without a single thought, for I no longer occupy your mind.
Thinking to herself, "Oh god, did I say Jason's name out loud and following right behind that thought, this is not your child Lucky." Elizabeth's mind screamed, but being the dutiful wife, she kissed Lucky on the cheek, leading him to their bedroom. It was not very late, but the sooner she could fall asleep the sooner her dream might have the chance to come back.
Leaving Lucky to do his nightly routine, Liz quietly stepped into Cameron's room. He had had a very busy day and crashed shortly after supper. His hand remained curled around a small soft version of Chuggin' Charlie that Lucky thought Liz had bought for Cameron. But the truth of it, Jason had bought it for Cameron, back before he knew he was the father of her baby; actually he had bought it the same night he had bought Cameron the gift from "Santa", but had waited to give it to him, he knew if he gave to much all at once, Liz would balk. He wanted Cameron to have something so he would not feel left out; he understood more so than some, that a new addition to any family can make the baby of the family heretofore feel almost alienated. Come bedtime, Chuggin' Charlie always remained tightly gripped in his little fist; just the sight of the train brought a warming sensation deep in Liz's soul and a longing smile to her lips.
Lucky and Liz had been married for the second time just a couple weeks ago, but have yet to consummate their marriage. Liz claimed she just was not ready, but Lucky wondered how one could be ready for marriage but not for the glorious act of making love. Lucky understood her reluctance, but it did not quench the desire he still had for her, and the agony of not being with her, each night he slept beside her. However, each night she pulled further and further away, claiming she was uncomfortable, the space in the middle of the bed, seeming to be the Grand Canyon, and the gap growing ever more, from one night to the next. However, late at night, when she was not conscious of keeping her true hearts desire under tight lips, she moaned and called for Jason in her sleep. Unbeknownst to Liz, she talked an awful lot in her sleep, the secret she thought she was keeping quiet had already been told, for what she truly wanted was being spoken while she slept.
Liz awoke in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep. She pulled on some clothes, she was not sure what she panned to do, but she knew she had to do something. So she left Lucky a note, so as not to worry him, quickly checked in on Cameron, noticed that he was still fast asleep, and still holding Charlie.
Therefore, she crept in, pulled the blanket secure around him, kissed his satiny brow and left, heading down to the pier. It was one of her favorite spots, because no matter what was going on in her life, she could always find some clarification while looking out at the rolling water.
In addition, to be completely honest, it was a good place to run into Jason. However, at 3 o'clock in the morning she really did not hold out hope that he would be there. She just hoped Lucky would sleep through the night and Cameron too, and then no one would have to know she had been gone.
The moon filtered through a cloud, casting a nostalgic glimmer upon the pier. Casting Elizabeth back to a different time, a time when everything was simpler, of long talks and sweet innocent kisses. A creaking board brought her out of the past and into the present. Her heartbeat picked up, slightly fearful of who could be out at this time of night, until she noticed the one man who could truly make her feel safe.
"Elizabeth? What are you doing out here, and at this hour?" Jason asked his worry evident, all the while suppressing an inner smile at just seeing her.
"I needed some fresh air and space to think, living with Lucky again, doesn't really give me much of either." She said with a laugh and a shrug, knowing that even as she spoke, a lecture about her safety was sure to come.
"You know better than that, to be out this late, what if something was to happen to you, how would anyone know where you went? Not to mention, this isn't the safest place around, there are other places to walk!" Jason exclaimed, all the while that inner heat stirring passion through his loins, a simple look from her, drove him to distraction.
Thinking to her self, "Sure there are millions of places to walk, but none of those places can almost guarantee that I will run in to you."
Feeling chastised and overcome with the need to be in his arms, the tears just naturally began to fall, it seemed like the only place she knew peace was in his arms. Not sure if it truly was hormone related or not, but her emotions kept sending her for a loop, every time she thought she had them under control, the tears would start again, and more often than not, lately, they always seemed to happen in Jason's presence. Jason was an enigma wrapped inside of an enigma, and locked within an enigma, his eyes conveyed ever so much, but the depth of Jason was hard to crack, for even as his eyes sparkled, one could see numerous emotions on his face.
"Well, Jason, I could ask you why you are out here so late, instead of at home, with Sam!" Liz said hotly, her bitterness evident even to Jason. She had disliked the woman pretty much since she arrived, but her dislike grew as Sam and Jason became closer.
Noticing the tears, Jason wrapped her in his embrace, wishing not for the first time, that he could stop her tears, at least those that pain caused. Whether it was the lateness of the night, or emotions overriding the mind, Jason lifted Liz's chin, her lips were a mere breath away, when she didn't turn her face away, he lowered his lips to hers. The contact felt like liquid fire, burning through his resolve, and finally quenching the desire that for so long has burned unchecked, for one simple yet amazing night of passion could not assuage the longing that raged within. A simple touching of hands alleviates some of the desperate need to touch, feel, but only one thing could truly tame either of their desires, and that would be for them, finally admitting that they love one another. Nevertheless, neither knowing what the other was feeling, left them in a tumult like position.
Jason waited for Liz to pull back, hoping she wouldn't just the same, but simple thought was lost when the proverbial sparks began to fly when their exploration of the others mouth began. Jason's hands slid loving over her back, emitting a breathy moan from Liz. One of them needed to find control, yet neither one wanted to find it, because for that brief moment in time, there was no question to whom these two belonged, heart, mind, body and soul. It was not until Jason's hand found itself resting on her stomach that they finally pulled apart, their child was kicking, and that miracle was enough to break the kiss, but not to satisfy the obvious desire that they shared.
She searched for words, but knowing what had just transpired, left the mind unable to think past the searing pleasure that the kiss had wrought. Liz could not help but smile, the sheer magnitude of pleasure that Jason received from feeling his child move was all the proof she needed.
She needed to make things right, the lies needed to end. Moreover, for whichever way this affair of the heart was to come, Jason deserved the right to be with his child. She had been wrong to request he give up his child, so many wrongs throughout their friendship happened, but maybe for once, she could finally do what was right, for Jason, for her, for everyone involved, for there was a good chance that timing was once again on their side and perhaps a happy life lay in the taking.
Faith in life and love was the key, and instead of being fearful, she was going to grab life with both hands, and hope that love would handle the rest.
"Jason, I was wrong, wrong to ask you to give up your rights, and wrong in remarrying Lucky. I need to speak the truth, I am ready to take whatever fallout comes my way, I cannot tell these lies anymore, and I cannot deprive you of something like this. I can't lie to you any longer or pretend not to see, for I can see the pain I have inflicted upon you is unjust, I don't know how you don't hate me." Liz said in a breathy rush as she looked at Jason's flushed face, wondering if she looked as delectable as he did, for his lips were slightly puffy from the heated kiss, and the glaze to his eyes was heart stopping in its seductiveness.
"What are you saying, after all this time, you now want the truth to come out, why now? And you should know me better than that, I could never hate you." Jason said slightly confused, but inside feeling relief at the knowledge he would finally get to raise his child. Control was slipping, the way she kept delicately moistening her lips, only in turn, nibbling on one corner of them, was driving him mad. She looked the same now, as she did that night not even a year ago, when during the blackout, they had made love, the only small difference was her figure had blossomed with their child growing safely inside. He felt the telltale stirring of desire in his loins and knew that he had to tamper his feelings, at least for the time being.
"I don't know what has changed, but in my heart, I feel like everything has." Liz said.