Disclaimer: I do not own bleach nor any characters of bleach. Enjoi
The morning sun shined brightly through the window, touching her beautiful skin to wake her gently. Most people would enjoy the sunlight, but instead Matsumoto cursed the bright sun, covering herself with a thick blanket. The prayed for a few more minutes of rest before working her ass off again, but her wishes were denied as the alarm screamed at her to wake her lazy self up.
"Gah. Why me...why today..can I just get a little more sleep?" she whined, slapping at the alarm clock. After a few moments longer, she finally gathered the will to get up and shower. As she stood up, she found that gravity too did not like her as she fell back to the bed with a spinning headache. "I wish I didn't use all that sick time..." she muttered to herself.
After 30 minutes of arguing with herself, she finally managed to shower and get ready for the long day of paper work and lecture from the miniature captain about her being tardy yet again. Oh well, at least she could grab something from the mess hall.
Before she could take even one step from her quarters, her body took another turn for the worst as she found herself worshiping the porcelain throne within 2 seconds of almost being out of the door. She pulled her hair back in her best efforts, only a few strands matting to her face with the bulbs of sweat forming with every tightening of her abs and release of whatever was in her stomach (if it wasn't bowels by now). Fifteen minutes of prayer, fifteen minutes of pain, fifteen minutes later, her body shook with fatigue and dehydration from hurling everything that was left in her stomach. "Uuuhhhgg...I really...need to lay...off...sake..."
20 minutes later
Finally after over an hour of struggle, she finally made progress of getting to the mess hall to grab a few bites to eat. Since breakfast was just about to end, she figured a grab and go would do fine.
"Uhm, yes. I would like a bagel with two fried eggs on it, jelly, honey, potatoes with an orange slice on it"
The cook quirked a brow at her strange request, though it wasn't highly unusual for members of the 13 gotei to order unusual stuff. She gave him a warm smile. "Oh yeah. Also, can you give me a side of peanut butter too?"
15 minutes later
Matsumoto finally arrived at her workstation for 10th division, sighing as she gazed upon the mounds of paperwork needed to be filled out. She laid her head on the desk, sighing heavily wishing she didn't use all her sick time.
"Matsumoto. You're late again."
Another heavy sigh escaped her lips hearing her captain, the boy prodigy, start his lecture with the usual "you're late again" speech. She thought he would have been used to the fact that her and being on time did not get along well, especially when it came to doing boring paperwork and nothing fun like maybe having fun. She felt a surge of some kind of emotion build inside her as he kept lecturing.
"You should know that our job is important in helping the commander keep all paperwork in an organized manner-"
The feeling kept building more and more with each word passing through his lips.
"...You should take a little bit more pride in your work..."
It finally came to a peak as tears welled in her eyes and she gave the loudest whine ever in the history of Soul Society.
"I try and I try and I try" she cried, tears now flowing, "and no matter how hard I work, how much I do, I'm always given more and more paperwork to do! Nobody UNDERSTANDS"
Her gaze burned at Hitsugaya, her fist shook with anger as she stood up. "And I'm FORCED to be LECTURED Day in and Day OUT about how tardy I am, how much I sleep, how I drink! Since when does a KID know what it's like to be in MY shoes?!
Hitsugaya shrank two feet shorter than what he was already seeing Matsumoto enraged like this. He wasn't sure what was going on but he had heard from Hinamori that sometimes women have a condition called PMS and only chocolate help. It happened to be coincidence that he picked up some chocolate on the way to the office and it happened to be unopened. Hitsugaya slowly reached in his coat and pulled a bar of chocolate, holding it out carefully as a peace offering.
"Uhm..M-Matsumoto...w-w-would you like s-s-some..chocolate?"
Her face turned from rage to the cutest girlie face ever as she kindly took the chocolate and bit a piece of it. Within seconds, the evidence of chocolate was the wrapper itself. She smiled again.
"Thank you, Hitsugaya-kun. Now I know I'm late, but totally on top of the paperwork." she kindly said, diving happily into the mounds of papers in front of her. Hitsugaya usually knew when it was that time for Matsumoto, but this... this was very much out of character for her. He hesitantly approached the desk.
"Uhm...Matsumoto...is everything alright?"
"Are you questioning me now?" She was starting to get annoyed again and he didn't have anymore chocolate to tame the best. The only solution he could think of is perhaps 4th division would be able to find out what was going on with her.
"No nononono. Just uhm. Uhm. How about you go see 4th division just to make sure everything is going ok. Take the rest of the day off. I'll take care of all the reports."
"Really, captain?"
"Yes. Just see 4th division and get an excuse note from them so we're both covered, ok? Please?"
Matsumoto gleamed with joy and hugged her miniature sized captain. "For you Captain I will do it."
He gave out a sigh of relief when she left the room. Even though he had his own duties to attend to, he couldn't afford to have an emotional wreck of a vice captain handling such important documents today. Hopefully 4th division could give her something to calm down.
The 4th division was much like a hospital, extremely bland with a sterile scent in the air. She signed herself in and was immediately seated in a room. Before the nurse could give her courteous "the doctor will see you shortly" statement, Matsumoto bolted for the nearest bathroom, holding her stomach and mouth in the process.
The loud gagging, hurls and 'oh gawd's could be heard on the entire floor, making some of the patients nauseated themselves. 15 minutes later she emerged from the bathroom, her face wet from the splashes of water to help wash away some of the 'sickness' she was experiencing. Upon arriving back to the room, she found captain Unohana seated on her rolling stool.
"Matsumoto-san. How long has this been going on?" she asked examining her as she sat. She took in a deep breath, still recovering from all the 'excitement'.
"Well...it just started out the blue today. I think I ate something bad or drank too much sake"
Unohana nodded and gave her a cup. "I'm going to need a sample from you, just to see if there's anything off in your system. I may need to take blood in as well, just so you know. But first, let's do this first."
She sighed in disgust as she always hated the cup. She would have rather given blood than to go with the cup, but at this point there wasn't much choice as her captain agreed to let her off the hook today IF she went to 4th division to get checked out. A few minutes later and grumbles later, Unohana received her specimen and disappeared for a few moments.
She sat there in the blank sterile room. The long que tips, the wooden boards, the charts for the body and different points and the skeleton suspended next to the door. Several minutes later Unohana made her presence back in the room.
"Well everything checks out fine except..."
"Except what?"
Unohana in her gentle manner took Matsumoto's hand and looked into her eyes. "Matsumoto. When was the last time you had your cycle?"
"Well uhm er uhm...eh?"
Unohana sighed then smiled at her. For Matsumoto this couldn't be good if she asked about her cycle and was giving her that look. "No... no no no no no. You can't be serious can you? Captain Unohana. No You. I. It can't"
"Yes Matsumoto. You're pregnant."
There was a great disturbance in the force and soul society knew as Matsumoto screamed to the top of her lungs, loud enough for 3rd and 5th division to hear her screams. Then there was silence.
Unohana embraced the buxom blond, stroking her hair. "It's good news. You're going to be a mother."
"But...but...STRETCH MARKS! And I'll gain WEIGHT and-and"
"And you can get your body back in the same shape again, though your breasts will probably become bigger." The captain smiled to the vice captain overjoyed for Matsumoto. The next question, however, was harder than the first question. "Matsumoto. Do you know who the father is?"
"Uhm...about that..."
How will Matsumoto cope with this news? Who's the father of the baby? And just how big will her breasts get? (I can only drool while imagining just how big :) )