This is being uploaded at the same time as the previous so read that authors not and I forgot the disclaimer for that one so here it is I don't own pirates of the Caribbean or any related characters

This is being uploaded at the same time as the previous so read that authors not and I forgot the disclaimer for that one so here it is I don't own pirates of the Caribbean or any related characters. Enjoy chapter 17!

Link to dress worn in this chapter is in profile

Lilly was bouncing off the walls; it was her birthday after all. Isabelle watched the little girl jump around for awhile then grabbed her "Come on you" she laughed. "It's almost time for the party"

"My big girl party" she asked excitedly. Earlier she had, had a party with her friends; there were games, cake, and all the fun kid stuff. But now it was time for her birthday ball or what Lilly referred to as her big girl party, her first big girl party to be exact.

"Yes your big girl party" she laughed. Just then the maids came bustling in. "Lilly I'm going to go get ready; the maids are going to put you in your new dress"

She left the room and she doubted the girl had even heard her over her own excitement. Walking into her room she saw Miranda and a few others were already waiting for her. "Come on you have to look beautiful for you Lilly's special day."

"Okay, okay" she answered moving behind the dressing screen. They took off her dress and re-did her corset to make it tighter, then they threw the new dress over her head. It was a shiny pale yellow gold color, covered in a deep pink leaf design. (picture in profile) the neck line was a low scoop neck with white lace, and the sleeves reached her elbows and then flowed into lace as well. The maids then brought her over to the vanity and started piling her hair on top of her head. They added powder and a soft blush to her cheeks finishing up with a little dab of eye shadow and lipstick.

The maids stepped back and admired their work. Isabelle stepped in front of the mirror and looked at herself nodding in approval; she grabbed the present off the bed and went downstairs. She wasn't on duty tonight because Andrew thought it best that he was with his own daughter on her birthday. Isabelle entered the ballroom and proceeded towards the refreshment table she was dying of thirst. Picking up a glass of champagne she took a delicate sip. Now carrying both her glass and present she decided it would be best to put her gift with the others. She had just placed the box on the table when she felt someone behind. Gasping she turned around and found Alex. "Isabelle..." he started. She stopped him.

"Its okay" she answered. "I'm sorry I just didn't feel good last night and you caught me by surprise."

"No" he answered. "I'm sorry. I acted to forwardly and took advantage of you. Forgive me?"

"Of course" she answered. He smiled and put out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He grinned.

"Of course" She replied placing her glass on the table. He took her hand and they moved to the dance area. He placed his hand on her lower back and they twirled around the room. "You're a beautiful dancer" she said looking into his blue eyes.

"You're beautiful," he replied.

She laughed "Does that mean I'm not a good dancer" He smiled too and moved towards her lips, he looked at her for approval and she nodded. His lips lightly touched hers and before it could become deeper cannon fire sounded from the harbor. Isabelle pulled away from him and looked up startled. People around them started panicking and yelling. Groups started to run towards the doors, woman yelling about their children who had been left at home. Before anyone could leave however the balcony doors burst open and the screaming from the front soundly ceased resulting in the sobs from woman the only sound.

"Well it looks like we stumbled upon quite the party here gents" a voice slurred.

"Indeed we have Captain" another answered.

"No" Isabelle whispered. She knew those voices this couldn't be happening. She started pushing her way through the groups of people so she could get a closer look. Alex stared at her in surprise and followed her trying to stop her.

"Now" the voice said. "If everyone would just put there valuables in this here sack I would feel no need to hurt this young lass."

Finally in the front Isabelle's eyes widened in surprise there was Captain Jack Sparrow and in his arms was Lilly. She was his hostage. Isabelle almost screamed on the spot. How could he. He was threatening a little girl and ruining the life she had finally accepted. She could easily just hide until after his crew left, but there was no way she was leaving Lilly. "Sparrow!" she screamed. Everyone froze and looked at her including Jack.

"Now what do we have here" He smirked. "I see my reputation precedes me"

"What do you think you're doing" she continued, ignoring him.

He frowned slightly looking her up and down. "Do I know you?" he question.

"Because I'm sure I would've remembered you" he said letting the smirk grace his lips.

"No I don't think you have" the governor and Alex stepped in front of her. "She's my daughter's nanny and if you'd be so kind to let my daughter go I'd like to be held hostage in her place."

She tried speaking again but Alex silenced her "Isabelle"

Jack froze once again and turned to look at her. "Move" he ordered Alex and Andrew. "I said move" he placed the gun closer to Lilly's head and they both reluctantly moved. He looked at her and realization hit him. "Belle?"

"Captain" Gibbs interrupted. "It can't be she's dead she jumped off the ship, she never surfaced."

Jack ignored Gibbs and stared at her. His eyes looked at her again skimming over her appearance and his eyes seemed to stop at her chest. She blushed and Alex suddenly stepped forward infuriated. "I'd look up if I were you Pirate" he sneered with anger. "And her name is Isabelle not Belle so I doubt she's this acquaintance of yours."

Jack sighed and ignored his as well. "So it's Isabelle now, very proper. Now love where was I before we were so rudely interrupted. Ah yes where it is!" he demanded.

"Where's what" she answered.

"Oh don't play dumb love" he replied. "I wasn't staring at your chest, well not at first."

"It doesn't matter" she answered. "Please let her go" she pleaded looking at Lilly's tear streaked face. "Take me instead"

Jack looked at her questionably. But the governor interrupted "Isabelle I don't care how you know this man but it's not your duty to do this, don't put yourself in danger."

Jack was now staring at the governor. "Jack" she whispered. He looked towards her. "Please." She couldn't deal with the fact that he was holding Lilly hostage. She loved this little girl and she couldn't help like feel that this was all her fault and even if it wasn't these people had accepted her gave her place to stay. And what had she done, lied to them. Jack watched her eyes begin to feel with tears, he'd never seen her cry.

He sighed giving in "Alright come ere' love" She let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding and walked over the Jack. She kneeled down if front of Lilly real quick.

"Are you okay darling?" she asked quietly. Lilly nodded. "I had a really fun time with you these four months. I love you sweetheart, okay?"

"I love you too" Lilly answered letting more tears flow. "Where are you going? Why can't you stay?" she asked sobbing now. Jack let the girl go and she jumped into Isabelle's arms. Isabelle stroked her hair "I can't explain now okay but I have to go, be strong for you daddy for."

"I will" she answered sniffling, Isabelle released her and she ran over to her dad. She stood up only to have Jack put an arm around her waist and pull her towards him.

"Now it seems because of this lovely lady I've changed my mind" He looked around "I won't pillage your town and I'll leave as soon as possible." Everyone let out a sigh of relief. "I will however be taking Isabelle here as compensation."

"No" Alex let out an outraged cry. The governor showed the same expression but tried to hold his son back. Alex kept coming at Jack however. A pistol being cocked immediately made him stop.

Isabelle felt the cold pistol against her head. "Now I could easily just kill her here if that's what you want." Jack said. Alex glared at him fiercely. "Though it'd be a shame to loose something so pretty don't you think" Jack pulled her closer to him. Alex slowly backed away. "That's what I thought" Jack answered smugly. "Come on men back to the Pearl." Jack dragged her out onto the balcony and pushed her towards the ladder. "Down you go love" Isabelle slowly went down the ladder and waited for Jack at the bottom. She was about to speak but he silenced her. "Wait till were in the cabin" she nodded and they ran through the town.

She walked up the plank and Jack gave the orders to pull away. He walked towards his cabin and signaled her to follow. She took one last glance at the place she had called home and followed him back his cabin.

She walked into the cabin and shut the door; she had barely turned around when Jack had pushed her up against the door. He had his arms on either side of her head and his face was dangerously close to hers. "Now I was just going to port sierra on a lead I received about Moddred. Now imagine my surprise when I find you there not dead and not only that housing with the bloody governor. Oh and you seemed to be friendly with that nice boy Isabelle" he sneered dragging out her name.

"Jack" she said shakily due to his closeness. "I didn't…I had to…it was…" she couldn't finish a sentence she couldn't explain.

"What" he said furiously. "You're suddenly lost for a word, that's something I thought I'd never see. When you were Belle you never seemed to shut up."

"You don't understand" she whispered. "I thought I could find my way home and I didn't think I'd still be here after I jumped, it was a spur of the moment."

"Whatever you say darling" he answered. He stepped away "just give me the necklace this time for safe keeping." Isabelle looked at her shoes.

"Well you see, I might, its, well…." She answered flustered again.

"Out with it already. Cut this proper crap out" He yelled.

"I don't exactly have it" She answered.

Jack gritted his teeth "and where is it."

"I can't tell you" she answered. Jack slammed his fist on his desk. She yelped. "At least not till you tell me why you went to port sierra, what was the tip."

Jack sighed "Listen love, after you jumped we had to spread the word you were dead so Moddred wouldn't keep on are tail. We didn't think it'd actually work cause why would he believe us but it seemed he did. But then we got word he was heading to port sierra for something and word had it, it was about you. We were a lot closer to the port than he was so I figured we'd check it out see if your body or the necklace had washed up. But it seems you were there all along."

"But Captain Moddred didn't come to Seirra." She said confused. Jack looked around nervously. "Because you beat him there, so he's still going to go, and I won't be there, all those people. He's not like you Jack what if he kills her." She jolted up and ran through the room. She kept running until she got to the bow of the ship she needed to go back to protect Lilly to warn everyone. She was about to jump off the rail when to arms wrapped around her stomach.

"Oh, no you don't, not this time" he whispered huskily into her ear. "I'm sorry love I am but it's not safe for us to go back."

She turned around and faced him "But we have to he'll kill her, he'll kill everyone" She started pounding on his chest we have to go back we have to we have to, please" she whispered into is chest after she had stopped hitting him. "Please" She looked up at him and he shook his head. Her knees gave out and both her and Jack sunk to the floor. They say there for a couple minutes when Jack finally spoke.

"You really loved her didn't you" he asked.

"Yeah, I did." She answered.

"She'll okay love, I promise."

Isabelle leaned back. They both sat there listening to the waves against the hull "You're different" He finally said.

"I know" she answered. "I decided after I got there that'd I be done running so I became Isabelle."

"You're still the same person; you're just acting different love. You can be just as strong as Isabelle"

"No I can't you don't understand" she answered annoyed.

"Your right I don't" He answered. "I don't understand why you can't say one sarcastic comment, why your not fighting back, Isabelle's not strong she's weak. You didn't change how you act society did.

Isabelle stared at him in shock. She'd never heard him say anything so serious. But still what he said hurt. Was Isabelle just as weak as Belle? Maybe he just didn't see what she did. That Isabelle didn't need to escape anywhere she fit it. But was that really where she wanted to fit in? But she didn't know if she wanted to go back to Belle she didn't even know if she could. She didn't know if she wanted the burden of the necklace back on her. She shot straight up. "Oh god the necklace" she whispered.

"What is it" Jack asked. She didn't answer. He grabbed her shoulders and kneeled in front of her. "Where's the necklace Belle." She wasn't responding. "Belle, love" he tried. "Isabelle" he finally shouted. She shook her head and snapped out of it.

"It's back in Sierra" she whispered.

"You mean to tell me you left the bloody necklace where Moddred is heading. Why don't you just hand it over to him." Jack yelled.

"It's hidden" she replied. "He'll never find it, even if it's right under his nose."

"Your sure" he questioned.

She nodded her head, "positive."

"Then we wait" he finished

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it review please

Quote: I'm a lover, not a fighter. But if I have to fight for love, I'm an assassin

Sincerely Yours,

The Shadow