Hey guys. I got another fic for you all. This is kind of just a "test-run", so to speak. I'm not really sure if I'm going to continue this, but if I get some good reviews I will. Please R&R and tell me what you think. Comments/tips/reviews are welcome.
I don't own the Outsiders. I only own Bridget and Logan.
Chapter 1
I was really young when my dad left us. I don't even remember him. Two-Bit does though. He took it really hard. They were real close. Two-Bit tried to find him once. He walked all around Tulsa looking for him, but never found him. He was six at the time and I was three.
After that, our mom started working two jobs and Two-Bit and I spent more and more time at the Curtis's house. Mrs. Curtis was a stay-at-home mom and Mr. Curtis was like clock-work. Always coming and going to and from work at the same times each day. We could depend on them. They were always there for us. Of course mom is there for us too, but when she is, she's always exhausted and overworked. It's been hard for her.
Even after all these years, we're still having trouble getting on without him. My mom's still wishing he comes back. Two-Bit says he doesn't want him to return, but we all know that he does. I don't like talking about it, but deep down, I wish he'd show up on our doorstep.
A few years later, when I was eight and Two-Bit was ten, we got news that he had remarried. Along with our stepmother came two stepsiblings, Travis, who is my age, and Sarah, who is a year younger. We don't hear from them at all, and since we found out, we knew he wasn't coming back to us.
Life was so much simpler for Two-Bit and I when we were kids. We didn't have to worry about what side of town we lived on or who our friends were. We didn't worry about getting jumped by Socs or what other people thought about us. Back then we were all friends.
Then things started getting more difficult. We all got older and our social classes started to separate us. Some people started acting out and getting arrested. Some shied away from all the drama in this town. No matter how much anyone tried to ignore it though, no one could escape from it. It was there, surrounding us, like a sky full of dark clouds on a rainy day.
I guess we all eventually got used to it to some extent, but I don't think anyone can really get used to this life, unless you're like Dallas. People like him actually live for these kinds of things. They like a good fight and get a rush out of robbing a gas station, for example. I don't see how. I like to stay out of all that trouble. I guess I try to blend in as much as possible, but who knows, that could eventually change.
I was brought out of my thoughts by the ringing of the telephone in the kitchen. I waited for someone to answer it, but then I figured that Two-Bit was probably in his room sleeping off a hangover. I got out of bed and walked down the hall. "Hello?"
Hey babe.
The one and only.
I laughed. "Hi. I'm happy you called."
Me too. It's so good to hear your voice. I smiled, even though he couldn't see it. Are we still on for tonight?
"Of course. You can't leave without saying goodbye."
I was hoping you'd say that. I'll pick you up at seven. Is that okay?
"Yes. I'll be ready."
Okay, see you later.
"Bye." I hung up the phone and headed back to my room. I still had almost seven hours until I would see Logan. What was I going to do for that much time?
I decided to go wake up Two-Bit. That was always a project that took up a good amount of time. It was always fun to wake him up after a night of drinking. I quietly walked into his room and tip-toed over to the bed. I pulled the blankets off of him, but all that did was make him curl up into a ball. I turned the light on and off, but that only made him put the pillow over his head. I started poking him in the side, but that didn't do much, just made him roll to the other side of the bed. Finally, as a last attempt, I climbed on the bed and started jumping on it and sang the theme song to Mickey Mouse at the top of my lungs. That sure got a rise out of him. He threw his pillow at me and said, "Shut up!" he was holding his head and I stifled a laugh.
"C'mon Keith, time to get up," I said.
"I don't think so."
"Well, I think so. Now get your ass outta bed and come to the Curtis's with me."
"Go away!"
"I still have to get ready, so you have twenty minutes. Don't make me come back in here," I warned and walked out of the room and headed to the bathroom.
After my shower, I went to my room; put on a pair of ripped form-fitting jeans and a green t-shirt; brushed my hair; and did my makeup. Then I walked back to Two-Bit's room, only to find him not there. Confused, I walked out and went to the kitchen, only to find him leaning against the counter drinking a beer. "Should you really be doing that when you already got a hangover?"
"Who cares?"
"Well, c'mon then. Let's go." He finished his beer and followed me out of the house. We walked down the street, goofing off occasionally, until we reached the Curtis's house. "Hello Curtis's? Anyone home?" I yelled into the house.
Soda came into the living room. "Hey Bumble Bee." He is the only one who can call me that. It started when we were kids and it just stuck.
So I probably should've started by introducing myself, but whatever, I'll just do it now. Bumble Bee is a nickname for Bee, which is short for Bridget. I'm the sixteen-year-old sister of Two-Bit, as I'm sure you've all figured out. I've got hazel eyes and long auburn hair that curls at the ends. I'm not really like Two-Bit in our personalities. He's always joking around and rarely has a grin disappear from his face. He drinks and parties way too much. I, on the other hand, joke around, too, but I'm also serious when I have to be. I'm hard-working and will graduate on time, unlike Two-Bit. I like to party, but my whole life doesn't revolve around it. Needless to say, but we're different from one another.
"Bee?" someone said and snapped me back to reality.
"Are you goin' to Buck's party?"
"Tonight?" Soda nodded. "I can't."
"Okay. I'm sure Two-Bit is goin' anyway."
Two-Bit grinned. "Of course. I wouldn't miss a party." I laughed and he walked into the kitchen.
The screen door behind us slammed shut and I turned around to look. "Hey Curtis. Winston here?"
"Yeah, hold on." Soda disappeared down the hall.
"Shepard," I said coldly. Tim Shepard and I were best friends when we were younger. That was up until he started his own gang, got into trouble, and was arrested. This seventeen-year-old, only a year older than me, dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty, ha ha, and I started calling each other by our last names shortly after that. "I thought you were in the cooler."
"I was. I'm out now."
"Yeah, I see that. I'm not that stupid." All of a sudden, I was pushed up against the wall, my hands being held above my head. Tim was standing awfully close to me. "What're you doing?"
"Just admit you missed me. I'm sure that boyfriend of yours won't mind."
"Maybe I would if that was actually true," I said and tried to break loose, but this only made him move closer to me.
"I know how ya feel about me. I know ya think about me, when you're alone in your room, at night."
"Fuck you!"
"Name a time and place," he said coolly. I realized what he just said and started blushing like crazy.
And just like that, he moved away. "So the infamous Bridget does get embarrassed. I knew ya had those feelings, but I didn't think they were that strong."
I recovered and said, "Actually, it's just the opposite. You disgust me."
"You just keep tellin' yourself that."
"I will, since it's true."
"Shepard, what're you doin' here?" Dallas said, coming into the living room.
"I need to talk to ya."
"Let's go outside." They walked outside and Soda came over to me and put his arm around me.
"I hate him," I told him.
"I know." We sat down on the couch and Two-Bit joined us shortly after.
A few hours later, at about five-thirty, I got off the couch and headed for the door. "Where ya goin'?" Soda asked.
"She's gotta get ready. She has plans tonight," Two-Bit answered.
"With who?"
"No one."
"Ah, I see. Tell Logan we said hi." I smiled.
"Bye." I walked out of the house and back home.
I arrived at home and went to my room. I took a mid-thing length jean skirt and a white ¾ sleeve button up shirt out of my closet and put them on. Then I redid my makeup and clipped up my hair. Before I knew it, there was a knock at the door and I was rushing to finish getting ready.
I ran down the stairs and answered the door. Standing on the front porch was my boyfriend, Logan. "Hi," I said, smiling. He stepped closer to me and kissed me.
"You ready to go?" I nodded. He took my hand and we walked out to his car. He did the gentlemanly thing and opened and closed the door for me, and then he went around to the driver's side and climbed in. He started the car and then put his hand on my knee. I smiled over at him and took his hand in mine.
I looked over at him and studied his features. His blond hair was falling in wisps across his forehead. It looked a little like Dallas's, except not as blond. His skin was a nice shade of tan and looked as if he'd just been to the beach, although I knew he hadn't. He looked over at me and smiled. That smile I'd miss. The smile that had brightened even my darkest days since we had started going out a few months back.
We met at school. He was a new student, a senior, and he was assigned to the seat next to me in math. He was of middle class, so he wasn't stuck in the whole greaser/soc war. He'd been nice to me from the start, and the longer we talked, the closer we became, until one day he asked me to be his girl.
He stopped and turned off the engine. I then realized that we weren't anywhere near the middle of town. We were at the lake. "What're we doing here?" I asked.
"Though it'd be nice to have a picnic, just you and me." I smiled at him as we climbed out of the car. He went around back and took out a blanket and a picnic basket. He laid the blanket out under a tree and placed the basket down on it. We both sat down.
"I can't believe you have to leave tomorrow!"
"I know, but it won't be for long. I'm just going to visit a few colleges. I'll be gone a few months at the most."
"That's a long time. I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you, too, but I have to go."
"I know."
He put the picnic basket aside and moved closer to me. "You know I love you, don't you?"
I smiled. "I love you, too." Logan put his hand at the back of my neck and pulled me to him, where our lips met in a passionate kiss. He pulled away slowly. "Don't stop," I said my voice barely above a whisper. He brought his lips back to mine and pushed me down on the blanket. I put my hand at the back of his head and played with his hair. He, a little more mischievous, slid his hand up my shirt. He'd been doing this for awhile now, but that was the farthest we'd gone. Tonight, it seemed as if he was pushing it just a little farther, seeing how far he'd get before I stopped him. It seemed like he wanted to go all the way and I don't think I'd stop him if we did. I kind of wanted to, too.
As I expected, he did push further. We both had our shirts off before he sat up. "What?" I asked him.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?"
I nodded eagerly, wanting to feel his warm, bare chest on mine again. He grinned at me before reaching down and unbuttoning and pulling of my skirt. Then he removed my bra and underwear. He looked my body over and I blushed. It was a little weird, having someone not related to me seeing me naked. Logan then removed his jeans and boxers. It was equally weird seeing someone else without clothes on.
He lay down on top of me, between my legs, and moved his lips from my mouth, to my jaw line, down to my collarbone, and to my shoulders. I thought, this is gonna be perfect. My first time with the man I love. Then he slid into me, and I grabbed his shoulders, digging my nails into him. My thoughts changed to, please let this be over soon, please let this be over soon. After a few minutes of pain, a pleasurable feeling spread throughout me and a moan escaped my mouth. I looked at Logan and he was smiling. This continued for about forty more minutes. Afterwards, we lay in each other's arms and stared at each other in the moonlight.
"I love you," he said.
"I know. I love you, too." He smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "What time is it?"
He looked at his watch. "Nine-thirty."
"We should probably get dressed then."
"Because you're gonna have to bring me home soon." I started to get up, but he pulled me back down on top of him and he rolled over on top of me. I'm sure you can figure out what happened, yet again, for the second time that night.
About an hour later, we finished and I got up and put my clothes on. He did the same. "So much for the picnic," I said.
"What we did was so much better than that," he said smiling and bent down to kiss me. He picked up the blanket and basket and put them back in the car. Then we climbed in and he started to drive me home. He placed his hand on my thigh and I covered his with mine. The ride to my house was silent, but it was a comfortable silence, neither one of us needing to say what we were thinking. We already knew. He pulled up to my house and turned off the engine. We sat there for a moment before I said, "I'll pick you up tomorrow around eight to bring you to the airport."
"Okay." We were silent again. "You know I'm gonna miss you."
"I know. I'll miss you so much."
"I won't be able to stop thinking about you while I'm gone."
"Me neither."
"I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and kissed his cheek, before climbing out of the car and walking to my front door. I looked back before heading inside. I closed the door and leaned up against it smiling.
"I see you're home early." I jumped and saw Two-Bit standing in the doorway.
"You scared me."
He ignored the comment. "I thought you and Logan would've been out late since it's his last night in Tulsa and all."
"I'll see him again tomorrow. I'm driving him to the airport. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going upstairs. Good night, Two-Bit."
I went upstairs and closed my door, staying in there for the rest of the night.