Daisuke realizes the truth

Sure enough, Naruto fooled Daisuke with a little (who am I kidding… it was a LOT) of luck. After he entered the apartment, he immediately noticed that something was very, very wrong!


"Naruto…what's going on?!"

"It's time to settle things between us once and for all, Dai," said Drake bored.


"Chill out Daisuke! I bribed him into this; don't take your anger out on him!" said Dark irritably.

"Why should I Krad?!"

"For starters, quit calling me Krad! Haven't you been getting the same vague hints from that blasted 'author' or whatever?!"

"Author? You're kidding… his name is Loki! And yes, he's been giving me vague hints for weeks. So what?"

"I'm not Krad! Get that through your head!"

"Loki said I was half right the first time I called you that to your face. I still don't…"

"Think about it. What would be the best way to disguise yourself in public view in front of someone who knows you well?"

"Pick the one disguise they'd never think you'd ever use."

"And what is the one disguise that Dark would never ever think of using? Even under pain of losing his Tamer?"

"Of a girl."

"You're denser than you use to be."

"Wait…didn't you tell me a little while ago that your friend had an opposite? The one named Krad?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah, they were always trying to kill each other."

"I don't believe this… the only person in here to actually figure out the truth is the boy with a fox-grin!"


"Dai, the one disguise I'd never think of using is one resembling Krad! I really hated that jerk; why would I want to look like him?!"

"Wait…so you're really?"

"Dark! It was pretty obvious. Did you really think Krad would go by the name Drake? All I did was move a few letters and added the 'e' to my name!"

"Loki's idea?"


Yes, it was MY idea. He didn't want to look like Krad, but I talked him into it. Mostly to have some fun watching you two attempt to figure it out in vain! He-he-he…


"So it was Loki's idea for you to look like Krad?!"

"Are you kidding?! Krad is loose, that much is true. But he's no where near this village; he's busy annoying Satoshi to death!"


Also my idea.


"Who's this Loki?"

"He's the person who sent me here and released Dark."

"Why is this 'Loki' person messing with you so much?!"


Because I was bored and it was fun! It's not the first time I've made a fanfic using your characters!

Fanfic?! You mean to tell me that this is a…?!

Oops…I shouldn't have let that slip. Thank you 'backspace' button!!!

BACKSPACE?! What're you… Was I about to say something just now?

Not that I know of. Um…why is Naruto looking at us like that?

I forgot…he isn't able to hear me! Hang on a sec, I'll fix that!


Chill, Kyuubi no Kitsune! I'm on YOUR side! Name's Loki by the way.

(I don't care what your name is! How are you able to…?)

I'm the author, my favorite fox-demon! You're my favorite demon in this dimension!


I was wondering if you could help me speak to that dobe Naruto through you.

(Why should I help you?)

Because if you get on MY good side, I'll help you get loose from that dobe every once and a while.

(Is that so? Well, then I think I will help you.)

Arigato, Kyuubi-sama.


Daisuke and Drake sure are acting funny…

You think so, do ya? He-he-he…

WHA…!!! Who're you?!

I'm the one they've been talking to. You can call me the 'author' or Loki. Your choice!

Um…okay Loki. Why did you make Drake look like this Krad guy?

Let's just say I was feeling evil. If you're nice and get on my good side, I might help you get the better of that jerk Sasuke.

Really?! Thanks!

You'd have to get on my good side though.



Looks like Naruto is a talkin' to Loki now.

HEY LOKI! You still haven't proved that he's really Dark and not Krad!!!

Sheesh…there's no pleasing some people. That IS Dark, you dolt.

How do I know you're telling the truth?!

If he really were Krad, he would've started throwing fireballs by now.

In front of everyone else?! Yeah right!

If you don't believe me, then we'll have to ask the small fuzzy sidekick to prove he's really Dark!

What do you want me to do?

Call With and let him transform into your wings. He's still YOUR familiar and he'll turn into his other form no matter what form you take.

WITH! Come here!

"Kyu…!" cried Wiz as he jumped onto Drake's back and turned into an all-too-familiar pair of jet-black wings.

"I…I don't believe it! You really are Dark!" stammered Daisuke in surprise.

"You've got to be kidding. You mean that all I had to do to make you believe me was to call Wiz?!"

"WOAH!!!! I didn't know Wiz could turn into wings Dai!" said Naruto impressed.

"Yeah…too bad he can only do that for Dark."


"I missed ya too, With! Now, who's in the mood for some ramen?" said Dark cheerfully.

"Don't forget, you still owe me ten bowls!" laughed Naruto.

"That explains a lot…" snickered Daisuke at the look on Dark's face.

All hail Wiz's rival! The Ramen Fiend, Naruto Uzamaki!

ACK! You could've warned me about that sooner!

That's why I set the limit to 10 bowls and not filling up Naruto completely. Other people have gone flat broke from treating Naruto to ramen!

Oh no… I have a BAAAD feeling 'bout this…


"Hey Drake, is it me or has your hair changed color?" said Naruto by the time they reached the ramen stand.

"Your eyes are different too!"

"Oh? What color did they turn too?" asked Dark.

"Your hair is black and your eyes are now silvery-purple."

"SILVERY-PURPLE?! I thought he agreed to make them silver!" growled Dark annoyed.


I thought silvery-purple would be MORE fun.


"Damn that Loki! He said he'd let me choose the eye color!"

"Well, we're here!" said Daisuke.

"Welcome back, Naruto and Daisuke!" said the owner.

"Drake said he'd pay for ten bowls!" said Naruto happily.

"You're a brave one, kid!" laughed the owner.

"So I've heard…" muttered Drake.

(He was glad that Loki limited it to ten bowls. Dark decided to twist the wording so he'd only fill Daisuke and Naruto up with the limit! Nine for Naruto and one for Daisuke.)

"Man! I'm full!" said Naruto with a satisfied grin.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Naruto! You earned it!" laughed Dark.


Whew! I feel better!

Eh? What're you talkin' about?

I just got back after ridin' my bike! I'm beat!

Huh…I didn't know you knew how to ride a bike!

I heard that bit of sarcasm…I was in a good mood, but now I'll be in an even better one… You were warned!



"Hey…is it me or is that a…?" started Naruto before he ducked. A metal bucket from out of nowhere nails Dark in the face! He hears an evil maniacal laughter fade into the background.

"THAT DAMN LOKI! He gonna par for that!" growled Dark angrily.

"Wait…he sent a metal bucket at you? Why?" said Daisuke.

"He decided that the comment I made about him knowing how to ride a bike was sarcastic."

"You were surprised he knew how to ride a bike?"

"What's a bike?" asked Naruto.

"You'll find out sooner or later. But not right now," replied Dark.

Oh, and FYI boys, I'M A GIRL.

"WHAT!!!!" exclaimed the three in shock.

"Loki is a…?!" said Dark in surprise.

"There's no way he could be a…!"

"Why didn't he…er, she tell us before?"

Because I got tired of you lot referring to me as a guy. Besides, Loki is just my alias.

"Wow…I never thought Loki was a she…" said Dark.


Well now you know.


Wait…just like that?!
Yuppers…you're starting to bore me anyway.



OY! Krad-kun!

Why do you insist on calling me that?

Would you like a straight answer?

WOAH…you're gonna give me a straight answer for once?!
I just nailed Dork in the face with a metal bucket so I'm feeling generous.

Ouch…you ARE evil…

Now, as to why I keep calling you Krad-kun… It's 'cause I'm actually a GIRL.

You're kidding.

You just gave me the exact same reaction they gave me. Have you figured out what PITA stands for?

Not a clue.

Pain In The Ass.

WHAT!!!! You mean Satoshi's been calling me a pain in the ass all this time?!

Pretty much. So how do you like the Sand village?

It's hot and miserable, but I like it. They fear me and that kid with the tattoo on his forehead!

That's Gaara. He's the youngest son of the Kazekage and the younger brother of the PITA Kankuro and the girl with the fan, Temari.

How do you…?

Call me a Gaara-fan and leave it at that. Want to see Kankuro get hit in the head with a large rock?

Why not? I'm BORED.


"OW!!! Where the hell did that…?!" griped Kankuro as he rubbed where the rock landed.

And now for Daisuke's return home…I almost feel sorry for his family…Hehehe.

"Kosuke-kun, I wonder why Dai hasn't written us since he left?" said Emiko upset.

"He's probably busy with schoolwork. I wouldn't worry too much."

"But still…he could've at least called to tell us he got there safely or something…"

"Why don't you write a letter to him then? Send it to the principal; I'm sure he'll get it to Daisuke!" suggested Daiki.

"I'll go do that. I can't believe I didn't think of it myself," said Emiko.

"Oh-ho! What's this? Seems that little Daisuke has mail. I guess he forgot to write home!" said the Hokage amused.

"Oy! Niwa! You have some mail!" called out Iruka.

"EH?! Who from?"

"It seems you forgot to write to your family. They sent it to the Hokage and he asked me to give this to you."

"Oh joy… I didn't forget. I just didn't want to speak to them!" grumbled Daisuke.

"Well you better write back! I'm surprised you didn't write to tell them you graduated!" said Iruka.

"Why bother? If I did, then they'd want me to go home!"

"Still, you should at least write to them."

"I'll think about it. Though right now I gotta work on the Tree-Climbing Exercise. Kuranai-sensei said once I get that mastered she'll show me the Water-walking jutsu!"

"Good luck. Just remember to write or you'll never hear the end of it from me!" joked Iruka.

(Daisuke was in Hinata's group while Dark got stuck in Naruto's team! He had transferred so he'd be able to pester Daisuke easily!

"I'm impressed Daisuke! You may not come from any of the neighboring villages, but you sure picked up on chakra control faster than the others!" commented Kuranai.

"Arigato, Kuranai-sensei! So when do we start on the water-walking thing?" said Daisuke in a cheerful mood.

"I'm going short cut training short today. You'll start that tomorrow."


It took Daisuke three days to get the hang of water-walking. By that time, Dark and the rest of Team 7 had returned from the land of waves. Naruto and Dark were busy bugging Sasuke when he ran into them. Too bad he didn't know Dark had learned about the letter from the Niwas!

"Hey Dai, why haven't you been writing to everyone? I'm sure Riku and your family worries about you."

"Because I still haven't forgiven them for sending me here against my will. I may love it here, but when they find out that I already graduated from the academy, they'll want me to come home! I don't want to deal with them again…" said Daisuke.

"What about Riku?" said Dark.

"If she finds out, she'll definitely want me to stay! I don't know what to do! If I go back, then I'll have to deal with those damn traps again. If I don't, Iruka-sensei won't let me hear the end of it. What am I gonna do?"

Are you open to suggestions?

Hello…Loki. What do you want now?!
I have an idea you might like in regards to your situation.

And what's that?!
Why not see if Satoshi will let you use HIS house? That way you'll be at your home and won't have to deal with your family.

How the hell am I supposed to get ahold of him?!

Leave that to me. So what do you say?
Why not.

In that case, I'll leave you be until I get his response.

Good riddance to annoyance rubbish… OW!!! WHAT THE HELL JUST HIT ME?!
That would be a large heavy scroll…enjoy!

WHY YOU!!!!!!!


Oy! Satoshi!
Hello Loki…I thought you agreed to leave me be if I helped you contact Gaara?!

Yeah, yeah…look, is it okay if Daisuke stays at your house while he goes back to your hometown? He doesn't want to stay at his own house.

Because he still hasn't forgiven his family for forcing him to leave the house.

Fine…he can borrow my house until he goes back to his village. Just tell him that if he puts ANY traps to make sure to remove them before he leaves!

Will do.



Why do I have a bad feeling when you show up?

Sato-kun said he'd let you use his house on one condition.


If you set any traps, you have to REMOVE them before you leave.

That seems fair enough. Did you mention that I was thinking of bringing Naruto with me?
Forgot…don't worry about it though. The minute your family finds out you're back, they won't rest until they find you!

Oh hell…then what should I do?!

You do know what a DECOY is right?


A.K.A. Naruto. Have him use the transformation jutsu and pretend to be you. It's as simple as that.

And what about the traps?

He knows how to do the tree-climbing exercise you dolt. He can just walk on the ceiling.

And what about when they realize that he's NOT me?

I'm guessing you tell him where you'll be right?


Well, does your family even KNOW where Satoshi's house is?

Actually…no. I think I'm the only one who does.

So why are you so worried? It's not like they can barge into the house without your knowledge right?


Sorry! I'll go tell Iruka-sensei that I'm taking Naruto and Drake with me back to my town. Hopefully there won't be too much trouble!