Author's Note: In some way this is parody, in some way it isn't.

Chapter one:

DW was at kindergarten, playing in the sandbox. "Hey DW," the Tibbles came up to her and started talking, "We have a dare for you."

"Why would I do something you tell me?" DW asked, not taking her eyes off her toys.

"Well…" they replied, "When we were walking on the street, we saw something you lost," they held up a small, blue-spotted stuffed cow.

"Mary Moo Cow!" DW shouted, trying to grab her long-lost toy.

"A-a-ah, not so fast," Tommy Tibble said, "First, you have to pinky-swear to do our dare."

"Okay, okay. What do I have to do?" DW questioned without hesitation. It was her favorite cow's life at stake here.

"When we all go in, you have to hide behind the bushes," Timmy began, "And when the coast is clear, you have to go on the store and get some candy," Tommy continued, and the Tibbles laughed.

"No way," DW disagreed.

"Timmy," commanded Tommy, "Kill the cow." Tommy Tibble took out a pair of scissors and pointed them at the cow's throat.

"No!" DW yelled, "Okay, I'll do it. Just don't hurt Mary Moo Cow!"

"Okay. The store is just across the street," the twins said and left.

DW hugged her cow, and gulped, afraid of what she agreed to do. "Maybe I can tell them I went, and there was no candy in the store," she whispered to herself.

"Oh, by the way, DW," the boys called to her, "We'll be watching you."

It was time. Everybody went inside, but DW stayed behind, in the bushes, like she was supposed to. She got out of the bushes and shook off the leaves she got on her clothes. She took another last glance at the small yard, and left it, her heart pounding and her hands shaking. Taking a deep breath, and clutching Mary Moo Cow closer to her, she left the yard.

DW was walking on the half-empty streets, searching for that store. She passed it millions of times with her parents, but when she was alone, everything seemed so much bigger… scarier. All of a sudden, a shady, silver van pulled up beside her. A man wearing sunglasses and a hat popped his head out of the open window and asked, "Hey, little girl, I just got a big bag of candy, and I don't have anyone to share it with. Do you want some?"

"Oh, yes, please!" DW exclaimed. This was great. Now she wouldn't have to go to the store.

"Come right over here," he gestured with his finger.

"Oh, thank you mister," DW came close to the window.

"This bag is very big, so I have to open the door to give it to you," he explained as he opened the door.

"Where is the bag?" DW stared in confusion.

"It's inside. Come closer…" the man mumbled. DW stuck her head into the car. Just as she did, the man grabbed her, gagged, tied her up and shoved her into the back seat. With a roar of the engine, the van drove away.