Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Yay! I started the sequel! Despite the happy title... this sequel's a bit sad...? Actually, other than sad Sasuke moments and angst and much drama in later chaps, this story is going to be as humorous as WSBV... if it was even funny? Also, Sakura has a bigger part in this story, and Naruto's character is a bit different. Mostly because his personality had been formed by knowing Sasuke, but since his memories of him are gone, he seems different.

Naruto rolled over in his new bed, the dark red blanket scratching against his skin. He sighed in annoyance and kicked the material off the mattress. Opening his eyes, he looked over at the clock on his dresser. It read 3:05 a.m. Sitting up, he looked at the bed across from his.

Hide Zou was sprawled out on his own bed, his mouth open, drool soaking his black pillow. He unconsciously scratched his stomach in his sleep and mumbled something about running out of cigarettes, making Naruto grin in the darkness of the room.

Climbing out of bed, the blond went to Hide Zou's and jumped on the other male, causing him to shudder awake and almost choke on his own saliva. He sniffled and shoved Naruto off of him, onto the side of the bed against the wall. Rubbing his tired eyes, he glanced over.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" he asked, irritated.

Naruto propped himself up on his elbows and gave a foxy smile. He wasn't going to tell his boyfriend that he'd had a scary dream, so he'd just make up an excuse, like always. "I'm horny."

Hide Zou snorted and rolled over, covering his head with the thick blanket. "Then go take a cold shower. Depsite what you might think, Kinpatsu, I prefer sleep over sex."

Smiling, Naruto wrapped his arms around the other man and snuggled into him. "Fine, but can I sleep with you tonight? It's cold on my side of the room."

"Bullshit," the other groaned.

"I'll take that as a yes!" the blond chirped and closed his own eyes, but as soon as he did, he saw the figure from his apartment. He scooted closer to his lover and dug his head between his shoulders, shifting his legs and moving the blanket over himself with his feet. "Um, ZouZou?"

Hide Zou twitched. "What did I tell you about calling me that?" he growled.

"Ehh, gomen. But... can I confide in you?"

"Che, that's a big word," Hide Zou sat up and scratched the back of his neck, his red and black hair falling over his shoulders. He looked down at boyfriend and smirked. "And yeah, you can confide in me, Kinpatsu."

"Well..." Naruto propped himself up with a pillow. "Do you remember when I told you about sometimes seeing things in my old apartment?" when he received a nod, he continued. "Last week, when I was about to leave to bring my stuff here, I found a fox figurine under my couch," he pointed to the glass animal sitting on his dresser. "And then I suddenly heard someone call my name. Actually... they yelled my name... and when I turned around, I saw a guy standing right there by the kitchen table!"

The other boy raised a brow. "Another guy?"

The blond nodded. "He looked sort of sad... but he was still really creepy! And then just a bit ago, I had a dream about him..."

"Wait--That's the reason why you're in my bed?" Hide Zou laughed. "God, you're such a loser," he lifted Naruto up and tossed him on the floor, ignoring his whines of protest. "Sleep in your own damn bed, you baby," he grinned and laid back down. "Sweet dreams, Kinpatsu."

Naruto sat up and rubbed his lower back, glaring at his boyfriend. He grumbled loudly and climbed back up in his bed, looking around the room quickly before lying down and covering his head with his blanket. As he heard Hide Zou's breathing become steady, he peaked out from under the sheets. He was twenty, but he still had a fear of ghosts. It was something he didn't understand, though. He'd only suddenly became afraid of them during the middle of his sophmore year...

Realizing that nothing was there, he closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep.


"...Napoleon Bonaparte was then exiled for the second time. He made no attempt to escape, unlike with his first exile, and eventually died there of stomach cancer," the small, chubby teacher droned on, his monotone voice boring everyone in the classroom except for Rock Lee, a very enthusuastic college student. He was well-liked because of his positive attitude, handsome smile, odd choice of style, kindness, and strength.

"Sensei!" the bowl-haired man raised his hand, his coal black eyes sparkling with the desire for knowledge, making his childhood friend, Hyuuga Neji (Hinata's cousin who had just come to Japan from England), chuckle under his breath. "Even though I have heard this story various times during my youth, I must say that Bonaparte-san dying of stomach cancer wasn't a very good way for him to go! A great leader, such as himself, should have gone in a beautiful explosion!" his arms shot out and Neji, along with Lee's other table partner, TenTen, leaned back so they wouldn't be smacked.

The teacher sniffled a bit and gave a pudgy smile. "A beautiful explosion, eh? How about you give us your idea of such a death."

As Lee began explaining happily, in the back corner of the room Naruto slept. His blond hair was wet since he hadn't had any time to blowdry it that morning and it was matted down, the collar of his dark blue shirt damp. His cheek was pressed against the wood of his long desk, his mouth open, soft snores coming from his throat.

Beside him, Hide Zou listened to his ipod, tapping his foot on the floor. His hair was up in a messy black clip, the vibrant red tips jutting out like flames. Chewing on his lip ring, he glanced over at his boyfriend, not even bothering to wake him. The blond had kept waking up during the night and early morning in a cold sweat, as if he'd just awoken from a nightmare. After the fifth time, Hide Zou had been dragged out of slumber and had asked what he kept dreaming about. Naruto never answered him.

Leaning back, he pulled out his new cellphone and began text messaging to Sakura. The pink-haired woman was always on her phone during class, so he was positive she'd answer back right away. On days when his lover wasn't feeling well or when he was just out of it or in a daze, he knew to talk to her (Ino was in Portugal). She would always come up with ways to get the blond back to his energetic self, since Hide Zou tended to screw up when he even attempted the task.

After sending the message, the teacher said something, then dismissed the class. Sakura texted back.

Can't help you this time, Zou! There's a new student that just arrived half an hour ago. He's HOTT! I'm going to be too busy flirting to help you. Be a good boyfriend and cheer him up yourself!

Hide Zou glared at the phone, but then shrugged. He thought she needed a good lay, anyway, as bitchy as she always was these days. She must've hit menopause early in life. But he did wonder who the hot guy was that could so easily drag Sakura's attention away from Naruto. Shoving his Euro History book into his small bag covered in pins, he leaned forward and licked Naruto's ear.

"Wake up, Kinpatsu, let's get back to our dorm room. You can sleep there."

Slowly opening sky blue eyes, Naruto yawned, shifting and sitting up, licking drool from the corner of his mouth. He rubbed his face and lifted up his bright orange bag, having not even taken his Euro book out at the beginning of class. "Did we take notes...?" he asked tiredly.

"No, just watched a small film and went over some things we learned in highschool," Hide Zou stood and stretched, his bones popping nicely. Running his eyes over his lover's exhausted face, he smiled. "Come on, I'll carry you back, darling," he teased, lifting up the smaller man.

Blushing, but too tired to struggle, he let himself be carried away to their dorm building not too far away. People didn't stare, mostly because Hide Zou and Naruto had been a couple when they'd arrived at the school and now, students didn't see it as a surprising thing.

Setting Naruto down, Hide Zou unlocked their room door and pushed it open, the scent of citrus floating into the hall. The man loved oranges, alright?

"Plan on telling me what you dreamt about or do I have to molest it out of you?" he smirked, dumping his school bag onto the floor and kicking off his boots.

Grinning a bit, Naruto plopped down on his bed and took off his sneakers, "Well... I don't really know."

"You don't know?" the other male looked skeptical.

"I'm telling the truth! I remember as soon as I wake up, but then it fades away, no matter how hard I try to remember..." The blond laid back, not moving an inch when Hide Zou jumped onto the bed next to him and wrapped strong, warm arms around his waist. He smiled widely, loving how his boyfriend became like him on rare occasions. "It's strange. Once the memories are gone, I feel empty, but I'm shaking... And I don't even remember if the dream was scary or not."

"Maybe there's something wrong with your brain."

"What if it's a tumor?.!"

Hide Zou lifted his head and raised a pierced brow. "I doubt it's a tumor. Maybe your mind is a bit different from others. During REM sleep, you're always dreaming, but sometimes when you wake up, you don't remembere what you were dreaming about, you don't even know you were dreaming. Maybe you remember it when you wake up, but your mind slowly starts to erase it, like it usually does during sleep."

Naruto scrunched his nose up. "Maa, that just confused me. You suck at explaining things, ZouZou."

The taller teen smiled and pushed himself up, slinging a leg over Naruto's hips and straddling him. He bent down and licked a defined jaw. "Maybe I should suck some other things?"

Snickering, Naruto wrapped his arms around a slender neck. "You're a dork."


Around seven in the evening, Sakura and Hinata dropped by Naruto and Hide Zou's dorm room, dressed in their usual cute girly outfits. Of course, the pink-haired female was covered in various shades of pink and red, her hair just below her shoulders. Hinata had grown a lot during the previous year, having sprouted five inches. She was wearing very cute khaki shorts and a light purple sweater, her dark blue hair now down to mid-back.

"Naruto! Zou!" Sakura knocked on the dark green door, impatient as always. "I'm sure you can stop humping for a minute!" Beside her, Hinata blushed prettily. She leaned past her friend and knocked on the door next.

"N-Naruto-kun, Zou-kun, can we speak to you? P-please?" her voice was soft, as it always had been. She smiled sweetly when the door opened and Naruto stood in his pair of Pizza Hut boxers. His hair was messy (like always) and he grinned as a greeting.

"Hinata-chan! Sakura-chan! What brings you two lovely ladies here at such an ungodly hour?"

Sakura crossed her arms and snorted. "It's only seven, baka, and we're here to take you two on a little walk," her angry face immediately vanished and she flung herself at the blond, wrapping her slender arms around Naruto's. "A ghost walk," she added with an evil laugh.

Hinata gave her male friend a nervous look, wanting him to know she hadn't planned it; it was all the bubblegum-haired witch's fault! She made a 'meep' sound when Hide Zou came up from behind, already dressed in his clothes from earlier that day. He tossed a pair of jeans and an orange jacket to Naruto.

"A ghost walk sounds fun," he grinned, a look so similar to Sakura's that it was frightening. God, it made Naruto want to hide behind Ino, she'd protect him... Too bad his long time best friend was in Portugal. Damn her great grandmother for dying! Ok, he didn't mean that.

"B-But..." Naruto tried to come up with any excuse he could, hugging his clothes to his chest. He didn't want to say that he was scared. "I'm sure Hinata-chan would be scared to death!"

"Actually..." the quiet girl spoke up, a light blush staining her pale cheeks. "I-I'm fascinated b-by spirits. I'm n-not frightened by them at all..."

The blond looked around at all of the expecting eyes and he huffed, lowering his head in shame. "I'll admit that I'm scared... so could we please not go? Maybe we could go to McDonald's instead...?"

Please say yes, please say yes, please say--

"Nope," Sakura smiled.



Even though the city was lit up with bright lights and bustling with life, Naruto still felt scared. He didn't understand, not one bit. He could be the bravest person when it came to things like climbing mountains, swimming through ocean currents, walking through the woods at night, and eating bad fish... but when it came to ghosts and demons, he'd become stiff with fear. He never felt that way through elementary or middle school and didn't know how it formed in high school. He'd never even thought much of spirits before.

"Quit being a baby!" Sakura turned and began walking backwards, Hinata saving her before she tripped over a fallen recycling bin. The female didn't even thank her, only twirled around and marched forward. Naruto noticed that they were heading out of the main part of the city, to the highway that led to the main bridge.

"Where exactly are we going?" Hide Zou asked, rubbing Naruto's back soothingly. He didn't want to have Naruto freak out, but he believed bringing his lover to wherever they were going would soothe his fear and show him that ghosts weren't real. Most Japanese people were into spirits and demons, but not him. He'd grown up in America his entire life and had been too busy keeping himself alive to even think about ghosts.

Sakura pulled a flashlight out from her purse and flicked it on, the light shining over the mangroves. They were getting closer to the coast, the sound of waves reaching their ears. "To the bottom of the coastline," she answered. "There's supposed to be an apparition of a little boy there, on top of the cliffs(1)."

"Then why not just go to the cliffs?"

"Ghosts don't show up when people are around, are you stupid?" Sakura motioned for them to follow her along the highway's rail. Cars zoomed by them, sprinkles of water from the rain puddles splashing against their legs, but they didn't notice, too indulged on their walk. Hinata kindly held back a mangrove branch for all of them, giving Naruto an apologetic look when he passed by.

The emerald-eyed college student began descending down rock-like steps, careful not to fall. "Watch your step here, they're slippery!" she warned and hopped down into the soft sand of the beach. Running down to the water, she flashed her light up at the tallest cliff, trying to catch a glimpse of a ghost. "Hinata, give Zou one! He has good eyes!"

Doing as she was told, the Hyuuga pulled a clear flashlight out of her own purse and handed it to the J-rocker. She noticed how Naruto seemed to panic when his boyfriend gave him a quick kiss before running down near Sakura too take a look at the high cliffs. Placing a small hand on his shoulder, she smiled.

"Th-there's no need to be afraid, Naruto-kun. Spirits can't h-hurt you," she tried to comfort him. "And I'm sure th-they wouldn't harm Zou-kun ei-either."

"Thanks..." Naruto mumbled, not all that convinced.

Hide Zou continued to flash the light at the cliffs, but sighed after a few minutes of finding nothing. Before he could turn the light off, a strong gust of wind blew over the beach and knocked it from his hand. It hit the ground and the glow went out, accompanied by Sakura's scream.


"I stepped in a bunch of seaweed!" the girl shrieked and quickly moved away from the water. As soon as she moved, she heard talking. Earing perking up at the sound, she turned, eyeing Hinata and Naruto. "Hey, what're you two mumbling about?"

"Wh-wha?" Hinata spoke up. "I d-didn't say anything."

"It's a ghost!" Naruto whined childishly. One would never guess he was a college student.

"It's not a ghost," Hide Zou countered. "It's probably just some people walking by on the side of the highway, above us."

Sakura flashed her light up at the railing, but saw no one. Slowly, she moved it toward the cliff and her emerald eyes widened, sparkling under the moonlight fluttering through the thick clouds. "G-Guys, look!" she pointed up at the very edge of the cliffs and everyone saw the outlines of two figures. One was very tall, the other short. The small one was being held over the ocean water, above the jagged stones.

Hinata unconsciously moved closer to Naruto, grasping his hand with hers. She didn't notice that the blond was completely frozen.

"This is what they say happens every night!" Sakura ran forward, wanting nothing more than to see the scene up close. Hide Zou followed her, but Hinata and Naruto stayed behind. "It started a year ago, people say!" she shouted so everyone could hear. "There was a sighting of winged creatures near Tokyo Tower, then apparitions started appearing in the woods by Naruto's old apartment, an abandoned home that was owned by a family known as Uchiha, and here!" she came to a stop once she couldn't go any further. The pitch black figures above were speaking, but she couldn't make out any words.

It's not real... Naruto told himself, but it was a hard task since the spirits were right there in front of him. He shook his head, pulling Hinata forward so they could get closer to the others. No, it could just be people looking out over the ocean.

There was a shout from one of the shapes, then the small one was released. Its figure fell into the water. There was no splash, no sound of impact against the stones; nothing.

"What was...?" Hide Zou began, but Naruto cut him off.

"Please," he begged. "Let's go home. I don't want to be here anymore! I saw the stupid ghosts, now let's just leave!" he kept Hinata close to him, worried more about her than him. He might've been scared, but Hinata was easily scarred. She'd seen the figure fall and would probably have that image implanted in her mind forever.

"Yeah, let's get back to the campus..." Sakura trailed off. Those had to be ghosts...

"Kinpatsu, are you ok?" Hide Zou approached his lover and pulled both him and Hinata against his warm chest, knowing the small girl was frightened from the scene. "What about you, Hinata?"

"I-I'm alright..." she lied politely, pulling away with a tiny smile. "I was j-just startled, that's all."

Naruto let himself be wrapped up in his boyfriend's warmth and he sighed. "I'm going to have nightmares for a month. You're going to have to deal with me sleeping in your bed," he mumbled.

Hide Zou smiled and ruffled soft, golden hair. "Come on, before Anko gives us hell for missing curfew."

They all began their trail back up the rocky steps and stepped onto the pavement of the highway. As they began their way home, Sakura talking animatedly about how she was going to call Ino and tell her what happened, Naruto snuggled against Hide Zou and glanced back at the cliffs, the black figures gone.


"I don't wanna go to class!" Naruto whined and thrashed around when his boyfriend yanked the covers off of their, now, shared bed. He twisted and rolled up into a ball, hugging the pillow Hide Zou used. "I'm soooo tired, ZouZou," he looked over at him with exhausted eyes. "Can't you let me skip one class? Just one? I couldn't get an ounce of sleep last night!"

"That's your fault," Hide Zou snickered and yanked Naruto up. "You had a nightmare and woke up, got bored, woke me up so you could sex your dreams away, then went to sleep and had another nightmare--"

"I got it, I got it," the blond huffed and got out of bed, not bothering to take a shower since he'd taken one the night before. Tugging on the clothes he'd sat out before bed, he yawned. "How come you're not tired? We went at it pretty long last night."

"Because, amazingly enough, I can sleep and give you an orgasm at the same time," the other male grinned and grabbed his schoolbag, already dressed and ready to go. "Now let's get going before Anko bursts in. She knows exactly when we're supposed to head to class and if we're not gone by then, she'll start yelling at us."

"Maa, coming," Naruto rubbed his eyes and slipped on his sneakers easily, following his lover out the door.

When they approached the building that held their Acting class, they noticed a large crowd of girls huddled around the main doors. Raising their brows in unison, Naruto and Hide Zou ran up to them, trying to see over their heads.

"What's everyone looking at?" Naruto shoved through the large group, squeels and giggles injuring his fragile ears. Making his way through, he tripped over a random girl's shoe and fell flat on his ass. Mumbling an 'itai' and rubbing his lower spine, he looked up, the warm sun being blocked by someone's body.

His clear blue eyes reflected the face of another male. One with obsisian eyes and raven hair that stuck up in the back. It reminded him of...

"... A duck butt..."

(1)-You'll see why there are now apparitions in later chaps.

Hah! Guess who's back and guess how he came back! XD