Summary: Catherine goes undercover as a stripper and asks Nick to be her bodyguard


Catherine walked down the hallway, she had gotten word that one of her good friends that she used to dance with was murdered. She wanted to solve the case and put her friends memory to rest. She knew what she had to do. She had to go undercover. She went into the locker room, Could she pull this off? It had been years since she last danced. She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Nick had came into the locker room.

Nick noticed her lost, and decided not to disturb her, and walked over to his locker and softly opened it and took off his shirt and placed it inside, and pulled out his other shirt.

Catherine turned her head and noticed Nick, She blinked and admired his chest and arms. He was fine, she wasn't going to deny that. She smiled, "Hey Nicky!"

Nick turned his head and smiled, "Hey Catherine"

"I didn't hear you come in"

Nick looked at her, "Oh I'm sorry. You were in a daze and I didn't want to disturb you"

She smiled lightly, "Yeah, its a case"

Nick, still shirtless, leaned against his locker, "Are you okay?"

Catherine ran into his arms, and cried.

Nick softly rubbed her back, "Shh Cath, its okay, shh, it'll be okay"

Nick held her softly, "Sweetie, you can talk to me"

Catherine nodded, "I know Nicky, its just, I have to solve this case"

Nick looked at her, "Cat, do you need any help?"

Catherine smiled, "I thought you'd never ask"


Catherine and Nick sat down in her office, discussing the case, Nick leaned back in the chair and looked at her

"You're wanting to go undercover"

Catherine just nodded.

"As a stripper?"

another nod from Catherine.

Nick shook his head, "Catherine, no way! What if he comes after you?! None of us will be there with you!"

Catherine smirked.

Nick looked at her, "What?"

"You're coming with me"


"That's funny, I thought you said I was coming with"

Catherine gave him a look, "Fine you don't have to go, Nick, Just thought I'd ask you first, You dont' want to do it thats fine, I'll get someone else"

Nick looked at her, "Cath, I didn't mean it, I want to help"

Catherine smiled, "Good, You're going to be my personal bodyguard"

Nick sighed, "Thank god"

She gave him a look

"What? I thought you were going to make me dance!"

Catherine laughed, "Silly Nicky, I don't think the guys would go for that, although you do have a nice ass"

Nick pointed a finger at her, "My ass can shake it"

Catherine laughed again.

Nick smiled, "I'm glad to see you laughing"

Catherine smiled, "Thank you Nicky"

"When we start?"
