Chapter One

Welcome to Hornwell

I had no idea what I was in for when I moved school. My mum and dad were so excited, as was my annoying little brother. He got to go to a normal school. I should introduce myself. I am Jack Hall, and am fourteen. Therefore I am in year seven. Don't think it's because I'm stupid… alright, I am a bit dumb. My eyes are plain brown, my hair is boring, my life was boring… I've gone off track, haven't I? I'm here to tell you about my experiences at Hornwell High.

The school bell at Hornwell was old-fashioned, the kind you would find in an old church tower. It boomed forebodingly as it signalled the beginning of the school day. I walked into the old school, behind the neat lines of students, feeling very out-of-place. An odd teacher greeted me in the hallway and pulled me into a cramped office.

"Mr Hall," he said cheerfully, with big white chompers gleaming from his pulled-back lips. I couldn't help thinking all the better to eat you with, "Welcome to Hornwell. I'm sure you'll fit right in, we're very accommodating here at Hornwell." It was like he was trying to remind me where I was.

I nodded nervously.

"Here's your timetable." He handed me a sheet, "All classes are in school grounds. You cannot leave the grounds at any given time. We're very strict on lawbreakers here at Hornwell.

"Thank you," I mumbled, not at all grateful, "Mr..." I glanced down at his badge, ""

"Call me Mr S." He smiled freakishly again, and I left the room, almost running.

The other students were neatly and quietly lined beside their homeroom doors, patiently waiting for their homeroom teachers to come and let them in the classroom. It was like a walk in a dream... there was absolutely no noise.

None at all.