This is my first attempt at a Avatar oneshot, so please go easy on me

I can't say I am a complete fan of the Maiko ship, but this kinda just came to me

Please R&R

Mai stood at the edge of the dance floor fidgeting slightly. It was the Fire Prince Zuko's 18th Birthday and of course Iroh had to throw a big party, that sadly included dancing. Oh, how Mai hated dancing, she mostly didn't like it because she was just plain bad at it. As Mai watched the couples on the floor sway to the music, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder and turning around Mai saw Prince Zuko himself.

"May I have this dance" he offered

"I'd embarrass you"Mai said lightly

"I doubt that"said Zuko his tone slightly strained

"I am a bad dancer" Mai offered next

"It's just one dance" said Zuko "Your not going hurt me with one dance"

"You would be surprised" said Mai sarcastically but allowed Zuko to lead her on the dance floor

Zuko swepted her close as they slowly waltzed acrossed the dance floor. Mai was surprised how graceful he was and he carefully avoided her heavy feet. Suddenly he asked

"What's your favorite song" before Mai could stop herself she said softly

"A lullaby" Zuko almost smiled, as he signaled to the band to start playing the song.

"You didn't have to do that" Mai pointed out slightly embarrassed

"I thought it was important my dance partner danced to her favorite song" Zuko said as they danced to the soft music "Plus, it was my mother's favorite song" he said so softly Mai had to strain to her his words. Silence graced them for the rest of the dance, the song finally ended and they were about to pull away. But Zuko grabbed Mai's arm and pointed to the sky

"Look" he commanded and Mai obliged him by looking because the sky was now lit up with fireworks

"Wow" Mai breathed and almost gasped when Zuko pulled her into his shoulder.

"See, that was not so bad" he said

"It was only one dance" Mai said as she placed her head on his shoulder

"Yes, it was only one dance" Zuko whispered but it was the start of many

A sweet Maiko moment presented by Flowerpaw

Please Review and tell me how good it was!!!