Hello all! This note comes as I am finally dusting off my old hobby—it's been far too long, and my writing style and priorities have likely changed. Despite this, I am still a hardcore NejiTen stan (forever, forever), and this story is one that I plan to complete. While I've had the entire plot planned out and sitting in my backlogs, I never got the chance to finish writing it. Life kind of took over; before I knew it, years had passed.

I apologize to those of you who have been left hanging. I'm fairly sure I've neglected this for so long that a good many of you may have given up on it. I don't blame you—I was the one who gave up on it first, and I'm truly sorry for that. I'm here to finish up what I started.

I'm not sure how often I will be able to update, but I am writing a little more in my free time and trying to turn some of my attention to tying up loose ends such as this one. I'm currently also working on two other stories/projects; unfortunately that means my attention will more than likely end up divided as I work on different projects as I like. I am aware that many of you readers eagerly anticipate progress (trust me, I would like to finish this more than anyone else) and many have kindly requested that I update quickly.

First of all, thank you so much for enjoying my writing. It means the world to me that my fickle imaginations can give you enjoyment in your daily life.

I would like to update quickly and churn out chapters with discipline, starting with the most urgent stories. That would be ideal. However, writing fanfiction has always been a pleasant hobby more than it has been an obligation, and I'd like it to remain as such. That's why I ask for your cooperation and understanding as this story will probably continue to drag on depending on whether or not I feel inspired to write it.

But I promise you, it will see its glorious ending. The next chapter is coming! I can't promise exactly when, but I'm working on it!

Much love and cheers to your writing/reading endeavors,
