A/n This is the final chapter thank you so much for reading and reviewing!!
Hope you Like!!
A happy ending?
Horrific screams echoed around the hospital. The screams suddenly coming to a halt as a second gunshot ripped its way through the air. Blood splattered all over as the guy holding him at gunpoint collapsed to the floor. Troy looked to see a policeman running towards them. He opened his eyes to see the blood pouring down his face. "Gabriella" he whimpered as he stared at the bundle on the floor. She was covered in blood. He could feel himself dying inside. He made his way over to her and pulled her head onto his legs. He stroked her head crying. "HELP" he yelled. Her blood fell onto his hands. Her eyes rolled and caught focus on his face. "I-I-I" her words stumbled as a tear rolled out of the corner of her eye. Her breathing slowed down, she couldn't speak. He tried to support her head as he held her wound tightly. He knew she was trying to speak with her eyes. He could see the hole in her chest but didn't dare to look. It may confirm what he already thought. That she was dying. That Gabriella was dying. A doctor ran up to them feeling Gabriella's pulse. Troy's head began to spin looking at the blood on his hands Hefell to the floor.
Opening his eyes slowly pain shot through his head. "What's going on?" he thought. He suddenly realized what had happened. He looked around and seeing empty hospital beds around him. A nurse walked past. "Gabriella" he yelled to her. "The doctor will be along shortly" she replied. "Shortly isn't good enough!" he yelled. Attempting to stand up. "Sir would you just…"
"No!" Troy yelled storming down the ward.
He stumbled to the nurse's station. "Where's Gabriella" he cried.
The doctor approached him. "Is she okay?" he panicked. The doctor looked saddened. "Her injuries are severe… I don't think she'll make it"
The doctor led Troy inside a room around the corner and to where Gabriella lay. "That machine is the only thing keeping her alive, I'm sorry"
Troy wept by Gabriella's side. "Is she in pain?" he asked the doctor.
"No, I'll leave you" the doctor left.
Troy reached out and touched Gabriella's face. "She couldn't be dying. Not Gabriella, my Gabriella." After sitting by her side for an hour without any change the doctor walked in once more. "Her brain activity is decreasing. She's alive but she's not really living" he explained. "You know what you have to do, let her be at peace" he said before leaving. "I'll be back in half an hour"
After a further 5 minutes of silence Troy spoke to Gabriella quietly knowing she couldn't hear.
"When we were in high school I never thought we'd end up here. I can't believe its going to end like this." He began to sob.
"You have to know Gabriella that I love you so much, so much" he whispered.
"It hurts so much that you're about to take your last breath without you knowing how much you mean to me. And I want you to know that every single second I've spent with you, every single smile you've given me every single kiss we've shared have been the most breathtaking moments in my life. You gave me so much; you gave me Jaden who every time I look at I see you smiling straight back at me." A nurse stepped in. Troy nodded at her knowing it was time to let go. "It's time for you to go now" he whispered breaking down in tears. "Soon all I'll have is memories. I'm terrified of my life without you because even when I think of not being with you something deep inside me hurts and kills me too. I don't know why this happened but soon you will be at peace and I promise you, I will kill whoever did this to us."
The nurse walked over a put her hand on the switch. "Ready" she whispered.
"Yeah" Troy replied giving Gabriella's hand a final squeeze. He heard the switch flick and as she took her final breath he swore he felt her squeeze his hand back. He leant forwards and placed his soft lips against hers. The last trace of life left her body as he began to walk out of the room. He took one last look at her body before closing the door behind him. He collapsed in a bundle of tears. "WHY!" He yelled. He jumped up onto his feet. "What happened to the man?" he asked. A nurse broke it to him that he too was on life support. Without thinking Troy barged passed the nurses and into the room where he lay. He put his hands around the guy's neck and squeezed as hard as he could. "Don't" a voice said quietly coming form the door. He looked over to see Rhiannah standing their in her hospital gown. "Don't give your life because of him" she spat. She approached Troy and he collapsed in her arms. She comforted him as he cried.
1 Week Later
"Two men have been charged with the murder of a local women as well as brutally attacking another….The trial will begin in a few weeks…." Troy looked out of the window of his car. He pulled up and stepped out of the vehicle. He unstrapped Jaden from the back and carried him in his arms. He smiled at Rhianna beside him. They all walked towards the cemetery.
Troy watched as the coffin was lowered. "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust" He could feel himself crumbling inside. He held onto Jaden tight the last bit of Gabriella that he had. He had to be strong, for Jaden. He's lost 2 parents in a matter of months.
1 Year Later
Jaden lowered some flowers down onto the grave. "Love you" he said as he stood back up next to Troy. Troy looked on smiling. He looked at the path and saw Rhianna placing flowers on a few graves further down. She walked towards him. Her amazing smile beamed as she held her pregnant belly. Troy put his arm around her protectively as they began to walk watching Jaden running ahead.
So that's it. What did you think? I'm considering a sequel but I want to know what people will think. I'm thinking Gaby and Troy in high school-what they were like-there relationship and Gaby getting pregnant and of course some drama!! Lol. So what do ya think…Please Review
Thank you