At first, I didn't really think I should publish this. But, what the heck? THIS IS RATED 'T'!!!!!!!!

"Hi everybody! We have a very special guest with us. Her name is Lisa" said Steve looking at me.

I was too busy listening to my walkman that's playing Avril Lavigne 'Girlfriend' to listen to what Steve is saying. Steve was getting impatient and took off the headphone from my head. "Hey!!" I shouted.

"Hey to you too!" he said waving his hand as if 'hey' meant 'hi' "I'll give this back when the show is over. Let's go inside"

"Asshole..." I muttered.

"Children are watching this, you know?" he whispered.

"Gee, you think? I'm just teaching them new words"

"We can't have that. So, I'm just gonna do something" Steve opened his mini computer from a hidden pocket on his pants. He pressed some buttons and said "Done!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Riiiiiiiiiiight..."

"Try to say a swear word"

"Umm...BEEP!" I was shocked "What happened happened? Why is there a 'beep' when I say BEEP!!"

Steve smirked. "Now let's go inside"


"That won't help you" he said as he closed the door after I went inside.

I grinned. "Cool...I can say anything I want about you and you won't know what I'm saying"

Steve gulped. "Umm...BLUE!! BLUE!!Where are you?"

A blue coloured dog named 'Blue' came jumping out of nowhere and started barking. "Hi, Blue! This is-"

"The name is Lisa. Don't wear it out"

Blue's eyes started rolling. "Woooo...wowooowowoowoo" it howled.

"What's wrong, Blue?" asked Steve.

"Maybe it's starting to get 'Steve-itus'. You know? That weird desease" I suggested.

Steve grit his teeth. "Funny how it has 'Steve' at the front"

"Isn't it?" I asked in a sweet voice.

When we both finished, we found out Blue was gone. We could see a huge paw print infront of us. "Do you know what this means?" Steve asked in an excited voice.

"Blue has turned into a giant dog?"

Steve glared at me. "No. It means we have to play Blues Clues! Yay! But first, we have to clean this up. How?"

"Oh for BEEP sakes!" I said as I spat on the paw print and wiped it with a hankerchief that I pulled out from Steve's bck pocket. "Thanks" I placed the hankerchief back in his pocket.

"Let's go find our first clue" he said after a few minutes of glaring at me.

We bumped into Tickety-Tock. "Well, hi there Tickety-Tock" said Steve.

"Hi, Steve! Who's this?" asked Tickety-Tock curiously.

"The Boss of you" I replied.

"Just ignore that" I heard Steve whisper.

That was chappie ONE! Hope you liked it! Steve is such a BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEP! Why isn't this 'beep' thing turned off yet?!?! BEEP!