Love requited

AN: Thanks to the positive reviews I got for this oneshot I decided to make another chapter. Here is the happy ending to "A night of unrequited (?) love".

There are many times that people say that "This will be the last time, after this I'll never do it again." But the thing is that they usually delude themselves. Despite passionate claims that it's over after this they rarely have the strength to follow through. For man can endure pain, suffering and torment. Our ability to endure is great.

But our ability to abstain is much lesser. Our bodies know that the thing you were supposed to abstain from brought you pleasure and it will demand more. It will create cravings that drive you to seek the forbidden fruit again and again. The only hope you have is to completely control yourself and that is something you can spend your entire life searching for without achieving.

Nn… n… what the…! What is he doing here! Damn it is he sleepwalking again?! The damn brat has crawled into my bed again. I wake up from feeling hot air on my face and see his face five inches from mine.

Hadn't he stopped sleepwalking? I thought he stopped doing that after the whole Chao deal… Perhaps he still hasn't recovered after that spell.

Poor guy… I still remember the whole thing from when he showed me it four years ago.

Okay… he can stay here. And I who hoped to sleep tonight... I take him in my arms and try to calm down my beating heart. Don't think like that… he's in need of comfort… he needs you to calm him…

I can't believe this. If someone would have told me four years ago that I would have to fight not to jump this brat four years later I'd have beaten whoever said it into the ground.

Brat… why do I call him that? He isn't a brat anymore. He's a freaking hero. When we were at the mages' city a few days ago I saw them selling posters on him. They idolize him.

You really lived up to everybody's expectations Negi-bozu.

What the hell am I doing?! As I was thinking I started to fondle his chest! Pervert! Get your hand out of his pyjamas right now! Damn it why does he have to be so sexy? Seriously, I can't control myself. What's wrong with me? I never felt like this even with Takahata-sensei.

I really am in love with the brat…

Why can't it end there? Can't I just accept that it won't work and move on? Stupid hormones.

What the…? He's leaning in towards m...

He kissed me! In one second all I promised goes out of the window and I grab him. Returning the kiss I moan from the sensations. So good! I feel like I'm flying! I'm soaring and I don't ever want it to end! Oh god…

Then his eyes snap open and he tears away from me.

Oh god… what have I done?! I-I must have been sleepwalking and ended up in Asuna-san's bed. The last thing I remember was dreaming about her and then I wake up and see that I'm kissing her! I quickly crawl away from her and stammer out an apology. I'm so sorry I say. When I see the hurt look on her face I hate myself. What have I done? I promised myself that it would be over after last night.

"I-I'm so sorry Asuna-san I didn't… I wasn't… I'm sorry."

She sits up and looks away with a lifeless look in her eyes. You traitor! She saw you as family and now you've taken it away from her! God damn it Negi, what have you done!

"Please, forgive me Asuna-san. I-I know I'm not supposed to feel like this but please… I'm sorry!"

For a second I died inside but now… when he said that…"feel that way?"

"Negi?" I say slowly. He stops stammering and looks at me. "Do you… like me… in that way?"

"I'm sorry Asuna-san! I won't do it again! I swear!" Now I grit my teeth.

"Just answer!" I snap and see how he flinches and looks away.

"…Yes" He whimpers, "I'm sorry… I'll never do it again, I…" This is all I hear as the joy comes back. He loves me… He loves me!

Asuna-san is quiet and just looks at me. I have to fight back the tears. What did I expect? Now the only family she has is gone thanks to my inability to control myself. I start to turn away and leave her bed. I've taken everything from her now. Then she grabs my shoulder and holds onto me. I look back and see her look at me with tears in her eyes. Then before I can do anything she jumps at me and pins me to the ground and…

She kisses me!

What is going on? She's kissing me; he lips meet mine and set me on fire. Her beautiful body squeezes against mine and she holds me tightly. I don't understand. When she breaks away from me I look at her.

"Asuna-san… I don't want you to fell like you have too…"

"Shut up and kiss me brat." She says softly and kisses me again. Now everything snaps for me. Obligations, promises and expectations vanish as I return the kiss. Oh god… It's incredible! She's so beautiful. My hands move to the buttons on her shirt and suddenly it's open. She squeezes me towards her body and I begin to kiss her neck. Her gasp destroys the last vestiges of self-control I have.

For a while everything they can perceive is a tingling mass of roving hands, ragged breathing and soft lips. When it's all over Asuna is holding Negi towards her as hard as she can.

"I love you brat…" She says with a choked voice.

"I love you Asuna-san."

Fortunately, some of the things we fail to stay away from are things that shouldn't be abstained from. Our body tells us to do that which feels good and many times those things aren't bad things.