Bubbles Utonium skipped, her nimble appendages and black sneakers landing on every other stone on the walkway. Blonde pigtails swung back and forth and she hummed a cheery tune. Spreading her arms wide, she greeted the morning joyously and the sun itself smiled back down. Birds chirped and squirrels chattered. Oh, how she adored the mornings; they defined her outlook on life.
Meanwhile, dragging her feet and glaring at the birds (Blossom's stern words behind prevented a few well cooked ravens), Buttercup Utonium folded her arms across her chest. She really didn't understand what the point of college was. You sat there for hours while people lectured you on things that never mattered. The only class she liked was gym. Ugh…she might as well skip the rest of the day and come in to play. Well, she would, but the Professor and Blossom scolded her on that.
Bringing up the lead and reminding an ominously muttering Buttercup the importance of knowledge and class work, Blossom Utonium tossed her radiant red hair out to the winds. The sun's rays caught it and it shimmered, a thing of beauty to compete with Bubbles' animals. Though she trimmed it occasionally, it still fell to around her now curvy waist.
Throughout the 10 years since there birth a few years later, the discovery of a budding chest and an interest in the other sex. At least…for two of them. Blossom was too busy with school to think about boys, or so she reasoned. They weren't important anyway.
What with Mojo, Him, and their old opponents occasionally wreaking havoc on their fair city and school, Blossom reasoned boys were just a distraction. This she repeatedly informed Bubbles, constantly boy crazy. Buttercup had once tried to cram a pillow down her throat to get her to shut up in the middle of the night. She couldn't help it- her nature meant she adored almost anyone, attractive or no. She found something.
"And Buttercup, if I catch you convincing Mojo to destroy Townsville during Algebra again, I'm telling the Professor," Blossom reprimanded, casting her sister a knowing eye. The green eyed 'puff rolled her eyes and scoffed. There was no real proof she'd done it. Besides, Blossom was a perfect little scholar. She wouldn't have skipped out on school to check up on her darling sibling.
Bubbles, ignoring the two, hummed the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends' theme. Inexplicably, she adored that show and the eight year old within, Mac. She giggled at the thought of him old enough to for her to obsess over and immediately, the two other girls spun around to stare. Not embarrassed in the slightest, she grinned back. Buttercup rolled her eyes again and glanced towards the sky as if to say, "see what you stuck me with"? And Blossom smiled back.
Since the Professor maintained that they shouldn't fly to school unless it was an emergency and they needed to stay in good shape otherwise, they were walking to Townsville College. They had plenty of time this morning, enough to gossip and quibble amongst themselves. The sun shone clear overhead, no clouds visible, and it was a fairly good day- for some people.
Princess Morebucks awoke with literally ten minutes to spare before school started. Piercing green eyes flew open and she bolted up in bed; her gaze swept the room to condemn someone, but there were none in sight. Therein lay the problem, since whoever was supposed to do their job clearly hadn't and now she had to choke down food before the plane took her to class. (She couldn't be seen in a car, especially not when she had so little time and those simpletons might block traffic).
"Goddamn it!" she shrieked, prone to random bouts of unladylike profanity. "Heads will roll for this!"
The last eight years had modified little Princess too. Her then poofy red hair now tumbled down in red ringlets and instead of a golden tiara about her head, there were golden hairpins. Today, muttering under her breath, she selected her own outfit (where were her servants?) and hastily dressed herself. Honestly, the trials she had to endure. Who had to put on their own dresses? It was barbaric.
Probably the Powerpuff Girls, but they hardly counted. They weren't human¸ for God's sake. Honestly, sometimes she wondered if she hadn't lost her mind years ago, then she realized she had enough money for that not to matter.
Stomping her high-heeled boots, her dress swinging dangerously back and forth, she muttered uncouthly at the empty corridors. Odd, servants should be bustling about and normally; she'd have passed about a half dozen by now, not including her own. In fact, when she strode down the halls, she shivered. Something was very off here. Dreadfully, terribly off and she didn't like the feel of it one bit.
"Mau-rice! Claire!" she screamed and her own demanding cries reverberated. They bounced off the golden suit of armor and danced around the candelabras. If they were palpable, they would have smacked her in the face. Nonetheless, the implication did. She picked up speed, crying names at regular intervals. None answered.
Panic stricken, school forgotten entirely, she screamed her father's name into the absence. Only silence greeted her.
Boomer hummed while holding the straps of his backpack walking proudly down the sidewalk. His bangs swung while his hair shone. His dirty blonde was cute! He loved the mornings when the early wakening birds chirped ringing his ears. He just loved the morning!
Dragging his feet (Similar to buttercup) was butch. He glared at all the animals as they shivered and shook. His shaggy black hair didn't move like boomer who birds and animal sang about, it just stood there while his emerald eyes stared at every animal with a cold feeling. He also didn't understand school. They were just some naggy freaking people who never shut up! H e just waited for them to shut up then Gym would bring him energy.
Other words, Brick was daydreaming about the one he loved SO dearly, blossom. Though they were really popular and can get other girls she was the one he wanted he didn't care.
While dozing he didn't realize she was not too far off away.
Like the puffs the ruffs have matured too.
(Not going to say what I think ya get the point) They were right in the gate of school until…
Blossom noticed that someone was behind them so she stopped the girls. "Girl, I think we got company," blossom warned "Stand your guard." The girls stood there as the blue ruff paused on seeing the girls. "What?" He motioned. Bubbles giggled at this. He could be real slow sometimes. Soon after the first ruff the second ruff came. He stopped dragging his feet and gave a smirk. Buttercup felt like punching him in the guts, hard enough to make him puke.
Then the third, Brick. His thoughts rushed back in his minds as he stared at blossom with no emotion. Soon it rubbed off with a smirk. "Well, well, well," brick grinned. "If it isn't the three hottest girls of our new school Pokey Oaks College." He stated. "Blossom, bubbles and buttercup," Butch said. "What do you want?" Bubbles squeaked. "None out of the ordinary we were just going to school," Boomer spoke up. "But if it's ok can we ask for something else?" Brick's gin grew wider. "Yea, you know." Brick walked closer to blossom that was confused. "What do you mean?" Blossom asked curiously. By the time she said that brick leaned closer to her, which made her blush. Before he could say something they heard the bell ring.
"Great. You bastards made us late on the first day of college!" Buttercup said pushing brick off blossom. Butch grabbed her wrist. "I promise we'll make it up for you." Butch said leaning closer, which made buttercup blush too. Boomer and bubble just stood there watching then they walked off with a 'huff' for making them late. Blossom followed bubbles and buttercup did the same. Butch walked behind boomer and so did brick and they opened the door to there new school.
So how do you guys think it was great? I usually start my saying down here I don't know why I just do. That's all right now, now please read and review!