Third story, the first two X-Men the Legacy, and X-Men Ashes to Ashes
You don't need to read those to understand this one...
Jean is obessed with finding Sinister and getting her revenge, so much so that she's pushing the people that loves her the most away, including Logan, whom she has started a relationship with. The Friends and Humanity show up and cause the X-Men problems as Mastermind joins them and focuses on the X-Men and destroying them. Can the others, and Logan, help Jean find her way back (to the light) and show her that family and love is more important than power and revenge? Or will it destroy her?
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Jean's back hit the ground, knocking the breath from her, as a small gasp escaped her lips. Her enemy targeted at her again, but Jean predicted it and rolled over quickly, jumping to her feet and making her way behind a car, as the blast hit another car, where Jean was, and caused it to explode. She groaned and leaned against the car door as she caught her breath. She heard the Sentinel making it's way to her, so she straightened up, as he eyes began to glow. Taking a quick and careful peek around the corner, Jean saw where the machine was and rose to the air. As she did so, her body became surrounded by fire as the giant firebird rose in the air with her, above her. Jean looked her eyes on the machine and grinned wickedly as it turned to her, posed to strike once more. Jean threw her arms out in front of her, showing the bird where to attack. As the Sentinel fired, the bird took off, absorbing the machines blast. As the bird continued, it flew directly through the machine, causing it to burn a hole in its metal body. Jean watched and smiled as she used her powers and crushed the machine down to dust, as if it were nothing.
As she came back down to the ground, Jean noticed a man walked towards her; she didn't need to guess who it was however. "Well, well," he said. "I must say Jean Grey…you never cease to amaze me." Jean said nothing. Sinister smiled at her. "What? No hello?" Still silence. "Jean, what happened a few months ago…it happened. I was really hoping you wouldn't hold it against me."
Jean titled her head to the side slightly, her eyes changing from the bright orange glow to the cold, dark blackness. Sinister noticed this, but made no move or sound to show it. Using her powers, Jean forced Sinister to his knees. He groaned in shock as his knees hit the dirt, hard. Jean looked down at him, with hatred. Without moving a muscle, all of the flesh on Sinister was torn off by an unseen force, a result of Jean's Dark Phoenix powers. Sinister screamed in pain as only his muscles showed; it was a miracle he was still alive; but Jean would take care of that soon. He looked down at his body in shock, then back up at Jean. "Wh-?"
He never finished the sentence; soon the muscle and tissue was ripped off as well until his skeleton was showing…and then Jean turned him into dust as well, crushing the bones as if they were nothing, until Mr. Sinister was no more. He was nothing but dust, a bad memory and plague to Jean.
As her eyes returned to normal, the scenery disappeared, until Jean stood alone in a huge metal dome, called the danger room. As she began to walk towards the exit, she couldn't help but be disappointed. But Jean did know one thing… she'd find Sinister…and she'd kill him.
Jean walked into the library quietly, already knowing Logan was there, folding her arms across her chest and leaning against the doorway. Logan looked up from his book to acknowledge her. "Never thought I'd ever see that," she joked.
Logan looked confused at first, then at the book, and smiled slightly. "Jus touchin' up," he replied.
"On what?"
"My languages." Logan placed the book down and walked over to Jean. "After working with Chuck these past few months, I realized I can speak different languages."
Jean raised her eyebrows. "Really?"
Logan nodded. "How are you?"
"Fine," she answered quickly.
"Really, Red."
Jean sighed. "I said I'm fine, Logan. I really don't want to go any further than that."
Logan reached out and touched Jean's cheek softly, forcing her to look at him in the eyes. "Jeannie…"
Jean's eyes met his, and she felt a surge of emotions rise up within her. "You wouldn't understand," she said softly.
"Try me."
The look on Logan's face, full of confusion, passion, hunger, love and concern, we the same face that reminded her of that day two months ago…the day that Emma Frost left and new problems arose…
Logan woke up with a startle. Breathing heavily, and covered in sweat, he looked around at his surroundings in confusion. The sun was beaming through his window and he heard the children playing outside, but the last thing that he remembered was the awful feeling of someone picking around in his brain and messing with is memories. Logan quickly jumped out of the bed and threw on a shirt as he raced downstairs. By the time he reached the landing and rounded the corner into the kitchen, he noticed that mostly everyone was already in there, chatting and laughing among themselves. Logan looked at them, confusion etched on his face, as they all remained silent, seeing Logan standing in the doorway.
"Logan?" Hank asked cautiously. "You okay?"
Logan ran his hand through his hair. "What happened?"
Ororo and the others all exchanged looks. "Honestly…we don't know."
"You just woke up?" Scott asked. Logan nodded. "Well, you were out longer than us, but we did the same thing. We woke up, and it was two days later."
"Does anyone know what happened?"
Everyone shook their heads and Logan grunted, then turned and went down the hallway towards the Professor's office. Without knocking, Logan opened the door and walked in. "What the hell happened, Chuck?"
Charles looked at Logan, in both annoyance and confusion. "Logan…a little late in joining us, aren't you?"
Logan shook his head, and finally noticed that he was holding a meeting with another person. Jean
"Oh uh…"
Jean stood up and walked over to the doorway. "Don't worry about it, Logan," she said as she opened the door. "I was just leaving."
"Well continue this later then Jean," Charles called out to her. But Jean was already gone.
Logan shot the Professor a questioning look and asked, "What the hell was that 'bout?"
Charles sighed and shook his head. "One of the very reasons I believe you are here." Logan raised an eyebrow. "You just woke up, didn't you, Logan? And you had what appeared a very real dream…"
"…of us getting attacked or something," Logan finished. "Yeah."
Charles nodded, thinking deeply. "We all experienced the same thing."
"Do ya have any idea what exactly happened?"
"No, unfortunately I do not," the Professor answered. "Jean does have a theory though…" Logan crossed his arms over his chest and stared at him intently, to show that he was listening. "She believes that someone attacked us because they were looking for something."
"Something or someone?"
"Either or," Charles stated. "The fact is, we do not remember the past two days since the attack, and even that is fuzzy, myself and Jean included. She also believes that Sinister is linked with the attack."
Logan shook his head. "I dunno," he said quietly.
Charles eyes searched Logan's as he tried to get a good read on him. "You don't believe her."
"Not her," Logan corrected. "Him. It doesn't sound right. Like something isn't adding up."
Charles nodded understanding. "Unfortunately, until we can get some answers, we will just have to continue doing our daily rituals. If Sinister is somehow involved, we will find out."
"I hope you're right, Professor."
End Flashback
As Marie was watching television in the dayroom, Remy walked past, and noticed her sitting alone. A small smile crept on his face as he walked in silently and sat down next to her, pretending it was nothing. Marie, noticing it, turned to him and watched as he pretending to ignore her. Remy turned and looked at her and blushed slightly as she giggled. "What're you doing?"
Remy shrugged. "Remy taught you looked lonely here, Cherie."
Marie's eyebrows rose. "Oh?" Remy nodded. "And what were you going to do then?"
"Well, Remy was just going to offer you company."
"And…you think I need it?"
Remy looked at Marie closely and frowned as he proceeded to get up. "Well, if Remy's not welcome…"
Marie grabbed a hold of his jacket, and he stopped, looking down at her. "No," she said softly. "I would like you to stay."
Doing so, very slowly, Remy sat back down, and Marie scooted closer to him. Rising an eyebrow, he let her move his arm around her as she grabbed the popcorn next to her and sat it in his lap, taking some out as well. Smiling at him, she put a handful in her mouth and continued to watch the movie as Remy grinned to himself.
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