Chapter 3,

Birds chirped outside his window as Allen opened his eyes. Another day, another bad experiance, he thought. "Kit, it's morning. Time to wake up." Allen looked around. "Kit?" The boy serveyed his surroundings properly. It didn't look like the coblestone ally he was used to waking up to. It was his room in the Black Order's H.Q. My room that's seperate from Kit's...

Allen quickely got out of bed and dressed himself in something he found in his closet. It consisted of a clean white long sleeved shirt, a pair of black pants, a pair of boots, and a red ribbon with two paralell black lines running through it tied in a bow in the front. Allen added his bell to the ribbon. He then left his room to get Kit up. Allen knocked on the door.

"Kit, it's morning. Time to wake up." As an answer Allen heard Kit knock on the wall behind her head. "Now get dressed and get out here!" Kit knocked on the wall once more.

Kit sleepily got out of bed and walked to her closet. She picked out an ankle-length gypsy skirt that was mostly red violet but faded into black at the bottom, a 3/4 sleeve shirt that matched the red violet of the skirt, a pair of flat-healed shoes that matched the black of her skirt, and a ribbon that was like her brother's, only red violet rather than plain red, for her tail/bell.

'Okay, brother, I'm ready to go,' Kit signed to her brother when she exited the room.

Allen looked her up and down, making sure her clothes weren't too revealing. The boy was fine with the skirt, shoes, and ribbon. He was worried about the amount of Kit's chest showing ((A/N: It's only showing the colar bones.)) and how tightly the shirt clung to the girl's form ((A/N: Actualy, it's pretty much skin tight)). Allen glared at an imagionary Lavi when he thought about what the red head would do to his sister.

((A/N: this is the mental image.))

"Oooh, pretty kitty! Raowr!"

Lavi lifted up Kit's skirt to take a peek at her ass.

'Brother! save me from the pervert!' Kit signed to Allen.

((A/N: immage over. If you would like to see it again, please insert 5$. thank you.))

'Brother, are you alright? You're punching the air and mumbling,' Kit signed.

"Huh?" Allen looked confused at his sister. "Oh, sorry!" Allen sweat dropped, scratching the back of his head.

'Can we go to breakfast, now?'

"Yes, we can go."

And so the twins went to the mess hall...getting lost about five times along the way. When they finaly got into the line for food, they were the only ones in line.

"OH! You're SOOOO cute!" Jerry said when his eyes rested upon the twins, specificaly Allen. Said boy thought that this man would try to violate his sister. But he was DEAD wrong.

"You'd better not do anything to my sister!" the silver haired boy said, moving prtectivly infront of Kit.

"You're sister?! I wouldn't do anything to HER! It was YOU I was talking about!" Jerry sounded insulted at first, then he advanced tward Allen in a suggestive way. said cat boy had a look of shock and horror all over his face.

'Can we order our food now?' Kit signed to Jerry who looked at the girl in confusion

"I'm sorry, I don't under stand sign language," Jerry said to the cat girl.

"She asked if we could order our food," Allen said to Jerry. Kit nodded in approval.

"I'll make you anything, because you're cute!" Jerry said. A quick glare shot at Jerry made him add, "And I'll make anything for your sister too!"

"Okay, we would like gratin, fries, dry curry, mabo tofu, beef stew, meat pie, carpaccio, nasi goreng, chicken, potato salad, a scone, kuppa, tomyankun and rice. Then pudding and 20 mitarashi dango for desert."

"Are you planning on splitting all of that between the two of you?" Jerry asked when Allen finnished listing all of the foods.

"Hell no! We want two each! She'll get one and I'll get the other."

Jerry sweatdropped, but agreed to prepare the food anyway. Kit and Allen thanked Jerry for the food and walked off. They sat down at a table with a man with long raven colored hair in a ponytail. He looked at the kittens with an icey glare. His eyes shot strait to their ears and he snorted.

"What do you want, furballs?" he asked.

The twins shot glares at him. Allen said nothing, while Kit sterted signing up a storm.

'Furballs, FURBALLS?! Who the fuck are you calling furballs?! You goddamn son of a bitch!' All of this made Allen sweatdrop. He wasn't even sure where Kit learned some of those signs.

Kanda looked between the twins cofusedly, not showing the emotion at all. He finally looked back at Allen.

"You seem to know what she's saying. Tell me," he said, it comming out as more of an order than a statement. Allen sweatdropped even more.

"Uhm... I'd rather not..." ha said. Kanda raised an eyebrow in question. "Just trust me on that..."

'You bloody bastard son of a bitch! I hope your nuts shrivle up and fall off!' And there were more colorfull things that if I include them, I would have to up the rating.

Kanda stood up and started walking off.

'Yeah, you'd better leave, #$&$!'

"Kit, he's gone. You can stop now. And eat your breakfast."

'Alright, fine.'

So the twins started eating their food. When they finnished, they disposed of their empty dishes and left the mess hall to explor the building. They were about to accend the stairs to the second floor when Lenalee spotted them.

"There you are!" the Chinese girl said to the twins. "Brother sent me to find you. He wants you to come to his office."

The twins both cocked their heads to the side, causing one of their ears to flop over. Lenalee squeeled loudly at how cute the looked. The kittens flattened their ears against their skulls at the noise, their tails -Allen's in particular- twitching in annoyance.

'Why does Komui need to see us?' Kit signed while Allen translated for Lenalee.

"He's going to take you two to see Hevlaska," Lenalee answered for the girl. Kit made an 'Oh' with her mouth.

The group started walking towards Komui's office. They came upon the large double doors before long. The skipped the knocking and went strait in. Komui was sleeping at his desk, as usual. Lenalee looked at Allen.

"Just whisper something about me getting married in his ear," she whispered. "And don't forget to cover your ears!" she added as Allen walked up to Komui.

The silver haired kitten bent down to Komui's ears while covering his own. "Lenalee's getting married."


Allen's fist made contact with Komui's head. Sadly, this did not knock any amount of sense into the Chinese man's head.

"Oh, hello there, little kitten children! How may I help you today?" Komui asked, a smile present on his face.

"Brother, you were going to take them to see Hevlaska," Lenalee reminded him.

"Oh yeah..."

So they all went on to Hevlaska (well, except for Lenalee, of course). The levitating platform kept going higher and higher. As it did, Kit fell to her knees, shaking and sweating. Her ears lay flat on her head and her tail was looking like an over sized pipe cleaner. Komui looked at the girl.

"What's wrong with her?" the Chinese man asked Allen.

"She's just afriad of hights," the boy said, nealing in front of his sister. Allen started to comfort her. Kit simply wrapped her arms around Allen's neck.

They finally came to a stop. Kit looked up, but stayed on the ground, arms around her brother.

"Morning, Hevlaska!" Komui said. "I've brought the new kids for evaluation! So, is there an innicence that you have that could possibly be compatible with them?"

Hevlaska seemed to look at the children. "Komui, these children already have innocence," She simply said.

Komui held a look on his face that said 'well, now I fell 'tupid!'

Allen looked at Komui. "Yeah, and we know how to use it too, no thanks to that damn General Cross!" he said, voice laced with poison.

"You know Cross?" Komui asked the twins.

"Yes we know Cross! He practicly trotured us in our training!"

Komui was silent a moment, then cleared his throat. "Well, anyway, we still need to evaluate their synchronization rate." He turnned to the twins. "One word of warning though. This my feel a little weird. And don't panic. Hev won't hurt you."

Then, with out any further warning, the twins felt as if they were grabbed by many giant slimey slugs with hands. Not giving any reguard to what Komui had said two seconds before, Kit started panicing. Allen, on the other hand, tried to get free from the slimey hands grabbing at his appendages so as to help his sister of whom was freaking out about the slimeyness.

"Komui! What the hell is hapening?!" Allen yelled at the caffeine addict.

"I told you not to panic! It's just Hevlaska's way of evaluating your innocence. It'll be over in just a moment, so please, stop wiggling around so much!" Komui yelled back up to the kittens.

Sure enough,not long after they stopped moving, Hevlaska finished evaluating them. She gently set them back down on the platform. She then told Komui their synchronization rates. The Chinese man clapped his hands at the children.

"Verry good! Verry good!" he praised the twins. "I have a feeling that you are the ones that Hevlska profisized about. The proficy says that there will come two sibling who will be the destroyers of time. And Hevlaska's proficies almost always come true."

The twins stood still in shock, unable to believe what they just heard. They, two orphened, unwanted, cursed children were destined to be the destoyers of time. They just didn't know if that was good or bad.

-end chapter 3-

AH! FI-NA-LY! That chapter took forever to finish! I appoligise to all of my readers who had to wait for several months for this chapter. It's just that I had 1) many things to do, including finals and reports and 2) a really bad case of writer's block. I appologise once more and hope that none of you dislike me for taking so long to finish this chapter. Sadly, upon my compleation of this chapter, the writer's block came back. I am now asking all of you who are reading this A/N to give me ideas about what should happen in the next chapter. Arigato gozaimasu! Matane!