Cobalt Chaos
Disclaimer: The only things I own are Sonic and friend's "Pokemon Designs" (no seriously, I drew them before writing the fanfic and I'd post them if I knew how to upload them onto Deviantart) and the Original Human Characters.
Sonic the Hedgehog™ and other related characters are © SEGA/Sonic Team
Pokemon™ and the human characters are © Nintendo/Game Freak
Note: Some of the Sonic Characters might be OOC.
Rated: Teen (Blood, Violence, and Language)
Summary: A beginning trainer Alan Grey finds a blue hedgehog creature with uncontrollable power before he starts his journey. Pokemon/AUSTH Crossover.
Chapter 1
It would be quite obvious to say that lightning had suddenly crashed down from the darkened sky as two reddened feet smashed against the mud in an attempt to accelerate the attached blue form. Green eyes were wide and frantic as his breath came out and in at a fast rate like his heart-beat. His blue fur, spikes, and long tail (complete with a bright green tip on the edge) were matted down by the rain as his peach hands grappled at the branches in front of him, forcing them out of the way as he continued pressing forwards.
"AAUCK" He tripped forwards abruptly from an uprooted tree root and fell face first into the mud which coated his peach and cerulean form and was smeared off his pecan muzzle. Another shot of lightning later and he was on his feet again, shooting forwards and trailing mud as he went along.
Behind him, several dark human figures were giving chase along with bat-like creatures. One of the humans in the black uniforms had pulled out a weapon and fired off a dart which lodged itself in the blue male's shoulder having him let out a cry of pain. He grappled the lodged projectile and flung it off as his vision blurred.
"We've got the little bastard now!"
He felt himself wobbling and his feet became uncoordinated as the giant bluish bats jetted at him, a few sinking their teeth into his flesh. He let out another cry and fell to the ground; he swung an arm out, throwing several off only to have them fly right back as though they were boomerangs…with teeth and wings. He felt stabbing pain rip through his form as they bit and swatted at him with their fangs and wings. The footfalls approached and he attempted to make another break for it, but one of the cunning bats bit into his leg resulting into a much louder yell than before.
"Thought ya could escape didn't you?" The human, who had approached earlier, smirked and cocked his dart gun. The hedgehog-creature's green eyes shakily went up to the human's cold expression as he shuddered in pain. "Oh well…the good news is that I'm permitted to use you for target practice…"
The order of "Leech Life" from a separate grunt had him wail painfully as a majority of his blood was drained.
"You look pathetic…how bout we put him outta his misery?" Another unformed grunt asked with a devilish grin on his face.
"Yeah, the boss only has interest in powerful Pokemon…why waste the money on this runt?" The leader replied before aiming a different gun, completely loaded with bullets, at the blue one's head. "See ya Sonic—"
It had to be right then a bolt of lightning struck "Sonic". The Golbat were flung off from the lightning's intensity while the hedgehog-Pokemon gritted his teeth and his blue fur shifted into a bright golden, the same occurred to his irises except they became reddish and menacing. The bullet meant for him struck head on but was crunched like a flimsy tin can and sank into the muddy ground. He slowly, and with a demonic appearance accompanied by the lightning, got to his feet.
The pained expression had been replaced by an evil grin that could've scared a basilisk to death as Sonic's gold hands began charging up high amounts of electrical energy that would've made either a Raikou or Zapdos jealous.
The grunts and their Pokemon shuddered in fear at the golden entity as he lifted the sphere, crackling with electricity, over his head. The nearest grunt's gun backfired and knocked him backwards with a massive bullet wound where his heart was, killing him instantly. The Golbat Pokemon abruptly attempted to defend the remaining humans by aiming sharpened winds at him only to have the attacks bounce off his gold form.
"See ya…" Sonic grinned before throwing the ball downwards as it crackled with energy.
The gigantic explosion had enough strength to kill anyone within in a matter of seconds…
A sudden gasp sounded off as Alan's shot up in place from his bed. The red/orange-head hyperventilated and flinched after a bright flash of lightning illuminated his room along with a very audible crack of electricity. His blackish blue irises scanned his bedroom for any possible intruder as his ears detected the rumble of thunder and an unnatural shockwave that knocked his family portrait off the chestnut desk. The red-head scrambled out at a fast rate, throwing off his sheets as his hands grappled the picture frame…and he collided with the carpeted floor.
A dull thump later and he was lying in a comical position on his back (and in his blue swirl Poliwag Shorts) as he held the portrait over his head. The portrait was of his mother, her light brownish hair and blue eyes looking kindly towards the camera as she hugged a younger version of the red-head. The oddness about the photo was that the father wasn't present…for what reason he couldn't get his mother to answer.
"Alan?" A feminine voice was detected and Alan got back on his feet, placing the portrait back on his desk before shuffling into bed just before the door to his room opened. Alan grappled the pillow underneath his head and forced it into his face to avoid the hallway light. He was NOT a morning person…
The same woman from the portrait walked in from the hallway and up to the bed before picking up Alan's alarm clock which was in the shape of a Poliwrath.
"What time is it…?" Alan half-yawned from underneath his pillow.
"Eight in the morning…" His mother replied simply, her face illuminated by a sudden flash of lightning as she placed down the alarm clock which was on the verge of blaring out an alarm. That matter was solved by switching it off.
"I thought it was four…" The red-head grumbled, grappling the blue sheets and pulling them over his head and pillow. Momentarily a long and loud snore was heard and the mother rolled her eyes. The brunette grappled the sheets and tore them off her son's sleeping form resulting in a panicked yell: "AAAAAH! ARCTICUNO'S USING ICE BEAM ON ME…!"
"Alan, if you're early enough you can get your Pokemon before it's chosen…" Mother replied again, pulling the pillow off and tossing a pair of jeans into his face before going out the door. "And you'd better change your underwear…!"
"You don't see Dragon Trainer Lance getting chewed out by his mother…" Alan growled from under the fabric and pulled it off before closing the door to his room.
Sonic's dirtied hands wearily grappled at the tree bark as he stumbled forwards with pain in each step. His mouth was agape as he breathed in hoarsely while his green eyes looked back once or twice to make sure he wasn't followed. The bite-marks from the Golbat Pokemon were still visible and some were bleeding steadily from the rain that fell on him. He stumbled towards the next tree and grappled it before his hands slid against the slippery bark and his head was knocked against it.
Sonic gripped his head with a free hand as he slid down on his back, wincing as his limp spikes scraped against him and he tried not to vomit from the smell of his blood infesting his two nostrils. Slowly and steadily he shuffled onto his red feet before a tantalizing smell went under his nose.
The hedgehog's stomach rumbled and he gripped it with one of his paws, smearing off the mud that was being washed off by the rain. He was starving after that escape and the uncontrollable energy he had mustered…and he couldn't use his sight as much as he used to since it was blurry from the tranquilizer coursing through his veins. One good whiff of where the scent was coming from and Sonic began stumbling in the very direction.
Alan was sitting down at the kitchen table as he wolfed down his food. This time he was fully clothed in a light brownish "leather"-jacket that had artificial cream white 'fur' on the collar. His blue jeans had tatters around where his ankles were and some of the blue had been bleached white. His bangs half concealed his face giving him a 'tough-guy' look but some of it got coated with syrup whenever he was above the waffles and looking down at them.
"Huh?" Alan looked up at his mother as the sticky hair got plastered to his nose and he was halfway done with a waffle piece that was sticking out his mouth. She let out a sigh and pulled the bangs away before cleaning them with a towel she had picked up earlier and had the orange/red locks go behind his ears.
"Are you sure putting on a tough-guy attitude is going to make you feel better of how many times you got ridiculed by the Pokemon Tech students and your neighbor…what's his name?" She asked, still mussing with his hair.
"Fig-err-oo…" Alan replied with a full mouth before swallowing a particularly large chunk of his food down and coughing as it got semi stuck in his throat. "I mean-CROAK-Shigeru: as in the dumb –HAACK- jerk who makes fun of me whenever I get the –WHEEZE- 17 types of Pokemon wrong –GUUUUULLLLP-! Just like the other jerks in school!" Alan finished before going into a coughing fit.
"I told you not to wolf down your food…" His mother sighed, mentally adding: 'and I recall you were once good friends…when did you both become rivals?'
Alan coughed for the final time and glanced out the window, becoming a bit distracted. "Hey Mom, it's raining Meowth and Growlithe out there…do you think maybe you can drive me to the school? I don't want to be waterlogged when I get my first Pokemon."
"Sure…" His mother sighed as she went back to the stove prior to hearing a faint growl. She turned abruptly towards a brown and yellow ferret-like Pokemon which continued looking out the window with a definite frown on its face. "Furry…? What's wrong…?"
"Furret…" Then it bolted outside much to the dismay of the female human.
The empty stomach had taken its toll on the blue hedgehog even when he was so close to whatever had lured him. Sonic made a desperate lurch forwards before falling on his face. A faint wheeze went up the blue hedgehog's trachea as he attempted to regain his breath. Pain sprang through his form as he attempted to move and the rain splattered on his unprotected back which was coated with the deep wounds.
He looked up painfully with his green eyes a blur as he saw three forms running towards him.
"Furry! Wait! You're going to get soaked!" A female voice cried out. Sonic blinked, his vision still hazed as the closest blur came to a halt in front of him.
"Furret…?" It inquired. The blue hedgehog heard the other two pairs of footsteps come to a halt in front of it and glanced up towards the upper right to where a shorter figure was standing.
"Alan!" The unfocused face turned towards the left. "Help me pick it up! We have to get to a Pokemon Center now!"
Sonic whimpered and clamped his eyelids tight as he felt himself being picked up by four arms. Recalling how mistreated he was by the uniformed humans earlier, he struggled and attempted to escape by scratching with his paws before the two remaining arms circled him and pulled the hedgehog back into a clothed body, pinning his arms at his sides. Sonic cried out in panic of being trapped again before kicking in futility and then he bit down on one of the arms out of desperation, drawing some copper tasting blood which he gagged on. A familiar cry of "Furret!!!" sounded off and something solid and covered with wet fur rammed into his dirtied peach stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
Alan cringed in pain as the quills stiffened against his jacket but relaxed as the spikes did while the green eyes dulled and became hidden under peach eyelids and the clenched teeth began to slip from his arm.
No sooner had the blue hedgehog passed out and his teeth were finally removed from Alan's right arm, his mother scrambled over with "Furry".
"Good job Furry… Alan, let me see your arm!" She took a hold of her son's arm swiped the hedgehog's saliva and excess off it before quickly inspecting the bite-mark. The Pokemon had bit down extremely hard in its panic and Alan was bleeding steadily.
"Ouch…" Alan winced, half from the unconscious Pokemon's quills prodding and possibly piercing his waterlogged jeans and the rainfall splattering onto the bite-mark.
"Think you can manage until we reach the Pokemon center?" His mother asked sternly. Alan nodded and his mother picked up the hedgehog while Alan pulled his jacket sleeve over his bloodied arm and clutched it as a make-shift bandage before following his mother and the Furret towards the garage where the family car was.
To be continued…
Authoress' Note: I experienced half-swallowing before…it is not fun…it's painful…really damn painful…
I'm working on Chapter 2 right now (I'm half-way done with writing it) and this is a complete remake of a messed up and badly written Sonic/Pokemon crossover fanfiction I did back in 2004 and deleted a week later after seeing how it looked as if it was written by a ten-year-old who was on sugar high … (Shudders)
I finally got back around to rewriting this a few months ago during October 2006 so…here it is for all to read…and give creative criticism on…
Please Review on this Chapter!