Another normal day at the Sohma estate. This meant fit-chucking breaking the silence of the peaceful place. Except when fits were being thrown accompanied by various forms of pottery and glassware. Then everyone in the immediate vicinity tended to clear out pretty fast or hide. Except those who were in the presence of the destructive one when it happened. Those poor, unfortunate souls had to stay put until the tirade was over. It sometimes took no more than a few minutes. Sometimes it took hours. Always, many new sets of glassware, china, porcelain and ceramics in general needed to be brought. The poor, unfortunate sod who was the subject of Akito's latest outburst and china smashing was Hatori. He just knelt there, taking the verbal lashing and not flinching at the sound of the many breakable things breaking. Although he did seem to keep his eyes narrowed and looked tense and ready to move if anything came his way. He had learned from his past encounter with Akito and the vases in motion.

Akito was pacing around the room, every now and then knocking a vase from its perch to the floor and letting it shatter into thousands of pieces. Miraculously, Akito hadn't stepped on any broken shards and sliced his foot open. He never did but it never failed to surprise any who saw the carnage after he was done raging. Hatori silently sighed before tuning back in to Akito's tirade.

"-and everybody hates me, despite EVERYTHING I do for them. I mean, I'm DYING for all of you. Every moment you're alive, you're sucking life out of me! And you don't care! When I'm dead, you won't care! You don't know what it's like!" Akito continued in this manner for a while with Hatori half listening. Eventually Hatori started to get a headache from all the smashing and Akito's raised voice. "None of you care even though every moment you live is another moment I won't!" Hatori decided he would interject himself into the tirade so his ears would be spared a few seconds worth of suffering.

"Would you like me to kill myself so you can live a bit longer, Akito?" Hatori said this with a sort of bland sarcasm that Akito completely missed. Hatori's words had the desired effect for him and more. Akito had become completely silent. Hatori watched the man's movements carefully expecting some form of attack for what would probably be called impudence.

After a few minutes of silence and the expected attack not forthcoming Hatori carefully got up and stood for a few seconds, expecting to be ordered to kneel again. When, again, nothing happened he turned and made to leave through the door. When he was about to leave, Akito turned around to face him.

"Don't." Hatori looked at the head waiting for whatever order was likely to be given. Akito fidgeted a little while avoiding eye contact. "Please don't kill yourself." Akito glanced at Hatori before looking elsewhere.

Hatori looked a little surprised at the request and at the fact that it was in fact a request before smiling.

"I won't," he said before leaving.