Disclaimer: I do not... I repeat DO NOT own any of Samurai Champloo's story lines or characters. I just like to fantasize about what I'd like to see happen. Is that a crime?... anyway please don't sue me...
Chapter Eleven: Autumn Heat
By: LorelaiRaye
Five Years Ago
Fuu sat in the cool spring water. A sigh of relief escaped from her as she sank lower so the water covered her burning shoulders. Usually, after a long day of travel, she'd opt for the hot spring to soothe her muscles, but tonight was different. She'd been feeling unnaturally hot all day long. This was odd, considering the cooling autumn air that surrounded her even now.
She couldn't figure out why her skin felt like it was on fire. When she got to town she was sweating like it was the middle of summer. The innkeeper thought she was sick so he called for the local doctor. The doctor said she had a fever, but couldn't figure out why. The innkeeper said she could stay free tonight, and Fuu wasn't about to argue with him.
She was not sick, she had no fever, and wasn't even dehydrated. She felt fine, just hot, almost, unbearably hot. It felt as though someone was watching her and it was a familiar feeling. A feeling that would come and go throughout the last couple of years. Ever since, 'they' came into her life.
But 'they' were gone now, probably moving a lot faster now that 'they' don't have to keep her out of trouble, and she blamed her current issue on wishful thinking. The over heated feeling she got today seemed more residual, more… distant.
"Ah, I just don't get it!" she said then sank completely into the water. She lingered under the water letting her thoughts drift back over the day, and even reaching farther back to try and remember when she first felt this burning feeling. As she thought back over the last few years she knew she was close to the source, but just as she started to wrap her head around it the dire need for air made her pull back.
She emerged from the cool water and frowned as air flowed into her lungs. "Crap! I almost had it!" She leaned back and smiled as she stretched her arms over her head. "Weeeellll, I guess it's time for bed. Come on gu…." Her smile fell as she realized she was alone. 'That's going to take some getting used to.' She thought and wiped the tears that were threatening to fall.
She stood up slowly wincing at the rising ache in her legs from an entire days walk. She stood naked in the cool night air, letting her wet body dry on it's own and relishing in the feel of goose bumps rising on her over heated skin. She sighed at how amazing it felt not to have to worry about perverted pirates and curious samurais peeking at her. Not that she minded about such a thing now, but a week ago it would've been every embarrassing.
Fuu's eyes shot to the right at the sound of a twig snapping and the rustle of leaves. "Hello?... Is someone there?" She asked with more confidence that she felt.
No answer. She stepped closer to the trees for a better look and jumped when a cat ran out of the brush. She laughed at her own absurdity and secured her robe loosely around her mostly dry body. She glanced back at the brush and shook her head. "Silly me." She said and disappeared into the inn.
She walked down the hall to her room and she smiled as the innkeeper scurried towards her. "Hi there!" She said cheerily.
"Oh… uh… good evening…." The innkeeper seemed startled at her presence. "Uh… how was the spring?" He asked in a wavering voice.
Fuu noticed how flustered he was and the sweat being on his forehead. "It was amazing, thank you." She said and smiled brighter.
He dropped his eyes to the floor, "Glad you enjoyed it… uh… I trust you're feeling better?"
Fuu saw a slight blush rising in the man's cheeks. "Oh yes!" She said and actually meant it.
"Good, good." He said fidgeting. He seemed to be in a rush to get somewhere so Fuu didn't want to hold him in this awkward conversation any longer. "Well, goodnight." He said, before she could and scurried past her.
"Yes… goodnight." She said as she watched him round the corner at the end of the hall. 'Weirdo….' She thought and stepped into her room.
Once inside her room Fuu noticed the tray of food sitting in the center of the floor next to her futon. She smiled at the thought of the old innkeeper going to great lengths to keep her healthy, though she wasn't ill at all. 'But, why did he seem so flustered?' She thought to herself as she knelt in front of the food. It was a lot of food and she giggled at the thought of the innkeeper somehow knowing about her large appetite. "Silly me… how would he know?" She laughed and began eating.
She sat on her futon beside the fire and smiled to herself. 'There really are some nice people in this world.' She thought and glanced over at the empty food tray. Of, course she'd eaten all. Now she was extremely thirsty so she grabbed the bottle of water the innkeeper had left for her, though she would have preferred tea. And she drank it down in big gulps until it was half gone. "That's some funny tasting water…." she said in a cough. She looked at the bottle, shrugged, and took another big gulp.
It only took a few minutes for the effects of the sake she had just drank to take affect on her. Now her head was fuzzy and everything wobbled when she looked around the room. "Wowa… what a sssshtrange feelwing." She said in a slur. She let her head fall back so she was looking up at the ceiling, which seemed to be spinning. This made her feel more dizzy and she toppled backwards landing on the soft futon.
She laughed to herself. "Guesssh it'ssss time fower bed…." She said to the spinning ceiling. "Come on Momo!" She yelled and her little furry companion appeared next to her. Momo chirped yawned and curled up in the crook of her neck.
"I lovesssssshhhh you tooowo! Sssssssooooo muchsh!" She told the little animal as her heavy eye lids finally closed.
To Be Continued…