-1disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom , and if I did my sister would steal him from me so fast my head would spin! lol

in Danny's living room

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I hate Sponge Bob!" exclaimed Danny

"what's with him?" Sam asked tucker

"Nickelodeon is having another Sponge Bob marathon"


"yea, its best to leave him alone when he gets like this"

" I see your point, hey! lets get him in to the ghost zone!"

"huh? why?"

"well that way he wont hurt anything or anyone and he can relieve some anger on the Box Ghost"

then right on cue the box ghost phased through the wall yelling "BEWARE! for I am the box ghost and I have found a new box!" at this the box ghost held up a sponge bob lunch box

"is that SPONGE BOB!" Danny screamed "I HATE SPONGE BOB!"

Danny blasted the poor Box ghosts new lunch box into smithereens and then shouted

"get out of my house and take this stupid yellow sponge with you!"

the box ghost looked scared then he looked at Danny and with a final shout of "BEWARE!" he left

after the box ghost left Danny decided that he needed to cool down so he went and bought all the cheap sponge bob toys he could find then he went to relieve his anger in the only way he knew how, by destroying it...

so Danny went to the ghost zone and started relieving his anger on the sponge bob toys


Desiree (sp?) was having a bit of trouble with her sick identical twin sister Aversity

"come on Desi, I wake up after a hundred years from this stupid sickness and you wont let me out!"

"we cant risk getting you sick again Aversity you know that!"

"but its my hearts desire to go out!"

"don't even think about using that to your advantage! it only works if youre human!"

"drats! come on just one person! please? i promise i wont even leave the ghost zone!"

"fine just one but come right back after that! ill know if you didnt!"

"oh thank you thank you!"

and with that Aversity left in search of a victim and found a certain angry half ghost...

"not today Desiree" the half ghost told Aversity "hey wait! you can help me!"

"i can?" Aversity asked "But i do not wish to help!"

"no but I wish that sponge bob would be no more! that way I don't ever have to see him again!"

"Foolish ghost I am not Desiree! she is my sister, I am Aversity and since you don't want to see this sponge bob ever again I will make I so that you cant go anywhere without seeing him!"

Aversity bound Danny so that he couldn't move while she chanted

"this Sponge Bob thing fellow that you dislike you will be with for life, until you learn to no longer hate this thing which has now become your fate"

"how do I manage to keep getting myself into these messes?" Danny asked himself

a burst of pink light was the last thing Danny remembered when he woke up on his bed a couple hours later...



what did Aversity mean by this thing which has now become your fate?

why does Danny hate sponge bob so much?


find out next time on another episode of "life with sponge bob"

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