Disclaimer: I still don't own Supernatural or its characters. I and am not making any money on this…I'm just having fun!

Summary: WARNING SPOILERS: This story may refer to Season 2 episodes! Sam and Dean head to what they think is a haunted cabin in the woods…but things are not always what they seem.

Raven 524: This story is taking place after Heart and will refer to other episodes from Season 2. If you haven't watched any of season 2 and don't want to know what is happening, then don't read this story. So far Dean has been able to pull Sam back from the edge more than once. Can he do it again or will Sam have to find his own inner strength to survive?

Night Shades

Chapter 1 – Deadly Road

The old blue Reliant wound its way along the treacherous road through Shades National State Park. The young woman in the passenger seat was smiling as she thought about the night her and Jason were going to have once they reached their cabin at the other end of the park.

"Man, I really wish we had been able to get going sooner, it's going to be dark before we get there." Jason said as he carefully navigated the narrow and twisting road. It was getting darker as they traveled on and he shivered as the shadows of the trees seemed to be moving across the road as if they were alive.

"I'm sorry Jason, but my last final exam took longer than I thought it would. I'm so looking forward to having the whole summer off…plenty of time for us to make up for lost time while I was away at college." Christine said coyly, moving her hand to pat Jason on his leg.

"Hey…there'll be plenty of time for that later…I need to keep my eyes on the road here!" Jason said as he batted her hand away playfully. He laughed softly as he continued scanning the road ahead. He shivered again as he couldn't shake the sudden feeling that something was watching them as they drove through the woods.

Later that night….

Jason ran through the woods, his heart pounding as he tried to figure out where the night had gone wrong. They had arrived at the cabin and Christine had been fine. He left to get fire wood for the fire with Christine getting ready for their evening. When he returned he found Christine waiting for him with a surprise of her own.

As he entered the bedroom, he was hit from behind knocking him to the floor. He groaned as he felt himself lifted and thrown on the bed. He blinked, his glazed eyes making out the furious look on Christine's face.

"Christine…what the hell are you doing?" Jason gasped as he felt her pulling his wrist towards the top of the bed.

"You bastard…how could you…and with one of those…those heathens no less." Christine quickly began to tie his wrist to the bed post. Jason realized that if he allowed her to finish, he'd be helpless. Gathering himself he brought his legs up and quickly shoved Christine off and against the wall. He quickly untied his one wrist and ran for the front door. "You won't get away that easy…your heathen lover won't be able to protect you from me!" Christine yelled as she followed closely on his heals.

Jason moved forward, stumbling in the darkness over the tree roots that littered the forest floor. The trees once again seemed to be alive…trying to keep him from escaping. He groaned as he realized that he had twisted his ankle on the last fall. But refusing to give up, he once again tried to get moving. He had to make it to the road and then the ranger station.

Suddenly he heard a sound to his left, a soft snapping of a twig was his only warning before Christine leapt onto him. With almost superhuman strength, she grabbed him by the shirt front and threw him against the tree. The wind was knocked from his body as he slumped to the ground. "Damn trees…I knew they were alive!" Was his last thought as he gave in to the blackness that called to him.


The demon felt the savagery from the beast as it prepared for its kill. His yellow eyes gleamed, yes this would be a perfect test, if played correctly, possibly even a way to separate the wolf from the lamb. Closing his eyes, he decided to place a call…to lure the one he wanted to destroy. He still would like to convert Sam Winchester, but all his past attempts had failed. Even after removing John Winchester from the board, Sam had remained strong. "Damn John Winchester for providing Sam with a protector, one who could tip the scales." Meg had almost done it…almost made the protector kill the lamb. But even she had failed and if the truth ever came out…she had been barely able to contain Sam…he would have been able to push her out eventually. It was time to find another way to destroy the brothers Winchester.

But the demon could be patient…he had been waiting hundreds of years, planning, plotting…a little more time would not hurt before he either took the lamb or lead it to the slaughter. Either way, he would win and the world would lose the one who might have been able to stop him. But first, time to try to shake loose the wolf's hold on the lamb.

A few hundred miles away from Shades National State Park in a run down motel room, a man with shaggy brown hair began to moan in his sleep.


Sam sat up, his eyes unfocused as the pain hit him full force. He grabbed at his head and staggered from the bed, trying to make it to the bathroom, but unable to stand he fell to the ground. Grabbing his head, he grits his teeth as the images begin to flood his mind.

"You think that she was better than me? Tell me now…who is better…the heathen or me!" The blonde woman sneered as she straddled the man below her. Her face bathed in sweat and the look in her eyes one of madness.

"Please Christine…don't do this…argh!" The man below groaned as she slapped him hard against the face. The man was covered in blood from numerous cuts, his eyes unfocused as he begged for his life. He had clearly been tortured.

"I said tell me the truth you worm…who is better!"

"You Christine…it's only ever been you…please!" The man said softly, his eyes beginning to close.

"I thought so…too bad it took you so long to figure it out." The woman leaned closer and kissed the man, almost gently on the lips. "It really is too bad…but you have to join your lover."

Before Sam could react, he saw the woman leap from the bed and return a moment later with an axe in her hands. Sam tried to yell out…to prevent what was happening…but he was frozen in the spot, unable to stop it. He looked around the room, trying to figure out where this was taking place. He saw a note pad on the desk; Shades National State Park was imprinted on the top. He saw something else that made his blood run cold…in the corner of the room, was the mirror image of the blonde woman…here tear stained face and vacant eyes a testament of what she had seen. Sam's eyes were drawn back as he heard the horrified yell of the man tied to the bed. It was then he saw it…the glint in the light that could only mean one thing…a shape shifter!

"Sweet God…Christine NO!" The man yelled as the axe found its mark. His eyes remained open a silent scream still showing on his face as the life left his eyes. And yet the woman continued to chop at the man, until there was almost nothing left…nothing recognizable as human.

Sam felt sick; he wanted to close his eyes…to try to believe that he hadn't seen what he had just seen. The horror of the act almost more than his mind could process. Sam felt himself falling…his lips whispering the name of the only one who could save him from the nightmare. "DEAN!"


Dean smiled as he left the bar shortly after 2:00 a.m. He had scored big tonight and had won enough to keep him and Sam for at least a month or more if he was careful. Placing the thick wad of money carefully in his pocket, he whistled as he moved towards the black car waiting for him.

"Hello baby…did you miss me?" Dean said softly as he ran his hand over the smooth black finish. He was glad that he had managed to salvage her after the accident. It had always meant more to him than a car. It was and still is his home. His link to his past and his feeling of security for the future. She had never let him down…not really. Always waiting for him patiently and never complaining. Dean smiled as he sat behind the steering wheel. He took another moment to inhale the scent of leather, leaning his head back for a moment, enjoying the peace and security he always felt when inside his car. "Ok girl…time to go to the hotel and check up on Sammy." Dean said softly as he put the car in gear and headed back towards the hotel.

Sam had decided to stay at the hotel and catch up on some sleep. Ever since the episode with Madison, Sam was once again plagued with nightmares and rarely slept. Only this time, it was Madison's name on his lips instead of Jess. Dean sighed. The kid was never going to get a break and while he knew that Sam had come to terms with what he had to do, he still knew that his brother felt guilt over not being able to do more. Since finding out about his possible dark future, Sam had been hell bent on trying to save everything he could and was taking it hard when he couldn't save someone.

Dean worried that if Sam wasn't able to release the guilt, he would be destroyed by it. But he could only stand by and wait. He would catch Sam if he fell and then he would build him back up again, because in the end he really didn't believe that Sam was destined to be evil…he believed that Sam was chosen to fight it and hopefully win. Either way, Dean was determined to be there, by his brother's side…where he belonged.

As soon as Dean entered the darkened room, he knew something wasn't right. "Sammy?" He called softly, noticing the blankets and sheets on his brother's bed were twisted as if his brother had been tossing in his sleep. Knowing that Sam would head for the bathroom, Dean quietly moved towards the bathroom door. He almost tripped over the leg of his brother as he crossed to the other side of the bed. "SAMMY!"


Raven524: Ok…here is the newest story…let me know what you all think…should I continue?