Naruto U.S.A. By: me-ninja05/04/2007 18:08:00

Chapter 1:


Midnight. The time when everyone is asleep. The time coyotes prey on

helpless rabbits. The time some lazy fat guy goes to the fridge for a snack. In pitch darkness, midnight could be be good for anything…

I sat on my comfy green sofa watching the all day-24 hour Naruto

Marathon. New episodes back-to-back, so of course I would be up to watch. I was probably on my 6th helping of buttery popcorn. They were starting to show the first Shippuden episode, which is after the time skip.

Everyone had their new outfits, yady yady ya, and Sakura whines

about Sasuke being gone (like we give a crap) and Naruto starts to get a nosebleed from Sakura wearing a skirt of unnecessary length.

Honestly, I was half watching, half enjoying my popcorn, and half

asleep. It is midnight after all. At about 5:00 A.M., repeats of what they started to play(in case you missed one.) I started up the stairs when I heard the popcorn bowl fall down onto the tile floor. There was scolding I couldn't make out, but I could tell it was a girl's voice.

Groaning, I scuffed my way into the where the bowl had fallen. No

one. The popcorn lay scattered across the floor as if they hoped to escape their cruel fate of being eaten. "Cloud will get it," I mumbled to myself and went to bed. Sure enough, the tick tack of the labs feet was heard, quickly followed by the sound of crunching popcorn.

The next day at school, my mind wouldn't depart from the previous

night. I couldn't decipher how the bowl could've fallen down if no one was there. It was far back against the counter, so the lab (Cloud) couldn't have gotten it. I would always tell myself, "You were the only one home. No one

else was there," but then my mind would return the person who was scolding. Was it all in my head? Or was someone really there?

"Ms. Crane? Ms. Crane?"

"HUH?! What?!"

"What is the answer?"

"To what?"

"The question," Mr. Bark, the new science teacher, pointed to the

board. Mr. Bark had come a few days ago unexpectedly. His hair was long and blacker than midnight itself. He would often wear it in a ponytail, since it awkward if it was down. There was an earring on his left ear and he was always dressed in a fine suit. Sometimes, when the sleeve would go up, you could see all these black signs on his hand, continuing up his arm. These would only be glances, because he would quickly pull it back down.

"Um…" I staggered.

"PANCREAS!" my friend, Reiya, shouted randomly.

Mr. Bark looked at her dumbly. "Ms. Vergo, we're learning about the skeletal system, the digestive system has nothing to do with it."

She looked down at her book. "Wrong section, my bad!"

I banged my head against my desk. " Ms. Crane, I still need an answer," Mr. Bark said.

"Bone marrow," I guessed.

"No," Mr. Bark said once again.

"SKULL!" shouted one of the new students. I didn't know his name,

but he was different from the others. He had spiky blonde hair and sky blue eyes that looked the size of saucers. There were three lines that ran down each cheek, like little whiskers. He was always getting in to trouble (considering he only came yesterday) and seemed to never take no for an answer.

"Way off track," said a sarcastic Mr. Bark, "And you are?"

"Nar-" he started, "I mean uh…'

Mr. Bark sighed, "Your last name.'

"Oh! Uh…Roberts."

DING! DING! DING! Sounded the bell. That Roberts kid sat there while

everyone else went to their next class. He stared intently at Mr. Bark and then left. Reiya, on the other hand, had gotten all up in Mr. Bark's face.

She squinted at him, "I've seen you somewhere."

"Come on Reiya or we'll be late!" I shouted.

"Just a minute! Let's see here…I GOT IT! You're the guy from the toothpaste infomercial!"

I grabbed Reiya's arm and dragged her to gym. We'd just entered the

gym when the bell rang. We knelt down to catch our breath. "Next time…don't try to figure out if our teacher sells toothpaste!" I explained.

"You're right! I should see if they're from the person from the

cheeseburger commercial!"

I sighed and we walked to the center of the gym. Strangely, we had a

substitute today. He went by the name of Coach George and wore the usual baggy clothes the average gym teacher would wear. His hair was silver NOT grey! There was a navy blue mask that covered from the nose down to his neck. Oh, and he had a scary eye patch that covered his left eye. All together, he looked pretty creepy.

"I'm going to be replacing your other teacher for a few days," he


Everyone lined up like we did every day. Coach George stood before us and started to do hand signs. Suddenly, he stopped. Right in the

middle. Unfinished. "What were you trying to do?" someone asked.

Coach George looked up. He looked relieved, but worried mixed

together. I guess you can say he was rorried. "Nothing," he finally said. There was a long pause. No one moved until me and Reya walked over to where Coach was standing. "We know what you're doing," Reya told him. Then we started to do hand signs similar to Coach George's.

We moved our hands apart to reveal strings that zig-zagged across.

"THE BRIDGE!" we yelled. Instant relief came across Coach. For the rest of the period, the three of us did the hand stringy thing (I don't know what it's called.)

The rest of the school day was normal, or at least until we got on the

bus to go home. Roberts and the new girl, who came the same day he did, sat behind us. The weird thing is that the girl's hair was PINK! I mean, who has PINK hair?! It's insane I tell you! INSANE!

Reiya turned around on hear seat and asked, "Why is your hair pink?"


"Because why?"

"Because I like pink."

"Is it naturally pink?"


"So you dyed it."

"I guess."

"What do mean you GUESS?!"

"OK that's enough," I said breaking up the conversation, " I think we

need to start over. If we're going to be in all the same classes and ride the same bus, we should at least know each other's names. I'm Hanna, and this is Reiya."

"I'm Jaime," the crazy, pink-haired girl introduced, "And this is Benji."

They both smiled nervously. Reiya and I nodded and sat back in our

seats. We sat there silently in that musty old bus. One or two paper airplanes flew by when Jaime asked, "Why don't we get together tonight and catch a movie or something?"

Reiya and I exchanged glances, "Sure," Reiya said, "What time?"

"We'll come around 8:00?"


When Reiya and I got off the bus, Jaime and Benji got off too. The four of us silently walked down the dirt road until it branched off into two. "See you at 8:00 I guess," Reiya said and we took our separate paths…Ok, it didn't EXACTLY happen in that particular order. Jaime and Benji dashed for their dear lives…no scratch that, they sprinted for their dear lives before Reiya and I could take another step. They ran into the forest for some reason. We silently stood there when we heard Benji yell, "THORN! THORN! POKING ME IN THE WRONG PLACE RIGHT NOW!"

A few awkward seconds passed when he yelled again, "OH GOD! POISON IVY! IT ITCHES! IT ITCHES!" 

THAT'S when Reiya said, "See you at 8:00 I guess."

By eight, it had gotten rather dark. Then, the doorbell rang. It was Jaime and Benji. " I thought we could walk there instead… since it wasn't very far away," Jaime explained.

"That's fine," I responded. We walked until we got to the split in the road. Jaime pointed to they road they had taken earlier that afternoon. "If we go this way, we'll get there even faster!"

"And you won't have to worry about thorny bushes and poison ivy," Benji added scratching his arm. Eventually, we followed them into the dark, thorny bush and poison ivy infested forest. We stopped by an old oak tree that had poison ivy crawling up its trunk. Benji made sure he kept his distance.

It was hard to see anything else before Benji turned on a flashlight. He and Jaime were holding frying pans. "What's with the pans?" I asked confuzzled. They only ignored me and held the pans high above their heads. BAM! Reiya managed to say, "I… were…from the…cheeseburger.. commercial," then everything went black.

"Ow my head," I mumbled as I started to awake from the previous night. I looked around to find myself in the back of an F150. Reiya was playing cards with Benji. He looked different. His outfit was a bit different and he wore a forehead protector. Reiya looked over, "Oh! You finally woke up huh? I've been playing cards with him for 5 hours straight, and I STILL can't beat him!"

I ignored the comment and went to the window and slid open the window. "Ok Kakashi, spill it, or should I say Coach George?"