Top Ten Lists

Hey everyone! I was really bored and decided to write this…lol

Initially a Oneshot but now it's a story.


Dear Diary,

I am bored. I've decided I'm going to write my top ten lists.

Love, Lily

Why Potter is so annoying:

He thinks he's THE best.

He keeps asking me out.

He keeps messing up his hair because he thinks he looks hot.

He hexes students just because he can.

He thinks that just because he's popular he can do anything he wants.

He was made Head Boy, I have no idea why!

He keeps passing me notes in class.

He makes my work as Head Girl so much harder!

He is giving younger students a bad example to follow.

He's James Potter.

Why I hate Quidditch:

Potter plays it.

It's stupid.

It's confusing.

Potter plays it.

Potter plays it.

Potter plays it.

Potter plays it.

Potter plays it.

Potter plays it.

Potter plays it.

Why I shouldn't go out with Potter:

He's bigheaded, I'm not.

He doesn't care about studies, I do.

He's a prat, I'm not.

He wants to go out with me, I don't.

He does what Sirius wants, I do what I want.

He's popular, I'm not that popular.

Why, (cause I'm bored) should I go out with Potter:

He really likes me.

I have no other option.

He is hot.

He can be really sweet sometimes, when Sirius is not around.

I should always give people a chance.

He is really trying to change this year.

Okay, I've realized all my lists are about Potter. Oh crap. I don't like him, not one bit. Maybe a tiny teeny bit. I'll write about something else.

Why I like Charms so much:

I am good at it.

Professor Flitwick likes me.

It's fun to do.

I learn a lot of useful spells.

James is in my class.

Oh My God!

Did I just call him James? Did I just say I liked being in his class? Oh my god. Wow, what's wrong with me?

Okay, well I only wrote 5 lists. I'll write the next 5 later.

XOXO, Lily

Lily's best friend, Elizabeth peered over her shoulder. Lily hid the diary and put it in her drawer.

"Gotta go! Uh, finish an essay in the library" she exclaimed. Lizzie waited for her to leave and then took the diary from her drawer. She brought it out to the common room, where she found Sirius…doing homework? The world must have gone mad.

"Sirius? Are you feeling quite alright?" she asked. Sirius nodded,

"Yeah, catching up on homework…You know I'm really behind on it with the pranks the Marauders have been doing so-WHOAH!" he explained calmly but was interrupted when Elizabeth pointed her wand straight to his forehead.

"Who are you and what did you do to Sirius Black," she stated harshly. Sirius raised his hands and smiled.

"Ha, ha, very funny McKinnon. It's me. Remus lectured me on how if I wanted his help on the pranks I had to keep up on my schoolwork. He's got a point, you know. Now what's that you got there?" he replied. Lizzie's expression turned mysterious.

"Oh, it's nothing more than Lily Evans' diary. Wanna read it?" she asked mischievously. Sirius dropped his quill and parchment on the spot and hurried to the couch where Lizzie had started to sit on. Lizzie opened the page Lily had been writing on previously.

A while later, Sirius and Elizabeth were rolling on the floor laughing hard.

"James…Lily…hahahahaha" they stuttered between breaths. Sirius picked up his quill from the floor, put some ink on it and started writing comments.

When Lily came back from the Library, she spotted Sirius and Lizzie sitting with each other working on something and sharing secretive smiles. Lily raised her eyebrows but said nothing. She walked up to her room and opened her diary again. This is how it looked.

Dear Diary,

I am bored. I've decided I'm going to write my top ten lists. You are bored.

Love, Lily

Hugs, Sirius & Lizzie

Why Potter is so annoying:

He thinks he's THE best. Yeah…he does. Yeah…haha

He keeps asking me out. He really likes you, you know. Yup. You know you like him too Lils.

He keeps messing up his hair because he thinks he looks hot. He does that when he's nervous. You gotta admit he does look hot.

He hexes students just because he can. That's only when they annoy him. But he does have some pretty good hexes up his sleeve.

He thinks that just because he's popular he can do anything he wants. That's not true! Not everything but pretty much.

He was made Head Boy, I have no idea why! He's smart, responsible, caring and brave. Take out the responsible part.

He keeps passing me notes in class. Hahaha. We need a new method of conversation starters. Ugh yeah, Lily gets mad at ME for those.

He makes my work as Head Girl so much harder! How? You know that's not true, Lils. He completes you.

He is giving younger students a bad example to follow. That's an insult to me too! And we're just showing them a path to follow; it's their choice if they do. Okay, that one might be true.

He's James Potter. The best friend anyone could ever ask for. The hottest and most popular guy in school who's head over heels for you but you just won't admit it.

Why I hate Quidditch:

Potter plays it. Yup, and he's amazing at it. He looks so hot in those Quidditch robes. (Hey! What about me?)

It's stupid. NOT! NO!

It's confusing. NUH-UH! You just need to know how to play it.

Potter plays it. SO? So?

Potter plays it. Um…

Potter plays it. Yeah…

Potter plays it. I think you're a bit obsessed.

Potter plays it. I think you liiikeee hiiim!

Potter plays it. Don't tell James that. He won't stop grinning like an idiot for the rest of his life.

Potter plays it. I still think she does.

Why I shouldn't go out with Potter: Hem hem…

He's bigheaded, I'm not. He's not a bighead! You are too sometimes…

He doesn't care about studies, I do. Yes he does! Even though it doesn't seem like it. And yeah, you do…a lot.

He's a prat, I'm not. NOT TRUE! Nope…

He wants to go out with me, I don't. Oh trust me…He REALLY does…

He does what Sirius wants, I do what I want. HEYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahhahahahhaha (punch) OUCH!

He's popular, I'm not that popular. Hehe… You are too!

Why, (cause I'm bored) should I go out with Potter: THAT WOULD MAKE HIM AND ALL THE MARAUDERS THE HAPPIEST MEN ALIVE!!!!! YAY GO LILY!!

He really likes me. Yup. Trust me I should know. He fucking goes on and on and on about how gorgeous you are and I'm like SHUT THE F… Shut up Sirius.Yeah. I think you liiikeee him toooo don't you Lilykins?

I have no other option. And you like him. Admit it flower. Or you could ignore him forever but Noooooo you choose to out with him…(bites lip) HOW SWEET!!


He can be really sweet sometimes, when Sirius is not around. HEY!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. True. Very true…(OUCH! AGAIN)

I should always give people a chance. NO KIDDING! Yeah, remember that guy who was like in love with you in fourth year? Oh, he was so se…okay that's not the point.

He is really trying to change this year. Once again…NO FREAKING KIDDING!!! (glad you noticed) he is Lily, he loves you.

Okay, I've realized all my lists are about Potter. Oh crap. I don't like him, not one bit. Maybe a tiny teeny bit. I'll write about something else. YOU LIKE HIM SO!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHA. Wait…did you just say you did? (THUMP) Hey Lily, Sirius just passed out so I guess I'll continue on my own. CONGRATULATIONS! Took you long enough to figure it out.

Why I like Charms so much: Uhhhh….

I am good at it. Yup. Agree with you on that.

Professor Flitwick likes me. He hates me! Remember when I caused his hair to grow longer than himself and turn pink? HAHAHA.

It's fun to do. I'll take your word.

I learn a lot of useful spells. True.

James is in my class. What???? OOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh My God! OH MY FUCKING GODDESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did I just call him James? Did I just say I liked being in his class? Oh my god. Wow, what's wrong with me? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH A CERTAIN HOTTIE KNOWN BY THE NAME JAMES ALLEN POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, well I only wrote 5 lists. I'll write the next 5 later. Can't wait.

XOXO, Lily

Love, Lizzie

& Sirius but he's currently unavailable. (Chuckles)

Review if you feel like it though. Would be nice though…I love going to my email inbox and finding lots of reviews…(hint hint) yeah, well. Off to continue Those Magic Years. Unless some other random story comes to mind. :P

Love, Ale