Note: ' ' and italics are for thoughts

Warning: LEMON

Chapter 6

"Sess…?" Inuyasha choked out. "What are you doing here in the middle of the hallway?"

Seeshomaru merely stepped forward and grabbed Inuyasha in his arms.

"Let me go! What are you doing?"

"No I won't"

"You're not making any sense."

However, all of Inuyasha's protest resigned as Sesshomaru kissed him; it was a bittersweet kiss. Both men melted into this moment and gave in hungrily as they closed the gap between their lips with each suctions, licking and eating each other's soft pulp against their own mouth. Faint Tears found Inuyasha's golden eyes as he continued to indulge himself in this moment. It was real. Sesshomaru the walking cold icicle was kissing him passionately.

Though Inuyasha felt that it would be wrong for him to accept Sesshomaru, but at the same time it felt right; it was what he needed. He could feel his own heart thriving against his chest. "Sess…." He purred the name as he held tightly to the broad body and dug his fingers into his shirt. Sesshomaru simply lifted Inuyasha up and carrying him bridal style walked towards his room.

Staring into the matching golden orbs Inuyasha felt both weak and vulnerable. Sesshomaru made the first move as he took the blushing boy's chin and kissed the soft lips above it. Shyly Inuyasha engaged himself in the moment and wrapped his arms around others wide shoulders. He returned the kiss eagerly as he granted entrance to his hot and watery cavern. Mewling in their kiss, Sesshomaru worked his hand down, slipping it in his lover's shirt.

"Sesshomaru" Inuyasha purred again as Sesshomaru found his neck and planted soft butterfly kisses along his neck line. He arched his head back to grant the man more access as he felt his aching organ growing beneath his hips. Sesshomaru had gone deep and taken the boy's growing hardness before he even noticed it. While his lips explored the boy's upper body, tasting and gently caressing every crevice and fracture that he could find, his right hand fingered around the swollen organ and slowly pumping it.

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Sesshomaru's neck pulling him in for another long kiss. Sesshomaru's wish was granted, slowly without breaking eye contact he pulled their obstructing garment and threw it out of sight.

Inuyasha's eyes fixed on the very sight of the handsome built in front of him. Observing the man in front of him; he noticed that Sesshomaru was much larger than he was both width and length wise. The man was perfect from head to toes. How could anyone be so perfect?

Waves of pleasure took over Inyasha's body as Seshomaru prepared him. Slippery fingers ran up and along with an impatient wet tongue. As Sesshomaru thrust his thick and hard erection against Inuyasha's prostate; the boy groaned and cried out loud.

Inuyasha couldn't help, but to call out his Sesshomaru's name with every sharp thrust. With a final push, he filled his lover completely and sprayed his hot expulsion into the heavenly hole. Inuyasha's burning body had also given in. He panted heavily as he squeezed the enormous pleasure inside of him and orgasmed.

Sesshomaru fell onto his back and pulled his lover into his arms. Inuyasha rested his head against Sesshomar's chest with his arms circling around the bigger man's waist. Both men remained silent as they tried to calm their breathing while enjoying the company of their wet bodies pressing against each other.

After a brief moment, Sesshomaru lifted Inuyasha's head up; as if he wanted to see what kind of expression he was wearing at that moment. Inuyasha was socked to found Sesshomaru give a genuine smile, with eyes that were glowing with spark of intimacy. It seeped an infinite and prolonging desire, which caused his heart to race and pounded madly against his chest. Inuyasha turned away blushing right before he rested his head back on the other's chest. Lying completely naked against each other's soft skin, they were each other's universe. Both men slowly drifted away and a mutual rhythm found them as their hearts synchronized into one melody.


It was a lovely day, clear blue sky and a mild cool breeze. However, unfazed by the beautiful morning Inuyasha was currently dragging his legs mechanically towards the school while his thoughts were crossing in the regular dangerous zone.

'I can't believe it; it's been over a month since I've been sleeping with HIM. Since last thirty nights I've walked up to his doors to sell my body to him.'

A few weeks ago, something like this would have been unthinkable. If anyone had told him that he would one day be caught in a situation like this, he would have thought them insane and punched the person bloody plum, but now it was THE TRUTH of his life. The one and only dark secret that he had kept well hidden from the world and hoped it would stay like that.

'What will happen if someone would find out about it' this thought always brought a chill down his spine. 'What will they others think when they know I've been sleeping with a man and on top of that non- other than that asshole Sesshamaru.' They had been in the same school since elementary school and though have never known or formally talked to one another, their animosity was pretty well-known. 'Sometimes when I think about it, I really don't know why I hated him so much, why the mere mention of his name brought a sour taste to my mouth. Well may be it was because, somewhere subconsciously, I knew what he was about to do to me. But to be brutally honest, may be some of the things that he does are not so very bad"

" JEEZZZZZ… WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING" he squealed aloud, and stared banging his head on a near by tree, to clear up the garbage flowing through his mind. It was only when he heard random voices around him that he realized he was actually in middle of a busy street, banging his head in broad daylight. Several passers-by's have already gathered around him giving him peculiar stares as if they have discovered people from Mars. "OH Crap" was the only thing that came out from his mouth, and than dashing through the herd of people surrounding him he stormed away.


It was the lecture just before lunch and all the patience of Inuyasha had already drained out. 'I think my watch has stopped, just much longer do I've wait for this torture to be over' and before he knew he had fallen asleep only to be roughly awaken after 10 minutes by the extremely agitated teacher.

"Well it seems you are loosing your interest in studies completely, earlier atleast you would make an effort but now you prefer to snooze off"

"..I…..Well…." Inuyasha tried to explain, but was roughly cut by the angry sensei.

"I'm even tired of giving you a detention; it's been the fifth time in last two weeks"

'Oh No, not another detention' and so to prevent himself, he said the only thing he was expected to say "Sensei, I'm sorry".

And just as the teacher was about to lash any further comments the lunch bell ranged, huffing the teacher turned after giving him a deadly warning glare.

'YIPEEE… Kami-sama is surely smiling on me today' he mentally grimed only to find a very-very angry Kagome marching up towards him.


Throughout the lunch Kagome was bashing him about his change in attitude from bad to worse. She lectured about him being irresponsible, lazy , stubborn etc… etc….when finally his patience cracked and he lashed out on her with equal fury concluding with "MIND YOUR DAMN OWN BUSINESS , AND LEAVE ME ALONE, DAMN YOU". He left the cafeteria after that but not before he saw tears simmering down Kagome's face. Through out the second half of the classes he sat dumb, thinking guilty for lashing out on poor Kagome who was only show her concern. Finally the classes were over, and the students hurried out to leave, but Inuyasha remained seated. He couldn't move, the scene at cafeteria kept on repeating in his mind, faint tears had already gathered near the corner of his eyes.

"Don't, look so low; it makes you look even a more basket case than you already are".

"HUH" he responded and found a smiling Sango standing in front his desk

"Ready to go, the bell rang nearly 15 minutes ago" she said and grabbing his hands pulled him towards the classroom door.

"You know, she is just concerned about you" Sango said while they were walking towards the school grounds. Under their favorite tree, Inuyasha spotted Miruko and Kagome waiting for them to arrive. Relief was all he felt and happily he bounced towards them only to stop right in front of a depressed Kagome.

"Kagomeee….I…" He started in a shaky voice. He was never good with words and apologizing was definitely not his cup of tea. He was feeing awkward and tensed but all that washed away when he heard Kagome giggling "C'mon Inuyasha you can't even say a simple word as sorry" and than all three of his friends started laughing aloud.

"Hey, just who are you guys laughing at, I didn't said sorry cause I didn't felt like" He said trying to sound angry when inside he felt as happy and relieved as them.

"WHAT…." squealed Kagome with his hands on her hips.

"OK..OK…you two don't start it again" Sango spoke in between.

"Yup keep it limited to one fight per day" added Miruko in a perky voice. And than laughing they left the school. In lieu of the current fight they decided to stop by their favorite hang-out, the sushi shop before going home. Kagome was unusually quite, mind it she was talking, but being the BIGG chatter box, she seemed pretty low.

"Hey, what's wrong, are you still mad" Inuyasha said placing a hand on her shoulder

She shook her head in negation and than in a sad voice spoke "I am really concerned about you Inuyasha, I really don't understand what is wrong with you, but I know something is wrong"

"Actually Kagome is right you have changed" added Sango

" Uh Huh.." Miruko nodded in agreement and said "I bet its something to do with you secretive job"

All colour drained out of Inuyasha's face, he felt as if he would have a nervous breakdown right at that moment. He panicked and was sure that his heart was currently beating 100 times faster.

"C'mon man, don't look so pale, it was just a joke, where is your sense of humour gone" Miruko spoke out seeing the freaked out expression on friend's face.

'Thank god, I told them that I work at a bar in night shift, cause that's the only high paying place where people of my qualification can work'

"I really don't get it, how come a minor like you work in a bar" words from Sango broke Inuyasha's train of thoughts.

"Well didn't I told ya, the owner kind of melted after hearing my story and moreover, nobody except the owner knows that I'm only 15."

"I called Rin and Kohaku yesterday; it seems you've not talked to them in quite a while, they are worried too" suddenly Kagome spoke looking directly into Inuyasha's eyes.

Inuyasha simply shrugged his shoulders as he really didn't know what to say.

"Hey, that's very bad Inuyasha, common the kids can really be terrified, it's tougher for them, you know you mom's accident, than new town, new school everything new." Sango spoke out.

"Ohh yeah, you need to be in constant touch with them, they need you the most" added Miruko.

"Hey Guys, SAY WHAT…" Kagome suddenly brimmed in between with a wide smile on his face.

"WHAT – SAY WHAT" the other three said in union.

Clasping her hands together she grimed "Let's go visit them. Last night after the call Souta asked me if we can go visit Rin and Kohaku , at that time I merely chided him off, but know that I think about it , WHY NOT…"

"Oh yeah sounds great, it would be like group vacation, we can leave on Friday and come back by Sunday night, so all we'll only miss school on Friday" Sango spoke excitingly.

"Count me in, so its Monday today, lets plan for coming Friday" Miruko said in a equally exciting voice.

"Wait a minute, what are you guys rambling about, it's not possible" Inuyasha spoke out nervously seeing his friends making up something that would probably not be possible considering his night engagements.

"And why not" Kagome said irritatedly seeing her perfect plan be ruined

"Well…what about my job…as you said it would be three days, I don't think I can go for that long, my boss wont allow" he spoke timidly seeing his three friends hovering over him with murderous glares.

"Don't be ridiculous, every person who work has a right to take leaves, and how many leaves have you taken till yet" the usually calm Sango spoke angrily.

"uhuh…none..actually, I even work on weekends." Inuyasha whispered softly.

"What are you, stupid or something?, working without any leaves, just go and tell your boss you need a 3 day leave and that too to meet your siblings, don't worry he'll understand" Miruko joined in.

'Yeah sure, HE'LL understand' However, Inuyasha was unable to make any further complains firstly because he himself wanted to go and secondly his friends were simply not ready to take a no and if he would have said anything more they would have become suspicious.

And so for all through out the week Inuyasha tried to tell Sesshomaru about his plans, but failed to do so. Mainly because at times Sesshomaru jumped over him on the stairs, or may be in the hallway or like last night as soon as he entered the room and began doing kissing and practically eating his mouth and thoughts. The bottom line was that the moment he met Sesshomaru all rational thoughts simply evaporates and all left is the live action, words are simply not required.


Friday Morning:

The deep slumber of the two occupants in the room was roughly broken by the shrieking loud sound of the alarm clock. 'Thank god, I remembered to set the alarm' Inuyasha grimed and jumped out the bed. He hurried into the bathroom for a shower and to dress up. Sesshomaru's sleep was broken by the faint noises coming from the bathroom, checking the digital clock which read 5:15 AM he was surprised to find Inuyasha missing on the bed. 'Where is he gone' and just as he was about to get panicked the bathroom door was clicked open and an all dressed up Inuyasha walked out.

"What are you doing all dressed up this early, do like me taking off your clothes or what" he said in a seductive tone. It brought a faint blush across Inuyasha's face but he knew he had to speak out what he was trying to say all week long.

'Can't back out now' he said to himself , nervously biting his lips and fisting his palms, he spoke with as much courage and confidence as he could muster, " I'm leaving early as I've to catch a train at 7 today"

"And precisely what do you mean by that" Sesshomaru said in usual calm voice.

"I forgot to tell you earlier, but I've decided to visit my brother and sister at my grand parent's house. So, I'll be gone for three days and will be back by Monday and…"

"You are not going" Sesshomaru voice cut him off in between. His voice sounded neither angry nor irritated rather it was calm, deadly calm which somehow managed to give a cold shiver to the usual haughty Inuyasha. But Sesshomaru usually had that effect on him, if not always, than atleast since last one month. After being dumb folded for a while he lashed out angrily, "Dammit, I'll go wherever I want to, how you dare try to tell me what I can do and what not'

Simply ignoring everything Inuyasha was spitting out, Sesshomaru simply stepped out the bed and walked with his usual grace towards his prey. It was only when Sesshomaru stood an inch away from him did Inuyasha realized that the person he was lashing out actually walked upto him and was currently standing in front of him stalk naked. Gulping his own saliva couple of times as his mouth went dry seeing his bedmate in his naked glory. 'He's so gorgeous, he's like the original sin…ohhh my god what am I thinking' he mentally slapped himself for having such thoughts about his so called arch-nemesis. Seeshomaru merely smirked as if knowing completely well what Inuyasha was thinking. 'Damn the man and damn that sexy smirk of his….now since when did I started thinking his smirk to change from being annoying to being sexy….he'll really be my death one day'

"No you can't" and than after running his fingers seductively over Inuyasha's lips Sesshomaru continued "atleast not at nights"

Inuyasha had absolutely no idea as to what he was talking about. Was there some thread of conversation he had missed somewhere? He felt stupid and slow as He tried to sort through his muddled thoughts. What had they been discussing before…? Ohh yess he said he could anything he wants.

Stepping couple of steps back, so that he could think again, he said, "Well its been too long since I've done my job, and so its my right to take a break once in a while, I'm merely enticing my rights"

But before Sesshomaru could say anything, Inuyasha's cell phone ranged, it was Kagome.

"Good morning sleepy head, I hope you are up" and than she giggled

"Of course I am and I'm just about to leave, see ya at station than" Inuyasha replied in a low voice sensing a strange aura coming from the other person in the room.

"Allright, bye- bye" the girl replied and cut off the phone.

"Well, as you can see, it's not just me but couple of my friends who have decided to go, so I can't cancel the trip, so I've to go" Inuyasha said firmly and quietly gathered his belongings and left the room leaving a dangerously pissed off Sesshomaru behind.

'So you are planning a get- away with THAT girl, well I won't let you go anywhere away from me. You are mine and only mine and soon you'll say that yourself my dear Inuyasha…….'


Author's Note:

Woofff….that was a really long chapter and I hope it was worth the long wait.

I'm sorry I couldn't update earlier, was really busy.

If you like it than please leave a review, as usual your comments are treasured .

Next time: Vacation Blast….