Title: Light of the Moon
Author: Lola1618ut
Genre: Romance/Fantasy/Action-Adventure/and a lil' Comedy
Summary: Kagome's destiny lies within the lives of the sons of the Inu no Taishou and was predicted long before she was born. See how she delves deeper into the knowledge that she didn't just "accidentally" fall into the well; as her present and their past collide to reveal the true power of Kagome and her connection to the Son of the Moon. [Lord Sesshoumaru/Kagome]
Pairing: Lord Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Disclaimer: Ha! I do own InuYasha…Well, actually only in my head…but trust me, that place is way more complicated than any legal court system. So don't sue me, the sane one. I know I don't own any part of InuYasha, but that "other" personality sprouting off profanities in my head, totally disagrees with that statement. OK! OK! As usual, I shall observe the formalities. I do not own the InuYasha storyline or associated characters. I just own my original storyline that includes elements from the InuYasha canon.
Also, this will be the only time I will be saying this, so as to maintain the integrity of my writing and keep the pace as fluid and uninterrupted as I possibly can. You don't need me to repeatedly say that, "I don't own any party of InuYasha". Although the story idea of fiction I have created is entirely mine and any characters unfamiliar to the original story of InuYasha are mine and not in any way taken from the stories of other FanFic. authors.
A/N: OK, so I'm extremely brand new to this who FanFic. Scene. I'm inspired to write because I've read many other great works by some serious writers here. So, don't be too harsh or overly critical of me. This is my first time, so be gentle…
"Just Another Useless Sword"
"We inherit from our ancestors gifts so often taken for granted... Each of us contains within... this inheritance of soul. We are links between the ages, containing past and present expectations, sacred memories and future promise." – Edward Sellner
The air was fresh here.
The air was always fresh here.
This occurrence was of course wholly unnatural, and yet, it was soothing if not completely misplaced.
Air this fresh didn't belong in caves like this. These caves, made of granite and marble, minerals carved from the harsh rise and fall of waters that had long ago receded and were filled with hollowed alcoves of jagged and smooth stone.
Such air does not survive in a place that required this much time and pressure to create it.
Every rock, every crevice…sparkled…sparkled as if they were just washed over by a heavy rain or were touched by the gentle dew of morning. These calcite caverns, where crystals glittered from the ceiling like many stars in a galaxy, went unnoticed once again. Their beauty, disregarded, by the stoic yōkai lord.
Standing on the edge of a great precipice, Lord Sesshoumaru's attention was focused on the centerpiece of these wondrous caves as he looked upon the last sword his father had commissioned Tōtōsai to make before his death.
Tōtōsai, the same seemingly inept sword smith that crafted both the Tessaiga and Tenseiga from the fangs of his father, the great Inu no Taishou. Master craftsman that he is, Tōtōsai had a knack for creating weaponry that was incredibly strong, which was surprising, as they were made by a most cowardly yōkai.
Sesshoumaru could barely endure his aging ineptitude and frequent impudence, and were it not for the power of the swords created by his addled mind, Sesshoumaru would no longer seek out of the services of said yōkai.
Mildly intrigued, Sesshoumaru found himself once again circling the heirloom as a predator to its prey and wondering about the item in question that was so fiercely guarded. His stoic face remained completely impassive, as his golden eyes never once diverted from his point of interest.
:: Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi - "Heaven's Cloud-Gathering Sword"
Legend had it that this 'crescent or moon blade' chooses its wielder, and when doing so, gives that person immeasurable power. It is believed that the sword makes its wielder invincible in battle because it has the ability to lower targets demonic resistance with each strike and that it would never miss an opponent.
If the stories were true, such a powerful blade should not be kept in the depths of a cave. This too, bothered Sesshoumaru. The swords placement was an enigma in itself.
:: Sneering, Sesshoumaru thought to himself, "Who hides a sword in 'plane-site' within a cavernous chamber?"
Granted, you would practically run into the thing if it weren't for that one gleaming orb of light shinning deceptively above it. It was as if the heavens were daring someone to take it.
:: Kami, I almost wish that someone would take it. Then it would no longer be my burden.
The sword was tempting.
It was said that the blade was magically honed to a razor's edge, to enhance the wielder's strength and could be used to call down lightning bolts from storm clouds and be used to manipulate clouds and the air around it in other ways. It was once believed to be able to fight in battle without being held.
:: Musing to himself silently, "That certainly would prove useful…"
Kissed by the sparkle of moonlight, it gleamed in an unholy glory. The blade itself, glowed a celestial blue, eerily more potent due to the light of the moon. The hilt an elongated crescent attached to a double-edged straight sword, that appeared sharp enough to cut through air…or clouds as it were.
:: Was this my father's last act of defiance against his throne before his death?
Lord Sesshoumaru pondered the probability of his father creating this sword with such a strong barrier around it as some sort of test, but then immediately dismissed the idea for its foolishness. He was too old and already a proven warrior before his father's death, for some petty test!
:: Why have a sword created that no one can use….yet alone get past the barriers that protect it, to properly wield it?
:: It is like the Tenseiga that can not cut. Nor does it kill, but only revive from the dead.
Sesshoumaru stood somewhat perplexed and he did not like to be perplexed. Why should he concern himself of this sword for a moment longer? It was not a weapon he could wield and he wasn't certain if he would want to if he could.
:: I would have it destroyed, but noyōkai or hanyō can seem to get near it.
Yōkai were known for their demonic strength and supernatural powers. Not unlike the lesser hanyō, who were weak because of their human parent and thus tainted blood.
But this barrier…This barrier seemed intent on the destruction of any who dared to pass it; yōkai, hanyō, and human alike. This sword could not and seemingly would not be appeased. Therefore it stayed, untouched by hand or time.
Lord Sesshoumaru looked upon the sword harshly as one adversary to another, loathing the sign that depicted the start of his father's weakness and the decline in the strong Daiyōkai heritage.
:: Damn my father!
This sword was tainted with unfavorable memories of the great warrior his father once was BEFORE he fell at the hands of humans. And not just once, but TWICE!
First, his father fell at the hands of his beloved Izayoi, being foolish enough to harbor feelings for a human and cause her to give birth to their bastard hanyō son, InuYasha. And then again, proving more fatal the interaction between himself and these humans as he was brought down at the hand of the unworthy Setsuna no Takemaru. Takemaru, who was jealous of the love Izayoi shared with the great Inu no Taishou.
:: It is most intriguing though…What of this 'Heaven's Cloud-Gathering Sword"? What does it really do, if anything at all? So much legend and myth surround the damnable-thing, even though it has never been used before.
:: I would assume the blade is as useless as my idiot half-brother, but the strength of the barrier alone, would cause me to question the possibility of its foretold power.
This unnatural compulsion to 'check on' this sword on occasion disturbed him most of all. There was a certain pull the sword had on him and it wasn't just because it was a family heirloom. Something about the sword made him feel uneasy and kept…disturbing him. As if there was more was to come…
:: Sesshoumaru mentally scoffed, "This is ridiculous. I will not venture here again."
"This is but, yet another useless sword."
:: First the Tenseiga, and now this: "Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi"
Turning abruptly, so that his cape flapped in the minor disturbance of air, Lord Sesshoumaru addressed his retainer.
Startled out of his reverie, the little toad yōkai almost foisted himself over a cliff, in an attempt to prostrate himself before his lord.
"Y-ye-yes my lord?"
"Go and find Ah-Un and prepare for our return to the palace."
"Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru. Right away!"
And with that, he was gone. Lord Sesshoumaru left confident, with his intent to never again return to this place. And to no longer allow this sword to hold his interest captive any longer.
I really hope that you enjoyed the beginning to my first FanFic. and I hope that you'll continue on with me during what I believe is going to be an interesting journey for both of us!