Disclaimer: Has no rights to Naruto. Wish I could claim almost any of the hot bishies therein, but alas, it is impossible.

Note: I am not even a NejiSaku fan. Then how, may you ask, did I come to write this fic? Simple- humid day, midnight to 2 am reading my first few tastes of this pairing, and waking up too early the next morning. Enjoy my insanity.

Absolutely Positive

Kyuubi Tenshi

"You're sure you don't have any feelings for Tenten?"

Neji felt a vein pop on his forehead. It was extremely rare for him to ever get riled, but Haruno Sakura was doing a bang-up job on her first attempt. That was, at last count, the tenth time she had asked him that question. In one hour.

"I'm positive, Sakura." And she would contemplate his answer for a few minutes, study his face, and seemingly decide he was lying, as she would always ask him again.

"Absolutely and completely positive?" Oh, thank heavens. The format of her question finally changed. We're making progress.

"Yes, absolutely and completely."

He ignored her typical inspection of his person from the porch, continuing his attempt to train despite her annoying questions. But this time… the next question didn't come when he thought it would. He was so surprised he actually stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her. She sat there, still seeming to contemplate him, her beryl eyes searching his silver ones in practiced scrutiny.

"Prove it."

He blinked.

Prove it? And how did she expect him to do that? He cocked an eyebrow at her curiously. She gave him a rather impassive look, and stated the two-word sentence again.

"Prove it."

"And how do you expect me to do that?" he asked, coming to stand directly in front of her. He propped his hands on the floorboards on either side of her thighs, his eyes directly aligned with hers, raven hair falling about his face a little. "Give me a suggestion, Sakura. Tell me what will prove to you that I hold my teammate in no special light."

She narrowed her eyes at him dangerously.

"That isn't my job. I just told you to prove it."

She asked for it. You know you want to.

Shut up.

But it'll work, I promise! This will most definitely prove to Sakura that you don't love Tenten. Completely irrefutable evidence!

Neji had to agree with his inner self. This was definitely evidence that could not be refuted. He was close enough to her…

"Am I right, Hyuuga? Have you been lying to m-!"

If the roseate-haired kunoichi had been any other besides herself, she would've most definitely fainted the moment the prodigy's lips graced hers. No, merely saying 'graced' implies chasteness in a kiss.

Had you been that certain Haruno at the moment, you would've know that was far, far away from the truth. He had soon pushed her onto her back, his body purposely pressed intimately next to hers, his tongue storming her mouth in an overly-aggressive attack. When he did, at long last, pull away, the kunoichi pinned beneath him was wide-eyed and obviously lost for anything to say. He smirked proudly, leaning his head down again to press a taunting kiss on her neck.

"Like I said. Absolutely positive."

AN: Not my best effort, but meh, it was an idea. First NejiSaku; hope you liked. REVIEW; and remember, I wrote this about six months ago.