Disclaimer: I do not own FMA/ Wolf's rain/Gundam Wing any characters I do own I will write a short profile at the beginning of the chapter

Chapter 23: Hogsmead - part one

Ed woke on the eighth of February and smiled as he inhaled Roy's scent and hmmed


"Morning Koi(love)"

"morning Kitten. How are you?"

"I'm fine Roy-san. How are you this morning?"

"Relaxed… for now."



Ed groaned as he nuzzled his head into Roy's chest.


"I don't want to get up. I want to stay in bed today."

"We promised Albus that we would be chaperone the kids today."

"AWWWWW… fine." Ed groaned as he sat up and moved off the bed. Roy reached out and caught his hand.

"Not so fast Kitten. We have a good two hours before we have to get to ready."

"No chance Mustang! Last time we only had two hours we ended up in our earlier predicament."

"Edddd! You can't cut me off!"

"I can and I will." Ed growled as he moved to the en suite and locked the door with alchemy and magic. Once Ed was washed and dressed he exited the room and ignored the still stunned Roy. He walked into the sitting area to find most of the boys already awake and almost ready to go.

"Morning." Ed said as he sat down. Toboe moved across to Ed and placed his head on Ed's lap.

"Morning Ed-san… where is Roy-san?" Duo asked looking around.

"I've left him to get ready. Lord knows how long he will take to get ready."

"Why?" Ginny asked as she entered the room.

"His mind was preoccupied." Ed said evenly.

"Pre… occupied?" Hermione asked as she followed closely behind Ginny.

"Mm hm. Like most men are in the morning." Ed said smirking slightly. A pin could be heard. Harry, Ron, Duo, Heero, Wufei, Quatre, Trowa, Tsume, Kiba, Hige and Hermione's eyes went wide slightly before a blush appeared on Hermione's face.

"Oh." she said before picking up her book and opened it at her marked place.

"What do you mean Professor?" Ginny asked still slightly confused. Hermione looked at her for a minute before whispering in her ear. Ginny's face turned red. "OH!"

"Yes, quite." Hermione said as the door to Roy and Ed's room opened and a clean wrapped up Roy exited the room. Ed stood and the students and Wolfs all stood as well and they walked out of the room and down to the great hall. Ed sat down next to Remus ignoring Roy still.

"Ed?" Remus asked confused.

"Pass the rolls please?"

Remus blinked before passing the rolls to Ed. Remus looked passed Ed to Roy, who looked sheepishly at Remus and shrugged.

"How about we walk into Hogsmead together, Ed?" Remus asked.

"Sure, if you don't want to stay here with Snuffles."

"No snuffles is going to be in Hogsmead with Harry and the others today."

"sure thing then. Can you as Professor Mustang when he wishes to leave?"

"Err…… okay. Roy?"

"Straight after breakfast the children will want an early start." Roy said smiling slightly.

Duo sat looking worried at Ed.

"Duo, is something wrong?" Harry asked.

"… Ed seems different… distracted and obviously annoyed with Roy." Duo managed to say before a screech filled the hall. Every head turned to see Relena standing in the door way arguing with Professor Dumbledore.


"Miss Peacecraft you have over stayed your welcome. I am afraid that we are not a hotel nor are we a palace we are a school. A school that has a limited amount of space and you are taken up ten rooms for your wardrobe. Therefore I must ask you to leave."

"I will not! I will not leave with out Hero and I will not be treated like a commoner." she screamed.

"I'm afraid Miss Relena that is all you are now." Heero said before taking a sip of his coffee.

"H-Hero? What do you mean?"

"Just what I said you are a commoner. You are no longer Heir to the throne. The throne belongs to another. The son of Fuhrer Roy Mustang."

"HE'S MARRIED!" many of the seventh year girls screeched.

"Involved with someone." Harry said before nibbling at his toast.

"NO! I am the heir to Xion! I will not be taken from my rightful place."

"I am afraid you are mistaken girl. I have no daughter. I have one son… sure he is only a few days old but in your time he is fifteen and knows of my title, my job and my partner. He has more right to the throne than you ever will. Duo, Heero, Harry are you ready to go?"


"Hogsmead. Professor Elric is already on his way down with Professor Lupin and half of the school already."

Harry, Duo and Heero rose to their feet and walked to the door as Heero walked past Relena she grabbed his arm.

"I am not leaving with out you hero. You are my fiancé!"

"Wrong. I am not your fiancé as I have never dated you or liked you. You are an assignment and nothing more."

"B-But you kissed me!"

"Wrong. You kissed me. I would never kiss you even if you were the last woman left on earth." Heero said before leaning in close and whispered. "I'm gay" before walking away from her following Duo, Harry and Roy down the stairs to the gate. They found the others from the dorm waiting on them at the entrance of Hogsmead.

"Let's go." Roy said walking past them with Heero not far behind him.

A/N: Gomen Minna-san. My computer crashed and I haven't been able to get my original files off of my hard drive. So I've changed certain parts of this chapter. I am also reverting back to my paper copies and hope to have more of all my stories up before I start studying for my next set of exams, Mika-chan.