A man in a steel armor walked down a dark passage.

"Did you get it?" came a voice behind him. The man jumped. Even after all this time it scared him when she did that. He turned around and knelt before the person behind him and bowed his head. She wore a long cloak and a hood. "Well did you?"

"No Master. The Titans stopped me." The man said. Suddenly black energy surrounded him and lifted him into the air.

"AGAIN?" the person shouted. The black energy started to squeeze the man.

"Forgive me Master." The man begged. The person held the grip until the man nearly fainted. Then she dropped him on to the floor.

"You are forgiven. This time. Fifty lashes." The person said. "Do not fail again."

"Yes Master. Thank you Master." The man said bowing to her again. He then stood up and hurriedly left.

The person disappeared into the shadows. She reappeared in another room that was obviously a bedroom. There was a man seated in an armchair reading a book. He wore a metallic black armor. He looked up at her.

"That pathetic piece of scum you call Slade failed again." The woman said. The man sighed.

"Those accursed Titans again I take it." The man said. She nodded and sat down in an armchair beside his. "They're really becoming a problem."

"What do we do about them?" The woman asked.

"I don't know. I talked to Blood and they've taken down H.I.V.E students as well." the man said.

"Perhaps we can have our demons attack them." The woman said.

"But I don't really want to give away our alliance with your father just yet." He said.

"Agreed. I don't want to give away our demon army over enemies as simple as the Titans. The idiots haven't even figured out we are the brains behind Slade. We should try and send a spy into their midst. That way we can learn their weaknesses and strengths." The woman stated. The man nodded. He was pacing up and down the room lost in thought. The woman sighed. "I know that look. What is that wonderfully sadistic mind of yours thinking up now?" She asked with a smile.

"Think about it. They have somehow managed to beat Slade. Several times. As well as our H.I.V.E. students." The man said.

"I see where you're going. But it'll be close to impossible to turn them. They are too pure. They believe in justice, peace, harmony, helping others and all that rubbish."

"Well maybe they don't work for us willingly." The man said with an evil smile. She gave him a questioning look. "Lately I've been working on these mind control chips. I could use them on the Titans. Though I would prefer to turn them."

"That would work. But we will still need some way to get close enough to implant the chips or manage to turn them." The woman said. "We need a spy. But who is cunning and clever enough to pull it off." The man sat down again. At this point a blonde girl entered the room.

"Master here are those documents you wanted." The blonde girl said as she handed the man some papers. The man nodded curtly at her.

"You are dismissed." The man said. The girl left. There was a pause before both the man and woman sat straight up.

"TERRA!" they both shouted at the same time.

"She's perfect for the mission." The woman said. "She can pretend to be a hero, have them make her a Titan, find out their weakness and we can build on that."

"Yes it's perfect." The man said. "Well done my dear, well done." With that he leaned over and gently kissed her. "I'll inform her of her mission." He said after they had broken the kiss and walked out of the room. He came back after a few minutes.

"Taken care of." He stated sitting down next to her on the bed. She nodded. He removed the mask he had on revealing a pair of sky blue eyes and she pulled down the hood of her cloak revealing a diamond shaped jewel implanted on her forehead.